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    Lazy Llama

The UK left

That was meant to read grey haired old ladies. :D
haha :D By no means only old ladies. Also my younger brother getting me to read the instructions on packet of weedkiller.

Actually, this points to a serious problem - instructions on things like that ought to be legible to everyone (although it's also fair to say that people should not leave their glasses at home).
haha :D By no means only old ladies. Also my younger brother getting me to read the instructions on packet of weedkiller.

Actually, this points to a serious problem - instructions on things like that ought to be legible to everyone (although it's also fair to say that people should not leave their glasses at home).

It annoys me when there's minute fucking writing (on instructions for use too) surrounded by loads of 'white space' which you know some designer has decided on because they think it looks nice.
It's not though.

This is the only place I've seen it.

If you happen to know some of the more mid 20's hipster bits of the left, the ones that are either around stuff like Plan C or the Red London type stuff - and there is no reasons why you should really - you would have seen this meme a lot, I have. But I don't really understand why as its not particularly funny.

My guess is that the OP/Taxamo tribute is probably some sort of hipster nu-Stalinist from London, or maybe Manchester. Since we're playing guess who the OP is. Or I am. It's as good a lockdown pastime as any.

I don't think it's a particularly good guess but I have nothing but time and I'm quite prepared to keep guessing.

Plan C have written an official response to the meme, and it's gettin hundreds of comments on leftbook groups.

The fact that you know this is not in your favour.
A couple of times I’ve been along to some ‘mental health support and solidarity group’ run by Plan C people. Don’t think I’ve ever met a more unhappy bunch of people.
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