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The UK Economy & the 2023/24 recession

Presumably the populations of the US and EU have shrunk on that time scale?

Because if they hadn't, his last sentence there would have nothing at all to do with the evidence presented.
I think it relates to the fact that the vermin are clinging on to 0.1% "increase" in GDP over the whole 4 Qs of 2023 to mask the real fall in living standards.

e2a" Hills probably should have included the word "simply" between "by" and "growing", tbh
I think it relates to the fact that the vermin are clinging on to 0.1% "increase" in GDP over the whole 4 Qs of 2023 to mask the real fall in living standards.

He probably should've said that then, not some bollocks which looks exactly like a NATO standard right wing dog whistle.
He probably should've said that then, not some bollocks which looks exactly like a NATO standard right wing dog whistle.

It doesn’t read that way to me. He's making the entirely valid point that it is only by increasing the population by 750,000 per year that 'growth' has been achieved, and that the real story here not the effect of historically highl levels of immigration but a) the long run structural weakness of the UK economy (collapse of our manufacturing/productive base, low levels of investment, lack of economic democracy, obsessive fetishisation of neo-liberal orthodoxy in economic decision making, lack of an industrial strategy etc etc and b) the concomitant fall in wages and living standards.
Presumably the populations of the US and EU have shrunk on that time scale?

Because if they hadn't, his last sentence there would have nothing at all to do with the evidence presented.

Not really because he's comparing GDP per head stats not GDP overall. That implies population change has already been accounted for.
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