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The Trial of Lucy Letby

Hitchens is obviously wondering whether to make this his cause celebre. That would be interesting:

Good lord, that man really is a fucking tool eh?
Hitchens is obviously wondering whether to make this his cause celebre. That would be interesting:

Sadly I think he made so much effort to appear reasonable in that bit that he went full on in the scathing review of the King's visit to France, in which HRH did the shockingly callous thing of restating opinions he has held for many years (and so sidelined the views of millions who want to continue breathing in toxic air, consuming plastic and other carcinogens and paying ever more for fuel).
Sadly I think he made so much effort to appear reasonable in that bit that he went full on in the scathing review of the King's visit to France, in which HRH did the shockingly callous thing of restating opinions he has held for many years (and so sidelined the views of millions who want to continue breathing in toxic air, consuming plastic and other carcinogens and paying ever more for fuel).

Yes, not unlike his brother he tends to discredit his serious opinions with intermittent and presumably drunken flashes of lunacy. But he's right about Letby's supposed confession note:

"I have looked hard at the alleged confessional note but I think it can equally be interpreted as a very distressed, lonely and frightened woman describing her feelings after being accused by the police of unspeakable cruelty and of being an evil human being."
Yes, not unlike his brother he tends to discredit his serious opinions with intermittent and presumably drunken flashes of lunacy. But he's right about Letby's supposed confession note:

"I have looked hard at the alleged confessional note but I think it can equally be interpreted as a very distressed, lonely and frightened woman describing her feelings after being accused by the police of unspeakable cruelty and of being an evil human being."
Who cares what he thinks? What matters is the jury who were in possession of the full facts and not idle, unqualified commentators and thrill seeking conspiracy nuts like you.
Who cares what he thinks? What matters is the jury who were in possession of the full facts and not idle, unqualified commentators and thrill seeking conspiracy nuts like you.

Just like the jury in the Amanda Knox case. They had the full facts too. It's not unprecedented for juries to make mistakes, especially in high profile trials involving young women.
Just like the jury in the Amanda Knox case. They had the full facts too. It's not unprecedented for juries to make mistakes, especially in high profile trials involving young women.

Did they though? As I understand it the police who investigated the Knox case made several bad errors and as a result the jury didn’t in fact have good clean thorough information to work with.

As for Letby, I too was was a little ambivalent about the verdict until I watched the video I linked to earlier. The evil done by fucked up narcissists is beyond fathom but once you start to unpick and parse their behaviour, some kind of internal pattern does emerge. I’m now comfortable with the guilty verdict while still curious about what any appeal might produce.
Did they though? As I understand it the police who investigated the Knox case made several bad errors and as a result the jury didn’t in fact have good clean thorough information.
The Knox fiasco was largely the Prosecutor's fault. He literally did believe she was an actual witch. That's the sort of thing that can creep into cases like this one. I'm not sure about Letby, I'll watch the video you posted.
The Knox fiasco was largely the Prosecutor's fault. He literally did believe she was an actual witch. That's the sort of thing that can creep into cases like this one. I'm not sure about Letby, I'll watch the video you posted.
Oh wait, so now you're introducing new, totally groundless, evidence-free suggestions that this judgement was unsound because Knox judge?

If you think you can return to this site and poison and disrupt multiple serious discussions with made up flights of fantasy and unfounded conspiracy theories, you're very much mistaken. Take that as a warning.
Juries do often have difficulty evaluating evidence for guilt based on statistical evidence/probabilities (as would nearly all of us), so some doubt is understandable in cases where this seems to have been the main factor. The most obvious examples of this are cases like Sally Clark, Donna Anthony, and Angela Cannings, who were all convicted of murder by juries (following 'expert advice' from Roy Meadow), on the basis that it is too improbable that more than one child would die of SIDS. I don't know if there are any serious doubts about the statistical arguments in the Letby case, an obvious difference is that there is clear evidence for deliberate killing of at least one of the babies. The so-called written confession does not sound very convincing evidence, but I get the impression this was not such a major factor in the trial, but was played up in the media.
He's already planted his flag at the peak of the "Russell Brand is innocent" and the "Julian Assange is innocent" hills, so maybe he just wants to bag the whole conspiraloon range while he's at it.
A Three Peaks Challenge, or if he's feeling up to it, bagging all the Munros.
And you thought it might be relevant and appropriate to bring a transphobic 'joke' into the mix?
In what way is the existence of transmisogynists who keep claiming cis women who commit crimes must be trans a 'joke' ?

Rather than them pishing a fascist line that yet another reason for the official line on trans people from the Selfservatives being that a solution is required that is final in nature .

There is a significant group of transphobes who are trying to find ways to remove any trans person froma role which requires a DBS, there is no depth of misogyny thry will not plumb in doing so , and consider any cisgender person harmed in the process to be acceptable Collateral Damage
In what way is the existence of transmisogynists who keep claiming cis women who commit crimes must be trans a 'joke' ?

Rather than them pishing a fascist line that yet another reason for the official line on trans people from the Selfservatives being that a solution is required that is final in nature .

There is a significant group of transphobes who are trying to find ways to remove any trans person froma role which requires a DBS, there is no depth of misogyny thry will not plumb in doing so , and consider any cisgender person harmed in the process to be acceptable Collateral Damage
WHAT THE FUCK has this got to do with Lucy Letby?
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