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The Trial of Lucy Letby

Highlights the time-wasting and diversionary nature of "question everything," "crtical thinking"; let's cast doubt on a court verdict arrived at by about as rigorous process as you'll get in a case where if anything vested interests would have preferred a cover-up/ it all to go away. Righto.
Highlights the time-wasting and diversionary nature of "question everything," "crtical thinking"; let's cast doubt on a court verdict arrived at by about as rigorous process as you'll get in a case where if anything vested interests would have preferred a cover-up/ it all to go away. Righto.

They said the same about Amanda Knox.
I thought you'd been banned! Was that just on the RB thread?

Anyway, you think she was innocent, I don't. I don't think Letby's innocent either.
Oh yes, just on the RB thread. Prob shouldn't have chosen that one to reappear tbh. You're still not convinced of Knox's innocence? That's pretty hardcore.
Although, with reference to Letby, I don't think I've seen much misogyny. Maybe I've missed it; the case is too depressing to follow in detail, let alone read what dickheads say about it. Anything a woman does is likely to attract misogyny. A woman brushes you off, and she's a prickteasing lesbian, you can't trust them. A woman leaves an abusive marriage, and she's out to screw over her ex for money, that's what they all do. A woman calls a man out for sexual assault, and she's after attention, don't you know they're all really whores anyway?

I can't say I've seen any comments along the lines of 'Of course Lucy Letby became a nurse and killed premature babies, don't they all do that?'
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Although, with reference to Letby, I don't think I've seen much misogyny. Maybe I've missed it; the case is too depressing to follow in detail, let alone read what dickheads say about it. Anything a woman does is likely to attract misogyny. A woman brushes you off, and she's a prickteasing lesbian, you can't trust them. A woman leaves an abusive marriage, and she's out to screw over her ex for money, that's what they all do. A woman calls a man out for sexual assault, and she's out to make money out of it, don't you know they're all really whores?

I can't say I've seen any comments along the lines of 'Of course Lucy Letby became a nurse and killed premature babies, don't they all?'

it was more the unabashed sadism directed against her once she'd been convicted. Yes they do the same to men, but not in the same sexualized way.
And Putin, don't forget Putin. The invasion of Ukraine with its accompanying murder, rape, kidnapping of children and destruction of whole cities was an "escalation" and Biden's fault. Not an invasion or even a "Special Military Operation" a fucking "escalation" :facepalm:
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