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The Trial of Lucy Letby

Yeah totally as a rule, but there will be incidents where it might just happen for a short period. Understaffing is a chronic NHS issue, maybe it played a role here.
Same here. And with staff out sick it's really very stretched as a serbice over here.
God only knows what this winter will be like. The summer was terribly busy. Local regional hospital had up to 85 patients on trolleys in A&E every day and some were there a week before they got a bed
..in Summer!!

15 years of frontline HCP experience tells me this is the case and in many cases despite the best efforts of the HCPsa to provide accessible, relevant and easily understood infiormation multiple times in multiple formats

Are / were you nursing or working as a doctor?
15 years of frontline HCP experience tells me this is the case and in many cases despite the best efforts of the HCPsa to provide accessible, relevant and easily understood infiormation multiple times in multiple formats
But you replied directly to me, rather than making that point as a standalone post. So, this is what you think we did, and said so without making any further enquiries as to context first. Your bedside manner could benefit from attention.
re. the parents, I think there's an attempt to point at something murky in the absence of any explanations for such horrifying acts.

There is something there about parents, what she did was as an attack on parents as well as murder of babies. And includes an attack on her own parents, lying all that time and letting them sit there every day for 10 months listening to the evidence of what she did. Who knows how conscious that hatred is though.
Parents protecting their child over a situation where parents couldn’t protect their child. It’s a bit meta and mind bending without considering whether it’s ‘normal’.
They can bring in changes to law fast enough when they want to ...

View attachment 389572

I like the picture of the empty chairs to highlight the judge who looks lonely :(
It’s probably already been pointed out, but the threat of extra jail time to someone who has already been handed a whole life sentence isn’t really an incentive or otherwise to make them leave their cell.
re. the parents, I think there's an attempt to point at something murky in the absence of any explanations for such horrifying acts.

There is something there about parents, what she did was as an attack on parents as well as murder of babies. And includes an attack on her own parents, lying all that time and letting them sit there every day for 10 months listening to the evidence of what she did. Who knows how conscious that hatred is though.

I found this opinion piece interesting. It attempts to understand some of the underlying motives in terms of Letby’s relationship with her own parents and now that may have informed her motives wrt both the babies and their parents.

I don’t know what her credentials are etc. but at least she (mostly) says “what I think is going on here… it looks like to me….” rather than ”This is what it is”.

!ink for the website for the person who made that video, including their “about me” blurb.
Why do they still refer to her as 'nurse' Lucy Letby? It's highly unlikely she'll ever get her job back.
becasue it;s designed to arouse the Gammon ...

ironically of course as one of the things that come out of Allitt was the demise of ENs in favour of RNs with a HE based , educational, preparation for practice rather than the traditional view of the Nurse
Why do they still refer to her as 'nurse' Lucy Letby? It's highly unlikely she'll ever get her job back.
that made me wonder if she's had her registration & qualifications revoked yet. but googling that found out that "nurse" isn't a protected title in UK law. that was a surprise.
that made me wonder if she's had her registration & qualifications revoked yet. but googling that found out that "nurse" isn't a protected title in UK law. that was a surprise.

You can check the NMC register to see. IIRC they were going to fast track her expulsion from the register.

I think the 'nurse' not being a protected title is probably due to how many non-medical nurses and places use the word/title and how it would impact them.
You can check the NMC register to see. IIRC they were going to fast track her expulsion from the register.

I think the 'nurse' not being a protected title is probably due to how many non-medical nurses and places use the word/title and how it would impact them.
Yes, like nursery nurses for example. They work with under fives in a pre-school setting but don't actually administer medical treatment.
I'm wondering, given she is in prison for a whole life term with no chance of parole ever ever, is re-trying her now in the public interest? Either way she's not getting out so what difference does it make?
You can check the NMC register to see. IIRC they were going to fast track her expulsion from the register.

I think the 'nurse' not being a protected title is probably due to how many non-medical nurses and places use the word/title and how it would impact them.
the protected title is 'Registered Nurse' and the historical titles such as 'State Registered Nurse' / 'Registered General Nurse ' / 'Registered Mental Nurse' / 'Registered Sick children's Nurse' / ' State Enrolled Nurse'
that made me wonder if she's had her registration & qualifications revoked yet. but googling that found out that "nurse" isn't a protected title in UK law. that was a surprise.
her Qualification cannot be revoked becasue academic awards can only be revoked if it is determined that they have bene obtained fraudulently or by cheating

if you go to

and search for Lucy Letby or 11I0094E which is her practitioner PIN you will see that she is subject to in interim suspension order - which is norma l when someone is charged with a serious criminal offence, now she has been convicted it is likely they move to strike her off when a panel can be convened

https://www.nmc.org.uk/globalassets...st-2023/reasons-letby-icio-67757-20230829.pdf is the summary of the latest Interim Order review in this case
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