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The Russian defenestration thread

Reposted from elsewhere (18/12/22):

Two Russian businessmen have in two days died in "mysterious" circumstances.

9/12/22: Dmitry Zelenov, aged 50 or 51, was the former owner of one of Russian largest developers, Don-Stroi. There seem to be slightly different versions doing the rounds of what happened, but apparently he fell down stairs or over a railing in Antibes in the Côte d’Azur.

Just 2 days earlier...

7/12/2022: Grigory Kochenov, 41, was the creative director of IT company Agima. Another supposed self-defenestration. He allegedly fell from a balcony during a police search.

There's even a wikipedia page of 2022 deaths of Russian or Russia-connected tycoons.

2022 Russian businessmen mystery deaths - Wikipedia


Between those mentioned in my post above and the death of Pavel Antov in the OP, the director general of Admiralty Shipyards, Alexander Buzakov, died suddenly. No cause has been given. Admiralty is one of the oldest and largest shipyards in Russia.
Russians call Byelorussians "potatoes". I wonder if there was some kind of in-joke going on there? :hmm:

No, it's a colonial expression of affectionate contempt, much in the same way Englishmen used to make jokes about the Irish and potatoes.

PS : similar with the Russified "Byelorussian" which is a weird spelling from Soviet times...it's just Belarusian.
No, it's a colonial expression of affectionate contempt, much in the same way Englishmen used to make jokes about the Irish and potatoes.

PS : similar with the Russified "Byelorussian" which is a weird spelling from Soviet times...it's just Belarusian.

There’s an Englishman on here that still likes to make jokes about the Irish and potatoes. Isn’t it Ax^ ?
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No, it's a colonial expression of affectionate contempt, much in the same way Englishmen used to make jokes about the Irish and potatoes.

PS : similar with the Russified "Byelorussian" which is a weird spelling from Soviet times...it's just Belarusian.

I mean both versions are transliterated. Byelorussian comes closer to the original Cyrillic version.
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Russian and Belarusian languages differ. Check the fascinating history of language in Belarus here

"Byelorussia" is from Soviet times, who knows why, and there is still a present day newspaper Sovetskaya Byelorussiya.

Russian Cyrillic : Беларусь = Belarus

Belarusian Cyrillic = Беларусь = Bielarus

So the mangled Soviet version was presumably an attempt to acknowledge the Belarusian language under their strange obsession with a caricature of previous national cultures within the Soviet family.

All mean the same thing = "White Russia" which it is in many other languages; e.g. Dutch Wit-Rusland Estonian Valgevene Latvian Baltkrievija Lithuanian Baltarusija German Weißrusland
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This stuff pre-dates Putin. We arrived in St Petersburg on the overnight train from Moscow, on my own first visit for four years, in August 1997. only to find something a bit 'off,' although away from the city centre life continued as normal. The 'offness' was due to this (note the hand-wringing quotes from people who knew exactly what they'd started and encouraged, even if inadvertently and naively, themselves.)

As is well commented on, Putin is both a reaction to and a continuation of what was set in motion with Perestroika and which mushroomed under the heavily west-advised Yeltsin. Violence and intimidation are an integral part of the Russian political culture going back centuries. A lack of assassination and murder only happens in an historically abnormal lull. As far as we can tell, the last lull was the glorious period of Brezhnevist stagnation.
From one of the above links.: "I want to say to those who pulled the trigger and those who paid for this with their dirty stinking stolen money, we will get all of you," said a resolute Chubais, his voice cracking with emotion as he fought back tears. "Now or later, quickly or in due time, we will get all of you."

Putin came about, with the nod from the Yeltsin 'family,' precisely because there was nothing anybody could do about any of this, even if they genuinely wanted to, apart from bring some kind of order to it. Chubais went on to have an apparently comfortable niche in Putin's Russia.

'Alexei Navalny's spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, suggested that Chubais had "left Russia only out of fear for his own skin and his own money".[33]' '

And Navalny, a dubious character in his own right, is in jail, never to lead his revolution, which almost nobody in contemporary Russia wants...
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A senior Russian lawmaker has died at the age of 46 on board a plane returning from Cuba. Deputy Science Minister Pyotr Kucherenko died on Saturday (20/05/23) after falling ill during the flight.

Mr Kuchrenko had allegedly criticised the "facist" invasion of Ukraine.

Roman Super, an independent Russian journalist, wrote on his Telegram channel on Sunday that he had spoken with Kucherenko a few days before Super left Russia in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine last year.

Super described Kucherenko as an “old friend” and said the pair spoke candidly in Kucherenko’s office. Super said Kucherenko encouraged him to leave in order to save himself and his family, adding: “You can’t imagine the degree of brutalization of our country. You won’t even recognize Russia in a year.”

Kucherenko allegedly told Super that it was impossible for him to leave because authorities had taken away his passport. “And there’s no world that would be happy to see a deputy Russian minister after this fascist invasion,” Kucherenko said, according to Super.

The journalist claimed Kucherenko said he was taking “handfuls” of “antidepressants and tranquilizers at the same time” but that the self-medicating wasn’t “really helping.”

“I feel terrible,” Super recounted Kucherenko as saying. “We’re all held hostage.”

Russian Deputy Minister Dies Suddenly After Slamming ‘Fascist Invasion’ of Ukraine
Russians must have a very healthy lifestyle if falling out of windows and smoking in munitions dumps are the most common causes of death...
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