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The Russian Aviation Industry


Well-Known Member
With Boeing and Airbus cutting off ties with the country, the aviation industry seems to have three weeks left max.

No spare parts, no repair manuals, no maintenance support, not to mention the difficulty getting insurance and the no fly zones.

A large percentage of the aircraft are on lease (much of it with Ireland based lessors) so they are getting them cancelled.

Added to that, Russians are not going to be able to afford overseas seaside holidays even if there were planes to take them to the destinations.

This leaves them even more cut off than during the USSR.
Was just looking for a thread to say something about this...

A close relative works in a UK based company that does aircraft parts and repairs in the SE. Chatted to them yesterday and he said the sanctions are goiung to fuck them quite badly, especially on the back on the pandemic. They do lots of business with Russia (he said about 10% of total) and that's gone now, and he says all the invoices for Russian work won't be paid now which will cause short/medium term financial problems as well.

So, that plus airspace closures (and less people flying short term as well maybe?) more than the Russian aviation industry, how much is this going to fuck the global/aviation industry?
I deal with a company that does stuff with private aircraft and they have a large presence in Russia, they have done very well during the pandemic as private jet use has soared, this week I have so far moved 8 of their staff out of Moscow to Atlanta, the rest who were taken on during the pandemic boom will be laid off. What they know is that Russian aviation is basically dead.
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Turkish airlne seems to be the only holiday option going forward for Russia or for even getting what
little freight you can get in
With Boeing and Airbus cutting off ties with the country, the aviation industry seems to have three weeks left max.

No spare parts, no repair manuals, no maintenance support, not to mention the difficulty getting insurance and the no fly zones.

A large percentage of the aircraft are on lease (much of it with Ireland based lessors) so they are getting them cancelled.

Added to that, Russians are not going to be able to afford overseas seaside holidays even if there were planes to take them to the destinations.

This leaves them even more cut off than during the USSR.
Lots of Russians seem to get some sun on Hainan (China’s Hawaiii..) the Chinese waive the visa requirements for people on package holidays.I suspect Chinese carriers will be more than happy to pick up that slack.
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if Russian airlines are going to take the view if you need it take it

then more then likely sooner than what happened in the soviet era

also would cause the airspace to get even smaller

they'll use your plane if they need

for what flights or parts,

fuck that
Why are so many of the leasing companies Irish? Is it a tax thing?

we just really like big jets and guinness

and we re good sports about i look at the place we brought back oliver reads remains in

Aeroflot stops international flights.

Aeroflot, Russia’s flagship carrier, has announced that it will halt all international flights except to Belarus starting 8 March, reports the Associated Press.
It comes after the country’s aviation agency, Rosaviatsiya, recommended that all Russian airlines with foreign-leased planes stop passenger and cargo flights abroad, citing the high risk of them being impounded as part of western sanctions.
Maybe they are worried they might be stripped for parts?

Apparently lessors have asked Egyptian authorities to impound Ural Airlines aircraft already (flights from two resorts have been cancelled and tourists reported to be returned to hotels). Eurocontrol refusing overflight permission.
I imagine that Russia's gangster threat of 'those are nice surface-to-air missiles you're flooding Ukraine with, it would be a tragedy if one of them ended up in the wrong hands and brought down an airliner...' is hardly persuading airlines to fly into/over Russia...

What with the whole Russia shooting down an airliner thing.
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