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The ongoing stupidity of Home Secretary Priti Patel

also going with Tory policy as of late I think they going to have massive union jack's with border force members of each end using like massive nets to encapsulate the bloody Jonny foreigners and push them back to the curse land of Normandy
Johnson's plan to appoint a rabid pitbull as home secretary to appeal to the swivel-eyed demographic, as if they didn't have enough to be 'cheerful' about already, is starting to look like it might have a downside.
has she come out and said every person wanting to visit an mp in his constituency office is going to anal probed yet

just to be on the safe side

Agreed. Unspoken here at urban, but loudly and proudly expressed elsewhere. The refugees are a gift for Johnson. In the post-Brexit era it's so much easier to use them as the bogeymen instead of EU bureaucrats, the Poles, the Turks, the French and the Germans. If we didn't have people trying to get here by pedalo or canoe, he'd need to scoop up some Albanian beggars and pay them to do it.
Red meat for the believers who voted to make this country a small independent nation with no clout in the world meaning that virtually all migrants arriving here by unofficial means are here to stay. No matter how badly this government treats these people most are here to stay imo. If we have a labour shortage then what should happen is that they should be allowed to work while their claims are being processed. There are many Tory MPs who support this view as well. A good work record should help any migrant’s claim.

This is all part of keeping the toxic Brexit pot boiling by stoking the “war” with those nasty Frenchies & the EU more generally. French politicians are well aware of what is going on here. Migrants crossing the channel apparently unmolested by the French are just one arm of the offensive. Others are of course fishing & the French threat to stop electricity exports to UK. The French also suggest they could cancel the Le Touquet agreement which allows UK Borderforce to do checks at French channel ports & Eurotunnel. If the checks all had to be done at Dover port instead the delays would be horrendous. In practise what would have to happen to prevent the whole place seizing up would be less checks making our borders even more porous.

All this will continue until the French presidential elections with Johnson’s & his gang perhaps dreaming of a Le Pen victory although I would have thought Marine as French president would be as about as useful to UK interests as Trump was in the White House ie more imagined than real.

While the rubber boat crossings make good TV to enrage the true believers the real people smuggling goes on as it has done since the 90s. Eastern European trucks bound for UK stop briefly at pre arranged rendezvous just off the motorway in Belgium an hour or so before Calais. Groups of people are loaded into the truck & the driver paid in cash.

The French were stopping random trucks 3 at a time a Calais docks & checking inside trailers but I guess all that has just about stopped now just as the French have largely ceased to prevent rubber boat launches off their beaches. Why should they ? While we were EU members this was an EU problem but now we have left once the migrants have left French shores by whatever means it ceases to be an EU problem.
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Patel's performative stuff really represents one side of Johnson's (Blairite) electoral strategy to deny any ideological/policy room to the opposition by enlarging the "centre-ground" Overton window into a whole frontage of bi-fold doors. Encompassing the party 'faithful' on the right and, with his "left" interventionist economic policy platform, including the the newly acquired vote in the former Labour 'heartlands'. It's worked before.
Red meat for the believers who voted to make this country a small independent nation with no clout in the world meaning that virtually all migrants arriving here by unofficial means are here to stay. No matter how badly this government treats these people most are here to stay imo. If we have a labour shortage then what should happen is that they should be allowed to work while their claims are being processed. There are many Tory MPs who support this view as well. A good work record should help any migrant’s claim.

This is all part of keeping the toxic Brexit pot boiling by stoking the “war” with those nasty Frenchies & the EU more generally. French politicians are well aware of what is going on here. Migrants crossing the channel apparently unmolested by the French are just one arm of the offensive. Others are of course fishing & the French threat to stop electricity exports to UK. The French also suggest they could cancel the Le Touquet agreement which allows UK Borderforce to do checks at French channel ports & Eurotunnel. If the checks all had to be done at Dover port instead the delays would be horrendous. In practise what would have to happen to prevent the whole place seizing up would be less checks making our borders even more porous.

All this will continue until the French presidential elections with Johnson’s & his gang perhaps dreaming of a Le Pen victory although I would have thought Marine as French president would be as about as useful to UK interests as Trump was in the White House ie more imagined than real.

While the rubber boat crossings make good TV to enrage the true believers the real people smuggling goes on as it has done since the 90s. Eastern European trucks bound for UK stop briefly at pre arranged rendezvous just off the motorway in Belgium an hour or so before Calais. Groups of people are loaded into the truck & the driver paid in cash.

The French were stopping random trucks 3 at a time a Calais docks & checking inside trailers but I guess all that has just about stopped now just as the French have largely ceased to prevent rubber boat launches off their beaches. Why should they ? While we were EU members this was an EU problem but now we have left once the migrants have left French shores by whatever means it ceases to be an EU problem.
Firstly, they are not migrants they are refugees. Often from places we are either directly or indirectly responsible for fucking up. Secondly part of my job involves interviewing recent arrivals to determine their needs and when asked how they arrived in the UK the response is these days invariably by boat. I haven't been told someone has arrived by lorry for at least a year now, maybe more.

This article is fairly informative though it too refers to them as migrants:

Patel's performative stuff really represents one side of Johnson's (Blairite) electoral strategy to deny any ideological/policy room to the opposition by enlarging the "centre-ground" Overton window into a whole frontage of bi-fold doors. Encompassing the party 'faithful' on the right and, with his "left" interventionist economic policy platform, including the the newly acquired vote in the former Labour 'heartlands'. It's worked before.
Tbh it's three years till they have to hold an election (barring another pandemic or renewal of the current one). The labour leadership are so maladroit that Johnson's spaffing all over them in the polls. It's much more likely that his strategy is to try to hold all wings of his party together rather than starting to campaign already. Sir keithly starmer is his greatest asset.
Tbh it's three years till they have to hold an election (barring another pandemic or renewal of the current one). The labour leadership are so maladroit that Johnson's spaffing all over them in the polls. It's much more likely that his strategy is to try to hold all wings of his party together rather than starting to campaign already. Sir keithly starmer is his greatest asset.
Fair points, but I suspect that, given the polling opportunity, Johnson will cut early for a GE...and the Tories never stop campaigning.
Fair points, but I suspect that, given the polling opportunity, Johnson will cut early for a GE...and the Tories never stop campaigning.
When the Labour party is leaking money on legal costs like an incontinent alkie tankie, when the Labour party is in disarray with no notion of what it stands for, then there is little need to campaign. If I was to stick my neck out I'd say election in may next year with the covid inquiry due to start in june
Firstly, they are not migrants they are refugees. Often from places we are either directly or indirectly responsible for fucking up. Secondly part of my job involves interviewing recent arrivals to determine their needs and when asked how they arrived in the UK the response is these days invariably by boat. I haven't been told someone has arrived by lorry for at least a year now, maybe more.

This article is fairly informative though it too refers to them as migrants:

Well sorry for the incorrect terminology. Migrants or refugees whatever you like & yes I take the point whether we invaded their countries recently ie Iraq & Afghan or centuries ago it is reasonable to suppose they may well rock up here by whatever means & expect to be treated like human beings. Also reasonable to suppose that many might want to live here permanently & allowing them to work will help them do that yes ? The ones you see are the ones that get ‘caught’ I would think ? Those that successfully arrive in trucks undetected can disappear more easily into the black economy. It is also common enough to find rubber boats abandoned on Kent beaches with no sign of those that arrived in those boats & one would assume they have been collected in vans & taken away undetected ?

I was regularly passing through Calais in my truck in the 90s when the issue of those trying to reach the UK by getting into the back of UK bound trucks began to emerge so I did see this first hand then. More recently I have regularly gone to France Dover Calais in my car & apart from the fencing on the spur motorway to Calais port & the removal of the massive adjacent camp not much has changed.
All this will continue until the French presidential elections with Johnson’s & his gang perhaps dreaming of a Le Pen victory although I would have thought Marine as French president would be as about as useful to UK interests as Trump was in the White House ie more imagined than real.
Be aware that Le Pen may not be the only nasty piece of work to have the possibility of making the final two. Although he's not declared yet, Éric Zemmour is strongly rumoured to be taking a run at the Elysées, and polls very highly, albeit behind Macron, in current surveys. The two of them may split the vote in the initial rounds, but such is the way the French elections work it's unlikely to knock them both out.

Zemmour has more of a whiff of Johnson or Trump in the path he's taken than Le Pen.

A Home Office case worker sent an email on 20 September this year, saying the family’s asylum claim was “under active consideration”, and another email on 11 October saying the asylum claim had been refused on 23 August – 28 days before the family were told their case was still under consideration.

Ninety-five people have died in asylum accommodation since April 2016, almost double the figure recently admitted by the government, raising suspicions the Home Office has deliberately downplayed the death toll.

And the data reveals that in the past two years there has been a particularly sharp increase in the number of deaths of those housed under asylum support provisions, such as in hotels.

Deaths leapt from four in 2019 to 36 in 2020 – a ninefold increase – with a further 33 people in the first eight months of 2021, bringing total deaths since the start of 2020 to 69 people, according to freedom of information (FoI) requests by the investigative journalism organisation, Liberty Investigates
Priti Patel has been warned by government lawyers that she is likely to lose a legal challenge if she implements plans to turn around small boats in the Channel, leaked documents show.

Counsel has told the home secretary that the odds of successfully defending a challenge in the courts against the lawfulness of plans to send vessels carrying people back to France is “less than 30% ”.

This looks to be somewhat grim, if true:

This article is from April, following his appointment for an initial six months as Interim Commissioner in March. I see his term has been extended till March 2022.
It's very long and I haven't watched it all

Cut down version here:

What actually interests me here is that she delivered this speech at the Heritage Foundation a right wing think tank with dodgy connections:

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