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The ongoing stupidity of Home Secretary Priti Patel

She’s just been told by the high court judge she needs to bring back a refugee she sent back to France back

I bet she is spitting chips

absolute fucking reptile
She’s just been told by the high court judge she needs to bring back a refugee she sent back to France back

I bet she is spitting chips

absolute fucking reptile

And i bet she won't do it either.
*Ending anomalies in British Nationality Law
*Consolidates tests against which asylum claims will be assessed.
*Clarifies the definition of "persecution"
*Reduced the criminality threshold for asylum seekers
*Streamlines how asylum cases are administered based on how a claimant enters the country
*Streamlines and reduces the "volume of sequential claims, appeals [or] legal action"
*Enhance, and improve the process of claiming help as victim of Modern Slavery
*Toughen criminal offences for those attempting to enter the UK illegally
*Enhance powers of Border Force
*Increase maximum sentence for entering the UK under S 24 of Immigration Act
*Improve visa access rules into the UK
*Enhance and accelerate removal process
*Enhance resettlement routes to continue to provide pathways for refugees to be granted protection in the UK
*Intend to broaden the scope of the UK's protection offer to encompass persecuted refugees from a broader range of minority groups
Thanks. By Christ I want this evil regime gone so bad. I can't describe how appalling life is under this brutal oppression.
She’s just been told by the high court judge she needs to bring back a refugee she sent back to France back

I bet she is spitting chips

absolute fucking reptile
We're seeing some small beginning of a separation of powers between executive, legislature and judiiciairy.
Go on, give it a go
It's a fucking total and utter bloody nightmare like a Goya painting of a giant rampaging through the land eating all his sons.

My brother wrote a book called "Oppression" which is a tough read but sums some of it up.

It's a fucking total and utter bloody nightmare like a Goya painting of a giant rampaging through the land eating all his sons.

My brother wrote a book called "Oppression" which is a tough read but sums some of it up.

Maybe you should look at some of the writing by Orwell, by Pasternak, by fallada, and Solzhenitsyn and shalamov. Not to mention Aldous huxley
Priti has ordered two dozen Kubelwagens for volunteers from Wetherspoons to patrol Dover seafront in, with binoculars looking for immigrants coming in on rafts. They are arriving in the next two months, and Daily Mail readers have also been invited to do this duty volutarily. Priti said this is just the beginning. She told Gove that she is starting a new ideology, and that tomorrow shall be ours.
Priti has ordered two dozen Kubelwagens for volunteers from Wetherspoons to patrol Dover seafront in, with binoculars looking for immigrants coming in on rafts. They are arriving in the next two months, and Daily Mail readers have been invited to do this duty volutarily. Priti said this is just the beginning. She told G
Oh noes serene's been abducted midway through a word
People like Paul Golding, Nick Griffin, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon - not to mention their identitarian brethren - might dispute that.

Griffin's Twitter claims "there is no Parliamentary road" and wants to remove "from Sodom". If he does a 1922 March on Rome I'm out of here to New Zealand.
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