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Ben Wallace to stand down as Defence secretary?

We can look forward to all the planes taking off and missiles being launched and not arriving, or getting delayed and turning up in the wrong place days late.

"Govia Thameslink regrets to announce the cancellation of the 0948 missile to Bryansk owing to the launch crew shortages" (i.e. they were sacked a fortnight ago and replaced by an algorithm which hasn't yet been developed)
Shapps, as all the networks are saying, is the best communicator of the senior tories. He does an excellent breakfast round. And did take in a Ukranian family into his home so has some insight there. But Defence is a fucking huge brief. Can't believe I'm saying this but I think the MoD actually does need more funding.
Shapps, as all the networks are saying, is the best communicator of the senior tories. He does an excellent breakfast round. And did take in a Ukranian family into his home so has some insight there. But Defence is a fucking huge brief. Can't believe I'm saying this but I think the MoD actually does need more funding.
Course it does . Shame about the hole in the Treasury's budget
Shapps, as all the networks are saying, is the best communicator of the senior tories. He does an excellent breakfast round. And did take in a Ukranian family into his home so has some insight there. But Defence is a fucking huge brief. Can't believe I'm saying this but I think the MoD actually does need more funding.
You really fall for all the nonsense you hear at your work*, eh? :D

*With senior Tories no less!
When I heard about Shapps on the radio earlier, I first thought it was a joke. Then I presumed the presenter had got muddled up with job titles and went back to what I was doing. But it’s true, he is the defence secretary. There really is no floor anymore.
When I heard about Shapps on the radio earlier, I first thought it was a joke. Then I presumed the presenter had got muddled up with job titles and went back to what I was doing. But it’s true, he is the defence secretary. There really is no floor anymore.
The 'floor' is being able to dress himself, have his shoes on the right feet and face the right way near a camera. That seems to be asking a lot of them these days.
You really fall for all the nonsense you hear at your work*, eh? :D

*With senior Tories no less!

No, my (former) boss doesn't like him actually. The tories are divided and Shapps is definitely not on the Cameron/Osborne side.

p.s. for the fucking record i took that job in lockdown as i was desperate and had to pay bills for my son. im not a tory, nor were the vast majority of my colleagues. but it was interesting at least watching how incompetent our 'leaders' are. please stop with that bullshit. and i dont work there anymore, happy?
Until Vlad falls out of a window and somebody slightly sane takes over the reins in Russia the MOD are going to need to look like an effective military force
Shapps will be fine in defence though, any time he looks in danger of making a change they'll distract him by letting him play with the big boys toys and by the time he's played with them all it'll be election time.
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