I can't read Parliamnentary bills and acts, they are written in a language I simply don't understand. I did have a quick look at your link
PR1Berske but the wording revolts me. It;'s like a Borges labyrinth wihtout any of the beauty. What is this latest in a nutshell please for a simple walnut sized brain like mine?
*Ending anomalies in British Nationality Law
*Consolidates tests against which asylum claims will be assessed.
*Clarifies the definition of "persecution"
*Reduced the criminality threshold for asylum seekers
*Streamlines how asylum cases are administered based on how a claimant enters the country
*Streamlines and reduces the "volume of sequential claims, appeals [or] legal action"
*Enhance, and improve the process of claiming help as victim of Modern Slavery
*Toughen criminal offences for those attempting to enter the UK illegally
*Enhance powers of Border Force
*Increase maximum sentence for entering the UK under S 24 of Immigration Act
*Improve visa access rules into the UK
*Enhance and accelerate removal process
*Enhance resettlement routes to continue to provide pathways for refugees to be granted protection in the UK
*Intend to broaden the scope of the UK's protection offer to encompass persecuted refugees from a broader range of minority groups