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The ongoing stupidity of Home Secretary Priti Patel

I expect Patel will disregard it, or tell whatever lies are needed and carry on being the liberty-stripping, bullying wretch she seems to enjoy being. You'd hope there was at least a functioning opposition to hold them to account. Who had some ideas to make the country better. Who would give the issue some attention. In any case the government apparently hates, or perhaps is just coldly indifferent to desperate asylum seekers who have been on often arduous and dangerous journeys only to be treated like dirt when they should be welcomed, helped and supported.
They don't so much "hate" them, so much as they are happy to pander to the prejudices of those of their supporters who do. So it's not even genuine hate.
In addition to the appalling treatment at Napier, in their ongoing quest for a hostile environment, without notice or warning, the Home Office have changed the rules for those affected by DV. Currently, someone on a spousal visa is allowed to access a special pathway called the DDV Concession, to enable them to access benefits and housing in their own right. As part of this process, they must give biometric details (fingerprints and photographs). They used to be able to do this at the post office; easy to access, discrete, safe. Now, they can only go to official immigration centres run by the Home Office. In some parts of the country, there is only one of these centres to cover an entire region. Over 50 DV organisations co-signed a letter to the Home Office asking why they had not been consulted and asking for this to be revoked. The Home Office have refused the request for a meeting and have written to say there will be no reversal. This makes no sense, there is no need for them to do this. It’s cruel and makes an already stressful process for traumatised people even more so. What has been achieved here? Nobody from abroad getting married is going to look into this level of detail (and who goes into a marriage planning for DV anyway?!) so it’s hardly going to ‘put off’ people from coming if that’s the idea, and people on a visa are legally here. The cruelty is baffling and yet again, victims leave abuse only to be abused by the systems supposedly there to help. Disgusting.
It's truly depressing that if I was leaving school now I wouldn't have had a college education, I wouldn't have got the job opportunities I have now and I wouldn't have been able to tour and work in Europe.

On top of all that I wouldn't have been able to marry and live with my foreign wife in the uk. . . (Though I wouldn't have met her either). . . My world would have been a much smaller place with fewer and smaller opportunities. . . And this is the England my daughter has to grow up in.
Or could it be that dorms were overcrowded and poorly maintained after no longer being fit for their original purpose?
No they were a shithole back in the '80s but they were a transit camp for range packages and short courses etc.
Squaddies are used to roughing it and being disciplined they get the block jobs done and make the best of it mind you if you arent actually in the barracks for much more than sleep it's not too bad.
A day off was basically a punishment Folkstone's not exactly anybody's idea of a great place to visit and the barracks didn't even have a NAAFI bar that's how grim they were, St Martins Plains next to it was even worse but condemned there was also a spook command same shit accommodation but with a double layer of razor wire and CCTV had to tow one of 14 ints cars back to it when they stuffed it into a tree on the training area!. Got a bollocking from our OC for joyriding and when they admitted being spooks got another one as they hadn't actually booked the training area😲:D
No they were a shithole back in the '80s but they were a transit camp for range packages and short courses etc.
Squaddies are used to roughing it and being disciplined they get the block jobs done and make the best of it mind you if you arent actually in the barracks for much more than sleep it's not too bad.
A day off was basically a punishment Folkstone's not exactly anybody's idea of a great place to visit and the barracks didn't even have a NAAFI bar that's how grim they were, St Martins Plains next to it was even worse but condemned there was also a spook command same shit accommodation but with a double layer of razor wire and CCTV had to tow one of 14 ints cars back to it when they stuffed it into a tree on the training area!. Got a bollocking from our OC for joyriding and when they admitted being spooks got another one as they hadn't actually booked the training area😲:D
The likes of Patel should be forced to live there for the rest of their days.
The "Nationality and Borders Bill" has been published today. It's a doozy.

I can't read Parliamnentary bills and acts, they are written in a language I simply don't understand. I did have a quick look at your link PR1Berske but the wording revolts me. It;'s like a Borges labyrinth wihtout any of the beauty. What is this latest in a nutshell please for a simple walnut sized brain like mine?
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I can't read Parliamnentary bills and acts, they are written in a language I simply don't understand. I did have a quick look at your link PR1Berske but the wording revolts me. It;'s like a Borges labyrinth wihtout any of the beauty. What is this latest in a nutshell please for a simple walnut sized brain like mine?

*Ending anomalies in British Nationality Law
*Consolidates tests against which asylum claims will be assessed.
*Clarifies the definition of "persecution"
*Reduced the criminality threshold for asylum seekers
*Streamlines how asylum cases are administered based on how a claimant enters the country
*Streamlines and reduces the "volume of sequential claims, appeals [or] legal action"
*Enhance, and improve the process of claiming help as victim of Modern Slavery
*Toughen criminal offences for those attempting to enter the UK illegally
*Enhance powers of Border Force
*Increase maximum sentence for entering the UK under S 24 of Immigration Act
*Improve visa access rules into the UK
*Enhance and accelerate removal process
*Enhance resettlement routes to continue to provide pathways for refugees to be granted protection in the UK
*Intend to broaden the scope of the UK's protection offer to encompass persecuted refugees from a broader range of minority groups
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