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    Lazy Llama

The mother of the soldier who is being allowed to freak out on air.

How would you feel if your child went to war and because of a lack of helicopters your child bled to death?
He didn't bleed to death because of a lack of helicopters. He was killed by an explosive device set by somebody who didn't want him in their country.
I feel very sorry for her. She is in pain and is being manipulated by the Sun, who are scum for doing it. Brown is scum for causing the war in the first place.

Feeling very sorry for her doesn't stop me thinking that she and proud army mums across the country are horribly misguided in their sense of pride in their sons' chosen paths. It is possible both to feel sorry for someone and to profoundly disagree with their outlook.
Hmmm.... the 'liberal compassion' on here is hilarious. Tut tut, compassion for a solider and his family, ooo no sir, far too nationalistic and wacist.... :rolleyes:

I'd be fascinated how the wadicals on here would deal with someone like Rose Gentle whose teenage son died in Iraq in 2004. She-unsurprisingly as a bereaved and angry mother-called for better equipment for troops that another mother might not be in her place.
The only way to guarantee another is not in her place is to not send troops there in the first place. That would be the most unsurprising response. To call for better equipment to resist a bunch of peasants with AKs is just stupid, and yes, pro-war. There will always be casualties in an occupying force in those circumstances
Easy to say, very hard to prove. Some wounds just can't be stabilised, whether there's a chopper available to medevac you or not.

no, nor does she, Maybe it's not worth putting £52 millions worth of equipment at risk for I life? The generals must have to make some cruel decisions
The only way to guarantee another is not in her place is to not send troops there in the first place. That would be the most unsurprising response. To call for better equipment to resist a bunch of peasants with AKs is just stupid, and yes, pro-war. There will always be casualties in an occupying force in those circumstances

Apart from the fact that Rose and others want the troops out what is she meant to do. She's a mother grieving for her son asking why he was so young and so ill equipped. Of course you would be perfectly eloquent and utterly at one with marx on hearing such news. I salute your perfection oh mighty one.
no, nor does she, Maybe it's not worth putting £52 millions worth of equipment at risk for I life? The generals must have to make some cruel decisions

Not even close i would have thought.

Most squaddies leave after say 10 years at most. A soldier dying is the same as a soldier leaving, probably cheaper if a pension is factored in.How much would his training cost? £30k say.
The only way to guarantee another is not in her place is to not send troops there in the first place. That would be the most unsurprising response. To call for better equipment to resist a bunch of peasants with AKs is just stupid, and yes, pro-war. There will always be casualties in an occupying force in those circumstances

Indeed anyone who's seen the number of memorials commemorating the casualties suffered by generations of British and Colonial regiments that line the Khyber pass will realise the futility of attempting to civilise Afghanistan:


We should just leave quitely and nuke the whole barren dustbowl into glass so that nobody can grow narcotics there anymore.
... We should just leave quitely and nuke the whole barren dustbowl into glass so that nobody can grow narcotics there anymore.

Its a nice plan, but you can be sure six months later on Al Jazeera there would be another flipping video from our old buddy Osama to rile us up again!
I'd pay for you to come up here to say it to her face and her family.
Cool. Will you send me the train fare in the post or by bank transfer? Can I stay at your place too?

What am I supposed to be saying to all these people? Remind me.
So? Are you suggesting that soldiers shouldn't be sent to war until they reach a certain age? 25, perhaps?

And the enemy are not allowed to shoot back. :rolleyes:

What is this shit view that soldiers are unwilling victims. They choose to fight. They WANT to fight.
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