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The grand tory 'civil war' thread

In a revealing insight into how the referendum campaign is playing out at home, Mr Cameron said wife Samantha “sees the Leave argument as very backward-looking, trying to recreate something that isn't there any more”.

Daughter Nancy, 12, has also thrown her support behind the Remain campaign. He said: “She wants to know how it's going and thinks In is the right answer.

I was wavering but ok that's me convinced.
sort of wish samantha had in a surreal twist turned to the leave campaign and starts publicly batting for brexit. Level the debates have sunk to means she'd be publicly doing that crooked little finger sign that indicates microdick via sign language
The Express saying that Gove's odds on being the next PM have been slashed :D . If you got all your news from the Express you might even believe it.
Good innit?

Did any of us really expect the factional 'warfare' to become this visceral & open?
Leavists send out Mogg to savage Major...:D
Rees-Mogg told BBC Radio 4’s Westminster Hour: “What we’ve had today are the bitter ramblings of a vengeful man.

“He is the man that who took us into the Exchange Rate Mechanism, destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs, had people evicted from their homes and led to the destruction of businesses for the sake of his failed European policy,” he said.

“I’m going to sling the mud straight back at Sir John Major, a knight of the garter who ought to know how to behave better.”
Leavists send out Mogg to savage Major...:D

...its a right carry on...

sort of wish samantha had in a surreal twist turned to the leave campaign and starts publicly batting for brexit. Level the debates have sunk to means she'd be publicly doing that crooked little finger sign that indicates microdick via sign language
The young Cameron traumatised about leave after the incident in the pub.
i thought they might get all medieval on each other


e2a: i've seen this picture loads of times but never previously noticed the sign on the back of the door. it's the torture chamber in nuremberg, if you're curious
If you haven't already, you might enjoy this?
Good innit?

Did any of us really expect the factional 'warfare' to become this visceral & open?

I definitely thought that it would become a part of the Tories' leadership struggle, and it was inevitable that there'd be some bloodletting as the swivel-eyed loons positioned themselves against the more "reasonable" (I use that word very advisedly) end of the Tory spectrum, but I certainly never though they'd get quite as evil at each other - or as factionalised into so many splinters - as they have.
i thought they might get all medieval on each other


e2a: i've seen this picture loads of times but never previously noticed the sign on the back of the door. it's the torture chamber in nuremberg, if you're curious

We should send this to Cameron to give him some ideas for when he punishes Gove and Johnson.
i swear they all talked of being reasonable and running a fair debate etc. I think it was IDS resigning his cbnt position that marked the start of the 'dignity is over, its war' phase
i swear they all talked of being reasonable and running a fair debate etc. I think it was IDS resigning his cbnt position that marked the start of the 'dignity is over, its war' phase
It might have marked it, but it was always going to end up being a bloodbath - that's what happens when you blend privilege, swivel-eyed loonitude, inbred halfwittedness and a fanfare of dog whistles.

And Cameron's got form for this - it was about 2006 when he was piously strutting around going on about how Parliament should be all grown up and not jeering and namecalling...but look at him now.
Who post split will the Cameronites invite into their government of national unity?
Who post split will the Cameronites invite into their government of national unity?

You aren't the first person to mention this, I've even read a few people suggesting that Blairites are going to go into coalition with the Tories after the referendum. It's all just total nonsense.
You aren't the first person to mention this, I've even read a few people suggesting that Blairites are going to go into coalition with the Tories after the referendum. It's all just total nonsense.

Cameron's too left wing for them you think?
sort of wish samantha had in a surreal twist turned to the leave campaign and starts publicly batting for brexit. Level the debates have sunk to means she'd be publicly doing that crooked little finger sign that indicates microdick via sign language

...I happened across her dad's Amazon reviews....I have a sneaking suspicion he may be one of the "swivel-eyed loon" chapter of the Brexiters - unless his country estate is into Brussels for a few million a year in subsidies or something...in which case they may not have him locked in the East Wing for the duration....

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