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The grand tory 'civil war' thread

You aren't the first person to mention this, I've even read a few people suggesting that Blairites are going to go into coalition with the Tories after the referendum. It's all just total nonsense.

Doesn't feel so at the moment, given viciousness of the Tory attacks on each other and the unwillingness in much of the PLP to unite behind Corbyn. The Social Conservative Party maybe closer than you think.
Cameron's too left wing for them you think?

more that Corbyn isn't toxic enough, and Cameron is a little too toxic. if Labour started consistantly polling in the 25-30% bracket with Corbyns personal polls nearing those of Jimmy Savile then perhaps some of the Blairites might cross the floor, but for the moment its better to watch the tories tear themselves apart and to see what the forthcoming rows within Labour bring.

if the LD's were in the low 20's or above i wouldn't be surprised if he made them an offer - he could after all present himself as the great European - and it would nulify his most acidic awkward squad.
Could he not stay on 'to guide us through these difficult times'? It would be the perfect scapegoat for cutting the NHS, council money, benefits ...
Well this is all going swimmingly eh? Perhaps a tad more petrol wouldn't go amiss but anyway after the dust has settled and the bloodstains have been cleaned up what's the chances of the survivors going to the country for a mandate?
Well this is all going swimmingly eh? Perhaps a tad more petrol wouldn't go amiss but anyway after the dust has settled and the bloodstains have been cleaned up what's the chances of the survivors going to the country for a mandate?

from where i sit - middle England, Mondeo Man, Worcester Woman etc... absolutely bog all.

there, from local chats/media, appears to be open warfare in the Tory party: not between in and out particularly, but between grass roots and wider leadership over the complete mess that the cabinet have made of the ref campaigns. there is real anger over how the senior party have screwed the pooch only a year after winning an election for the first time in 20-odd years. i think that the concern would be that the party at a constituancy level would just not turn up.

personally i don't see Labour pushing for it either, it simply doesn't have the party infrastructure, the money, the candidates or the policy framework to fight and win an election.
from where i sit - middle England, Mondeo Man, Worcester Woman etc... absolutely bog all.

there, from local chats/media, appears to be open warfare in the Tory party: not between in and out particularly, but between grass roots and wider leadership over the complete mess that the cabinet have made of the ref campaigns. there is real anger over how the senior party have screwed the pooch only a year after winning an election for the first time in 20-odd years. i think that the concern would be that the party at a constituancy level would just not turn up.

personally i don't see Labour pushing for it either, it simply doesn't have the party infrastructure, the money, the candidates or the policy framework to fight and win an election.

I don't actually know any Tory activists but all of them on twitter seem to hate Cameron's guts atm
Oh well I suppose I should be grateful that they're tearing themselves apart and i am! but I want my cake and eat it too. I want all of it and I want it now.

i'm not entirely convinced that John Nott is regarded as a wise old hand by anyone in the tory party - it doesn't surpise me that he's an outer given that the pinnacle of his career was to bring about an entirely foreseeable disaster through short-sighted idiocy that relied on unicorns and fairy dust to have a hope in hell of not being a disaster...

if the loon wing of the tory party want him, then more fool them.
....seems pretty unbelievable the remain campaign want to fill the make-or-break home straight of the campaign with a US style personalised and wholly negative shit fight - can't see that as being anything but a turn-off to all the waverers, neutrals & don't knows ...aside from the fact Johnson seems to have effortlessly shrugged off all the previous attempts to trash his reputation

EU referendum: 'Panicked' Remain camp plans to 'take out Boris' as opinion polls swing in Brexit campaign's favour

Downing Street is “panicked” over the EU referendum amid growing internal signs that support for the Leave campaign is surging.

It has led to a marked change in strategy, with the campaign to keep Britain in the EU now orchestrating a series of highly personal attacks on Boris Johnson, one of the leaders of the Leave campaign. David Cameron’s team has adopted a “take out Boris strategy” by allowing Tory Cabinet minister to claim he only backed a Brexit in order to further his ambition to be Prime Minister...
....seems pretty unbelievable the remain campaign want to fill the make-or-break home straight of the campaign with a US style personalised and wholly negative shit fight - can't see that as being anything but a turn-off to all the waverers, neutrals & don't knows ...aside from the fact Johnson seems to have effortlessly shrugged off all the previous attempts to trash his reputation

EU referendum: 'Panicked' Remain camp plans to 'take out Boris' as opinion polls swing in Brexit campaign's favour

Downing Street is “panicked” over the EU referendum amid growing internal signs that support for the Leave campaign is surging.

It has led to a marked change in strategy, with the campaign to keep Britain in the EU now orchestrating a series of highly personal attacks on Boris Johnson, one of the leaders of the Leave campaign. David Cameron’s team has adopted a “take out Boris strategy” by allowing Tory Cabinet minister to claim he only backed a Brexit in order to further his ambition to be Prime Minister...
Yabbut that's the Telegraph trying to take out Cameron...

and now

EU referendum live: 57 Tory MPs 'would vote down' Osborne's Brexit budget

57 Tory MPs say they would vote against Osborne's 'absurd' emergency budget plans
Here is the statement signed today by 57 Tory MPs saying they would vote against George Osborne’s proposed post-Brexit emergency budget. It has been issued by Vote Leave.

It says:

We find it incredible that the chancellor could seriously be threatening to renege on so many manifesto pledges. It is absurd to say that if people vote to take back control from the EU that he would want to punish them in this way. We do not believe that he would find it possible to get support in parliament for these proposals to cut the NHS, our police forces and our schools.

If the chancellor is serious then we cannot possibly allow this to go ahead. It would be unnecessary, wrong and a rejection of the platform on which we all stood. If he were to proceed with these proposals, the chancellor’s position would become untenable.

This is a blatant attempt to talk down the market and the country. The chancellor risks doing damage to the British economy in his bid to win this political campaign.

And here is the list of the 57 MPs. It does not include government ministers backing Vote Leave, or Boris Johnson.

  1. Iain Duncan Smith
  2. Liam Fox
  3. Cheryl Gillan
  4. David Jones
  5. Owen Paterson
  6. John Redwood
  7. Sir Gerald Howarth
  8. Tim Loughton
  9. Crispin Blunt
  10. Sir William Cash
  11. Bernard Jenkin
  12. Julian Lewis
  13. Adam Afriyie
  14. Nigel Adams
  15. Lucy Allan
  16. Steve Baker
  17. Bob Blackman
  18. Peter Bone
  19. Andrew Bridgen
  20. David Burrowes
  21. Maria Caulfield
  22. Christopher Chope
  23. Chris Davies
  24. Philip Davies
  25. David TC Davies
  26. Nadine Dorries
  27. Steve Double
  28. Richard Drax
  29. Nigel Evans
  30. Michael Fabricant
  31. Marcus Fysh
  32. Chris Green
  33. Rebecca Harris
  34. Gordon Henderson
  35. Philip Hollobone
  36. Adam Holloway
  37. Kwasi Kwarteng
  38. Jonathan Lord
  39. Craig Mackinlay
  40. Anne Main
  41. Karl McCartney
  42. Nigel Mills
  43. Anne Marie Morris
  44. Sheryl Murray
  45. David Nuttall
  46. Matthew Offord
  47. Andrew Percy
  48. Tom Pursglove
  49. Jacob Rees-Mogg
  50. Andrew Rosindell
  51. Henry Smith
  52. Derek Thomas
  53. Anne Marie Trevelyan
  54. Martin Vickers
  55. David Warburton
  56. Bill Wiggin
  57. William Wrag
To me this does not look like a government that will be able to hold together for long after the referendum regardless of outcome, except in the near impossible event of a clear victory for Remain.
i'm not entirely convinced that John Nott is regarded as a wise old hand by anyone in the tory party - it doesn't surpise me that he's an outer given that the pinnacle of his career was to bring about an entirely foreseeable disaster through short-sighted idiocy that relied on unicorns and fairy dust to have a hope in hell of not being a disaster...

if the loon wing of the tory party want him, then more fool them.
All politicians in their dotage are wise elder statesmen. See e.g. Richard milhous nixon
Osborne's really fond of his 'emergency' budgets, isn't he? It contributes to the language of crisis that this government has created to convince people of the need for austerity. Thatcher did exactly the same thing, but as Alexei Sayle once observed, this government is nothing but a really bad Thatcherite tribute band.
and now

EU referendum live: 57 Tory MPs 'would vote down' Osborne's Brexit budget

To me this does not look like a government that will be able to hold together for long after the referendum regardless of outcome, except in the near impossible event of a clear victory for Remain.
They're certainly not holding together in advance of it!
Interesting, isn't it, that faced with an actual crisis Chancellor Darling actually had to respond in the polar opposite macro-economic manner; he increased public borrowing and cut VAT to stimulate demand. Osborne can't even lie well.
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