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The grand tory 'civil war' thread

Adds nothing new, but an amusing lead story/headline on the G online...


Keep it up vermin.
Of course not, I do wonder whether this stuff is getting more obvious or whether I am more aware of it though
Definitely more obvious. We are held in such contempt by the ruling class that they can hardly be bothered to disguise their machinations any more.
I hate to join the chorus here but good god this is getting a lot less coverage than much more minor inter-Labour squabbles

Note also that the BBC article earlier in the day was basically prefaced by "infighting is something we usually expect from the Labour Party".
...and Cash makes up the threesome..

A third Tory MP has broken cover and said he is ready to demand David Cameron goes unless he tones down attacks in the EU referendum as a leadership coup erupted in public yesterday.

Sir Bill Cash, who chairs the European Scrutiny committee, told The Telegraph he has grown infuriated by the Prime Minister’s “monumentally misleading propaganda” and demanded a more conciliatory tone.

Gove says the Vote In campaign think we're too wee, too poor and too stupid to run our own affairs. Funny to hear him pretty much quote Alex Salmond.
Major's after those bastards, again.

In an extraordinary attack on his fellow Conservatives, Major produced a withering assessment of leading members of Vote Leave, calling their campaign deceitful, untrue, depressing, awful and verging on the squalid.
The swivel-eyed twitter fraternity don't seem best pleased.:D
he went on to claim Gove had wanted to privatise the NHS, Johnson wished to charge people for health services and Duncan Smith advocated moving to a social insurance system.

“The NHS is about as safe with them as a pet hamster would be with a hungry python,” Major said on BBC1’s The Andrew Marr Show.

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