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The grand tory 'civil war' thread

Oooh, they're still bitching...they wouldn't let it lie....

Entirely unsurprising 'post-war' conflict.

Liam Fox and Boris Johnson are locked in a bitter Whitehall feud over who controls key parts of Britain's foreign policy, a leaked letter seen by The Sunday Telegraph reveals.

Just weeks after the two men joined the Government, Mr Fox sent Mr Johnson the terse letter, which he copied to Theresa May, effectively demanding that the Foreign Office be broken up.
The only thing I want to know about Liam fox is how come a disgraced individual such as he has found his way back into the corridors of power. The are still many unanswered questions surrounding what actually happened in the meetings between Fox, Gould, Werrity and representatives of the state of Israel. The state is blatantly refusing to answer any of these questions. We are as usual, being treated with complete contempt.

More info can be found in this piece by Craig Murray
There is no way that this grammar school thing is going to pass, something else is going on but I'm not sure I know what it is yet.

Yeah im a bit mystified by this. Unless there's some devious machivelaean shit going down it could be that May is not the capable pragmatist she was assumed to be - but a deluded ideolouge.
This policy is a huge hostage to fortune and will encounter resistance from a wide range of sources - not least her own party.
Yeah im a bit mystified by this. Unless there's some devious machivelaean shit going down it could be that May is not the capable pragmatist she was assumed to be - but a deluded ideolouge.
This policy is a huge hostage to fortune and will encounter resistance from a wide range of sources - not least her own party.
Ideology, I reckon. Her own grammar school hubris and a severe nudge from Nick Timothy, the eminence grise.
As much as I'm amazed by where 'the centre' seems to have ended up, I'm amazed by the morons who think that something being described as 'centre' must make it reasonable. :(

I think it might appeal more to the right.

Kirsty Wark did an interview with her for Newsnight at the Tory conference. May achieved the impressive feat of getting through a ten minute interview without actually answering any of Wark's questions. Top PM material.
Watch yer back Hammond.
A new cabinet split over the handling of Brexit has emerged as ministers privately attacked each other over how to approach EU negotiations.

Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, has been blamed for talking down Britain’s hopes of getting a good deal and attacked for his “relentless pessimism”.

One cabinet colleague went as far saying that Mr Hammond, who voted to stay in the EU, should “watch his back” and could lose his job.
So soon?
Ulp. So I imagine that Hammond, Carney, and the Bank will be looking closely to their laurels, and even more closely to future career options :)

actually i think its much more likely to be a spot of panic at May towers - if she were to lose any either of Hammond and Carney she'd be in very deep political poo, if she were to lose both of them she'd be gone within the week and she knows it. Labour could table a motion of no confidence and a third of the PCP would vote for it and another third would be washing their hair...

neither Hammond nor Carney have anything to lose, Hammond could walk out and be lauded as the most principled and intelligent politician for the next decade, while Carney could walk into any central bank or regulating role he liked. Hammond is allegedly furious that May has given the Three Amigos such a long leash and that she appears to be either pandering to them or ignoring them, and that she's allowing cack-handed fuckwittery to take hold at the Home Office, and Carney is unhappy with the general air of no-one-has-made-any-decisions-yet and apparently thinks that May is spending too much time being in control, and not enough time doing any actual controlling...

she's not in trouble yet - not least because there just aren't any challengers - but i don't think she's got many more months of not-much-happening-while-the-pound-and-economy-tanks-and-Corbyn-does-well-at-PMQ's before she begins to have a problem.
actually i think its much more likely to be a spot of panic at May towers - if she were to lose any either of Hammond and Carney she'd be in very deep political poo, if she were to lose both of them she'd be gone within the week and she knows it. Labour could table a motion of no confidence and a third of the PCP would vote for it and another third would be washing their hair...

neither Hammond nor Carney have anything to lose, Hammond could walk out and be lauded as the most principled and intelligent politician for the next decade, while Carney could walk into any central bank or regulating role he liked. Hammond is allegedly furious that May has given the Three Amigos such a long leash and that she appears to be either pandering to them or ignoring them, and that she's allowing cack-handed fuckwittery to take hold at the Home Office, and Carney is unhappy with the general air of no-one-has-made-any-decisions-yet and apparently thinks that May is spending too much time being in control, and not enough time doing any actual controlling...

she's not in trouble yet - not least because there just aren't any challengers - but i don't think she's got many more months of not-much-happening-while-the-pound-and-economy-tanks-and-Corbyn-does-well-at-PMQ's before she begins to have a problem.
Such cabinet shenanigans were inevitable from the way she shaped her team; the Atlanti-fantasists given the foreign/exit levers and a conservative Euro-neoliberal as chancellor.
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