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The grand tory 'civil war' thread

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....employment minister Priti Patel accused the leaders of the remain camp with “luxury” lifestyles like Cameron of being too rich to care about people’s concerns regarding migration.
Scrub that.
The ST has this...

Flip me.
Yeah, heard it said many times over the years, specifically relating to ousting a politician. May have even heard it in Yes Minister?
Well I've never heard it before, perhaps i have led a sheltered life lol. I found it astonishingly revealing exactly how bitter and nasty the whole thing has become for the Tories.

goodness indeed. Until I read what this (obviously respected) former Prime Minister had to say I had no idea prominent Tories, including cabinet ministers, could behave like this.

In his attack on the Leave campaign, Sir John {Major} accuses its leading figures of "inaccuracies and falsehoods", "shameless distortion of the truth" and "a fraud on the British people" with claims such as £350m a week paid to the European Union.

"They have - knowingly - told untruths about the cost of Europe," he writes in the Mail on Sunday. "They have promised negotiating gains that cannot - and will not - be delivered.

"They have raised phantom fears that cannot be justified, puffing up their case with false statistics, unlikely scenarios and downright untruths. To mislead the British nation in this fashion - when its very future is at stake - is unforgivable."
A lot of the Brexiteer Tories are rubbishing the economic forecasts from various organisations, as it doesn't fit in with their Brexit fantasies. It will be difficult for them to quote those same forecasts post Brexit , when they want to drone on about Tory financial competence but I'm sure they'll manage to..
Nadine Dorries says Cameron would be 'toast within days' if Britain voted to leave the EU
Indie said:
David Cameron will be “toast within days” if Britain votes to leave the European Union, a Tory MP has said as she called for a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister live on television.

The intervention by Nadine Dorries, Conservative MP for Mid Bedfordshire, comes amid an intense escalation of in-fighting in the party and bitter personal attacks over the referendum on June 23. Brexit heavyweights Michael Gove, Boris Johnson and Priti Patel all questioned the Prime Minister’s credibility.

Escalation of Tory division over Europe - BBC News
BBC said:
Anyone who's followed politics for any length of time knows no party's more prone to suicidal bouts of indiscipline than the Labour Party.

Unless, of course, it's the Conservative Party when it's in the mood.

Just now, the Tories are in more of a mood than they've been since the chaotic days of the Major administration, and possibly since 1990, the year the party hacked down Margaret Thatcher in an orgy of political regicide prompted, naturally, by DNA-deep divisions over Europe.
Andrew Bridgen :"Cameron is finished".

Bridgen continues to pile it on...

Conservatives 'so fractured over EU that fresh election needed'
Gruaniad said:
The Conservatives will have to hold a fresh election before Christmas under a new leader because the EU referendum campaign has fractured the party so badly, a rebel MP has claimed.

Andrew Bridgen made the bold claim as a fellow backbencher, Nadine Dorries, called for David Cameron to quit and the ministers leading the leave campaign launched some of their strongest personal attacks on the prime minister so far.

No 10 refused to respond to Tory calls for Cameron to go, saying Cameron was focused on the “big issues” in the campaign. Many Conservatives are dismissive of the claim that there will be a leadership challenge after 23 June because they think MPs such as Bridgen and Dorries are in a small minority.

But the fact that some of Cameron’s critics are now openly saying the party needs a new leader illustrates just how badly the referendum campaign has damaged unity, and how hard it will be for the prime minister to repair the damage after polling day.

Bridgen, who is voting leave, told BBC’s 5Live that Cameron had been making “outrageous” claims in his bid to persuade voters to back remain and that, as a consequence, he had effectively lost his parliamentary majority.

“The party is fairly fractured, straight down the middle and I don’t know which character could possibly pull it back together going forward for an effective government. I honestly think we probably need to go for a general election before Christmas and get a new mandate from the people,” he said.

Bridgen said at least 50 Tory MPs – the number needed to call a confidence vote – felt the same way about Cameron and that a vote on the prime minister’s future was “probably highly likely” after the referendum.
Aren't they forgetting the long term strategy of gerrymandering all the constituencies (the reduced parliament of 600) before they hold another election?
Aren't they forgetting the long term strategy of gerrymandering all the constituencies (the reduced parliament of 600) before they hold another election?

The boundary changes would be hard to get through on their majority anyway. Won't all be Labour seats, and that's someone, afterwards, in any other business you'd want gardening leave for.
According to the latest Eye the Sunday Telegraph had virtually no staff and is just filled with shite that didn't get into the daily.
Apologies if unclear; it was tweeted by Tim Shipman, the political editor of the Sunday Times.
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