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The grand tory 'civil war' thread


Cameron at the Centre of the Bullingdon Club

VERSA | Revealed: new Bullingdon photos featuring high spirits, high society, and one very high-up politician...

I think the new sketches are heavily copyrighted.

Who's the big fat cunt sitting next to the little cunt?
Eurosceptic Tories lead Common's rebellion
More than 25 Eurosceptic Tories will lead a rebellion which could lead to the first Government defeat on a Queen's Speech since 1924.

The Conservative MPs are expected to join forces with Labour and the SNP in supporting an amendment to explicitly protect the National Health Service from an EU trade deal with the US.

It follows claims that the deal, called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, could lead to the privatisation of parts of the NHS.

The amendment expresses regret that "a Bill to protect the National Health Service from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership was not included in the Gracious Speech.
EU referendum: 25 Tory rebels join forces with Labour to defeat Government over Queen's Speech
Eurosceptic Tories lead Common's rebellion
More than 25 Eurosceptic Tories will lead a rebellion which could lead to the first Government defeat on a Queen's Speech since 1924.

The Conservative MPs are expected to join forces with Labour and the SNP in supporting an amendment to explicitly protect the National Health Service from an EU trade deal with the US.

It follows claims that the deal, called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, could lead to the privatisation of parts of the NHS.

The amendment expresses regret that "a Bill to protect the National Health Service from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership was not included in the Gracious Speech.
EU referendum: 25 Tory rebels join forces with Labour to defeat Government over Queen's Speech
If you missed it, Peter Oborne's performance on 'Newsnight' was quite entertaining...in a slightly pished, over-bearing pub-bore sort of way.

One memorable line...
Cameron talks bollocks.
Reckon Fatty's been spending too long reading threads on here...


"F*** off, you c***."
Any guesses?

i've just found myself agreeing with nicholas soames about something

*feels worried*
That's the trouble with all this blue-on-blue, you occasionally find yourself agreeing with a vermin; un-nerving experience.
Fatty's certainly putting it about today...

Just noticed I've been blocked by Nicholas Soames on twitter, apparently he didn't appreciate a previous response a while back about trident.

I assume I'm not missing much?

Just noticed I've been blocked by Nicholas Soames on twitter, apparently he didn't appreciate a previous response a while back about trident.

I assume I'm not missing much?

He blocks anyone who asks his questions that challenge his vermin world-view; very cowardly.
This is from the Daily Heil, which reports that "dozens of Tory MPs are threatening a vote of no confidence" over Cameron's handling of the EU referendum. Is it possible that the government could, er, bring itself down?
Dozens of Tory MPs are threatening to topple David Cameron over his handling of the EU referendum.

In the wake of the latest Brexit ‘dodgy’ dossier row, senior party figures said he would have to name a date for his departure if he wanted to avoid a massive bloodletting.

They said even this might not prevent a formal vote of no-confidence after June 23, whatever the poll result.

The plotting followed another day of extraordinary clashes between senior Tory party figures over No 10’s Project Fear strategy. Boris Johnson claimed a Treasury dossier was a ‘hoax’.

Knives out for Cameron: Dozens of Tories threaten no-confidence vote
Dunno. The slippery shit would probably carry a vote of no confidence by means of labour abstaining.

ETA: Anyway a vote of no confidence in Cameron is all very different to a vote of no confidence in the government.
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This is from the Daily Heil, which reports that "dozens of Tory MPs are threatening a vote of no confidence" over Cameron's handling of the EU referendum. Is it possible that the government could, er, bring itself down?

The 5 year fixed term mess, coupled with MP's self interest,I think it would be last week of term (coz they are increasingly coming across as a bunch of school kids (even if they are older than me)) before they did that. 3 weeks after the referendum iirc
it would be nice, but ive been told so many times that we are stuck with them until the next ref due to legistation brought in by the coalition, how would it be achievable ?
it would be nice, but ive been told so many times that we are stuck with them until the next ref due to legistation brought in by the coalition, how would it be achievable ?
Theoretically it would be achievable as killer b points out, but it's never going to happen. Absolute twaddle.
Oddly, but perhaps indicative of the apparently savage civil war between Greig and Dacre, the Fail on Sunday had a seemingly pro-Europe headline at the weekend; High St bosses: prices to soar if we quit EU.

A fight to the hopefully mutual death.
Oddly, but perhaps indicative of the apparently savage civil war between Greig and Dacre, the Fail on Sunday had a seemingly pro-Europe headline at the weekend; High St bosses: prices to soar if we quit EU.

A fight to the hopefully mutual death.
Mail is out Mail on Sunday in, been so for a while
Of course, if there's a no confidence motion against Cameron, he merely gets replaced with another muppet.
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