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The grand tory 'civil war' thread



Thats not blue on blue thats more purple on blue. One of their complaints about not getting designation was they didn't think vote Leave would go after the tories hard enough
I reckon I keep up with the news and read the papers more than average. I can't remember what Corbyn said but I certainly remember the Cameron/Kinnock/Clegg thing.

I also remain to be convinced that Labour in Scotland have learned anything. Or anything important anyway.

Was the Cameron/Kinnock picture getting that much wider coverage in Scotland because of the Indyref parallel being pointed out a lot?

TBF I think it appeared all over the media everywhere though.

That said, the Corbyn speech got quite a lot of attention too, maybe just on the BBC and Guardian though, perhaps? And maybe not so much in Scotland?

As for Labour learning anything on Scotland, I know next to nothing. From down here though, I'd suspect that it simply doesn't matter whether they learn or change or don't, surely they're so unpopular in Scotland anyway. and the SNP so popular, that no-one's going to give Labour the time of day whatever they do.

But we're digressing from the Tory Civil War thing .... :oops:
Was the Cameron/Kinnock picture getting that much wider coverage in Scotland because of the Indyref parallel being pointed out a lot?

TBF I think it appeared all over the media everywhere though.

That said, the Corbyn speech got quite a lot of attention too, maybe just on the BBC and Guardian though, perhaps? And maybe not so much in Scotland?

As for Labour learning anything on Scotland, I know next to nothing. From down here though, I'd suspect that it simply doesn't matter whether they learn or change or don't, surely they're so unpopular in Scotland anyway. and the SNP so popular, that no-one's going to give Labour the time of day whatever they do.

But we're digressing from the Tory Civil War thing .... :oops:

I'm Scottish but live in London so I'm going on the media I saw down here. I also rely on the BBC (mainly R4) for news and read the Guardian :oops: so....
Boris Johnson, what a nasty piece of work he really is (yes it does bear repeating):

Boris Johnson suggests 'part-Kenyan' Obama may have an 'ancestral dislike' of Britain

Boris Johnson has criticised the US president Barack Obama and suggested his attitude to Britain might be based on his “part-Kenyan” heritage and “ancestral dislike of the British empire”....

So I suppose, Boris that it's all ok with you, what was done to the Kenyan people during and before the Mau Mau uprising by the British Empire hmmm?
I think Farage said that Obama was the most anti British President in history !

Bold claim :D I reckon Washington is in with a shout for that title , and James Madison too when his house got burned :cool:
Was planning to start a nice friendly petition on whitehouse.gov calling for the US to ratify its membership of the International Criminal Court (as anybody can). Having our allies on the same page when they drag us towards war might be handy, probably (ask me after Chilcot publishes), and Trump trying to use torture as a vote winner-be reassuring to get that off the table - sadly looking at it and what else is going on in the States this week (Saudi) think its more likey it it would just provoke the US to further amend ASPA:( (in addition to rethinking their petition rules)
I can't see him doing the pretend economic populism bit personally, then again maybe a Brit version of Trump doesn't need to.
Probably not; "...and who's gonna pay for that wall? FRANCE!!" will almost certainly suffice.
Wow. I wonder if this dogwhistle is part of the start of his leadership campaign

when DotCommunist made the same point last week :
well, that and remembers that the empiah tortured his grandad during the mau mau times
I don't think it was "dog whistle".
It is however playing the man not the ball, I think it is US interests for UK to be in EU : UK dampens anti US sentiment within EU (as deGaulle feared). And its not hypocritical either: not while UK citizens can petition the White House
when DotCommunist made the same point last week : I don't think it was "dog whistle".
It is however playing the man not the ball, I think it is US interests for UK to be in EU : UK dampens anti US sentiment within EU (as deGaulle feared). And its not hypocritical either: not while UK citizens can petition the White House

Nah, the half-Kenyan comment is an obvious allusion not just to an imagined Anglophobia but also to the birther conspiracy theory racism.
Nah, the half-Kenyan comment is an obvious allusion not just to an imagined Anglophobia but also to the birther conspiracy theory racism.

I don't think it was imagined, the France greatest ally, and the snub over the deskset (you have to go some to make me feel for Gordon Brown). Do think he mellowed as time went on.

"half-Kenyan"- he's a quarter isn't he?1 granddad.
It's almost as if he means black rather than Kenyan.
'picaninny watermelon smiles'
safe to assume he''s a closet racist of the carol thatcher mode. Rich and stupid enough to slip up now and then but he gets away with it cos boris lol whereas carol thatcher is loathesome to everyone anyway so lost the presenting gig.
Boris Johnson, what a nasty piece of work he really is (yes it does bear repeating):

Boris Johnson suggests 'part-Kenyan' Obama may have an 'ancestral dislike' of Britain

Shouldn't that headline read

"Part Turkish, part Swiss, part French, part German, part Russian, part Jewish Boris Johnson suggests etc"

(just in the interests of completeness and to point out that Johnson using Obama's heritage to question his motives could be thought of as a touch hypocritical, not because I think there's anything wrong with being any or all of those, I hasten to add)
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