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The dubious journalism of the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg

if there was a problem with her honesty and integrity she is guaranteed a Tory vermin press job on twice the monies (including the current bribes on top off bbc salary). They love lies, corruption and reinstating disgraced ministers/staff.

Why would she care? She will be better off sacked and disgraced than doing 'actual' journalism :(

Our country ^
Well BBC saying they don't believe they have broken electoral law but strangely have pulled today's politics live off iplayer. :hmm:

I used to jump to the defence of the BBC news. Those days have long fucking gone.
They have ruined their worldwide reputation for impartiality during this election. I feel sorry for the other journalists who work there & will be tarred by the same brush.
They have ruined their worldwide reputation for impartiality during this election. I feel sorry for the other journalists who work there & will be tarred by the same brush.
Yeah, I've no doubt there's still plenty of decent journalists there who must be well pissed off seeing fucking idiots like Kuenssberg trashing the company's reputation - although why she' hasn't been given a corporate slap down is anyone's guess.
There's a very detailed explanation about the postal votes thing here:

^^^This^^^ is spot on.

LK is acting like a twat making the statement she has. The fact that the BBC have pulled the iPlayer copy of the show says a lot. Mrs A and I work in Local Govt and were literally open mouthed at this stunt.

She's either lying or breaking the law - possibly a bit of both - either way, I'm a bit pissed off at effectively paying her salary to promote the fkn Tories when she sees fit. Luckily for us lots of people have reported this to both ofcom and the electoral commission already. And, the UK fine for this is unlimited (£5k in Scotland) and/or imprisonment.

News about #sacklaurakuenssberg on Twitter shows the depth of feeling on this
Yeah, I've no doubt there's still plenty of decent journalists there who must be well pissed off seeing fucking idiots like Kuenssberg trashing the company's reputation - although why she' hasn't been given a corporate slap down is anyone's guess.

I think there's a duty of care issue too, and not just for Laura K. Quite a lot of the senior political correspondents across the industry seem punch drunk, exhausted. Yeah, yeah it's very well paid - but there's consequences to being plugged into an relentless (mis)information avalanche and trying to filter, interpret, report etc. over such an extended period of time. Those consequences are really, really showing.
^^^This^^^ is spot on.

LK is acting like a twat making the statement she has. The fact that the BBC have pulled the iPlayer copy of the show says a lot. Mrs A and I work in Local Govt and were literally open mouthed at this stunt.

She's either lying or breaking the law - possibly a bit of both - either way, I'm a bit pissed off at effectively paying her salary to promote the fkn Tories when she sees fit. Luckily for us lots of people have reported this to both ofcom and the electoral commission already. And, the UK fine for this is unlimited (£5k in Scotland) and/or imprisonment.

News about #sacklaurakuenssberg on Twitter shows the depth of feeling on this
In case anyone missed it - here it is:

she's not though is she - she's credulously repeating what she's been told by some politicians who're lying or breaking the law (almost certainly the first)

My understanding is that it is an offence to communicate any information obtained at a postal vote or verification count session whether you attended that session or were passed the information by a third party.

As for credulously - I'm not sure, personally. She could be lying/making it up with the intention of swaying polls.

We really have no way of knowing.

As has been said, there is no way of getting the genie back into the bottle - her statement should not have been made.
Well BBC saying they don't believe they have broken electoral law but strangely have pulled today's politics live off iplayer. :hmm:

The police may disagree, hopefully via a caution+3 accompanied by summonses and search warrants.

If they decide otherwise, then following Thursday, election courts might be looking at a sudden upsurge in business.
They're not, we don't know what they're doing. Unless something seriously dodgy is going on, LK is essentially making stuff up.
I don't think so.
PV agents (really sub-agents) do feed back ball-park numbers that, presumably, do get fed up to region, up to national etc. I think LK is just blabbing about the loose talk she's heard from her contacts. I suspect that the Lab 'info' might have been made up by her contacts in CCHQ, though.
Yeah, I've no doubt there's still plenty of decent journalists there who must be well pissed off seeing fucking idiots like Kuenssberg trashing the company's reputation - although why she' hasn't been given a corporate slap down is anyone's guess.

My guess, and I think possibly yours, is that the Been are shit scared of the Tories right now.
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