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The British People have voted for BREXIT


Active Member
I was listening to some talk about BREXIT yet again and started to wonder about some of the staements made. These included:-

The British People have voted for BREXIT.
Over half the British People voted for BREXIT.
The Majoroty of British people voted to leave Europe.

My first thoughts were that not All british people are elligable to vote. At the time of the referendum there were 46.4 people elligable to vote out of a population of 65.6 million. So only 70.1% of the British were even elligable to vote.

Of these elligable voters only 72.2% actually voted or 33.5 million.

Then out of those who voted only 51.9% voted for BREXIT or a total of 17.4 million.

So out of the British population only 25.5% voted for BREXIT.

All the above statements it would seem are complete lies or at best half truths based on statistics.
I was listening to some talk about BREXIT yet again and started to wonder about some of the staements made. These included:-

The British People have voted for BREXIT.
Over half the British People voted for BREXIT.
The Majoroty of British people voted to leave Europe.

My first thoughts were that not All british people are elligable to vote. At the time of the referendum there were 46.4 people elligable to vote out of a population of 65.6 million. So only 70.1% of the British were even elligable to vote.

Of these elligable voters only 72.2% actually voted or 33.5 million.

Then out of those who voted only 51.9% voted for BREXIT or a total of 17.4 million.

So out of the British population only 25.5% voted for BREXIT.

All the above statements it would seem are complete lies or at best half truths based on statistics.

Waste man.

If more people didn't want to leave the EU they should have voted that way.

Also points for original thinking.
After working out the stats it shows just how many politicians and others lie about the BREXIT vote.

Interestingly I have spoken to a few people who openly admit to not voting and all say they expected everything to remain the same i.e. no BREXIT
I just wonder how it would go with a second referendum?

Of course it lends some truth to the statement that "you cannot govern a country by referendum" especially when it allows a minority view to appear to be the will of the people.

If more people didn't want to leave the EU they should have voted that way.

Of course the reverse is true, if more people wanted to leave they could have voted and made it a definate leave result.
After working out the stats it shows just how many politicians and others lie about the BREXIT vote.

Interestingly I have spoken to a few people who openly admit to not voting and all say they expected everything to remain the same i.e. no BREXIT
I just wonder how it would go with a second referendum?

Of course it lends some truth to the statement that "you cannot govern a country by referendum" especially when it allows a minority view to appear to be the will of the people.

Of course the reverse is true, if more people wanted to leave they could have voted and made it a definate leave result.
You should have posted here 18 months ago, where you'd have been reminded of the referendum on Welsh devolution when only 50% of people voted with about 50.1% for it and 49.9% against. After that arguments like those you post above are moot.
The issue is how British politics works. It is very much winner takes all. That's why coalitions rarely work in the UK and the word comprise doesn't seem to be a word which is understood by the political establishment.

The government (and I would say this is applicable since New Labour), loves sound bites, so this "WILL OF THE PEOPLE" malarkey fits in perfectly. Unfortunately a lot of the British population now work on the same premise since it doesn't require a lot of concentration and so not much research is needed as short sharp sentences rule in the age of social media.
I live in Brexitistan which is accessed via a minefield at the far reaches of Leaveland. The question asked invariably is “why ain’t we fackin’ left yet?”. :thumbs:
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The Scottish people didn't. Give us Scots another independence vote. Then if we get our independence, give us a vote on whether we want to be in the EU. I know some pro-union, pro-Brexit types who will be really pissed off. :D
Waste man.

If more people didn't want to leave the EU they should have voted that way.

Also points for original thinking.
I think a lot of people thought that we wouldn't leave, the 'No' side had a good majority and didn't bother to vote.

It will end in another referendum, and we will stay, but having lost the benefits gained by Mrs Thatcher. (Funny isn't it, the Lady was denigrated by the great unwashed, but actually acted in their interests. :D)
If the result had been reversed it would no longer be being discussed, that is evidence of the institutional bias of British society. The result conflicted with the interests of the cosmopolitan middle class who dominate the political class, institutions and media of British society and revealed the deep divisions in Britain which that monopoly consensus only hides.
The Scottish people didn't. Give us Scots another independence vote. Then if we get our independence, give us a vote on whether we want to be in the EU. I know some pro-union, pro-Brexit types who will be really pissed off. :D

Rajoy won't let you do that, he has little time for uppity separatists.
Obviously something white and blue.....Scotland?

I'd really only want to burn down Scotland as a last resort.
There are several government departments that use some shade or other of blue in their logo. None use white though.
can we just get fucking on with it..

between Trump and brit exit shit i'm getting bored of watching the telly, reading the internet or paper

*shakes fist at sky*

"Can we just fucking get on with it"

:cool: :D

I thoroughly agree. I'm a Remainer who would prefer a soft/minimal-damage Brexit.

But my main opinion is that banging on about** the entire EU/Brexit/Remain/technical details/Brussels bureaucracy oppression/bent bananas/blue or burgunday passports are all a huge stupid YAWNORAMA :mad: :rolleyes:

**Only thing Cameron ever said that made any sense, ever, in his career -- telling Tories to stop banging on about Europe. And TBF, Europe IS fucking boring. From that, came along Cameron's lazy concession of a referendum, and his de haut en bois assumption that 'Europe being boring' was a universally shared common sense perspective. So that's why he/many others royally fucked up the Remain campaign with his/their own laziness and complacency ;). They didn't even bother to consider that Brexit votes stemmed from all sorts of REAL factors ....
I voted for BREXIT. Now I am trying to understand why the hell I did. So far it appears there are no benefits for the working man or for pensioners. A minority of the British people voted for BREXIT. The money side does not add up. All the claims on both sides seem to be taken from somewhere where fairys reside not the real world.

If a second referendum is called I will definately vote remain.

The only question left for me is Why The Hell was a referendum called in the first place?

The government was totally unprepared to inform the British people of what BREXIT would mean and now after all this time it is big news that a breakthrough has been achieved, the only breakthrough is that the british government has recognised that citizens have rights, i.e. they agree with Europe. Theresa May triggered Article 50 while she didn't have a clue (I do not think that has changed yet either), telling me that a blue passport is something good is just the ramblings of someone who needs to visit the insane asylum.

IMO it is dragging on because the British government does not have a clue about how deeply Britain depends on Europe and as each corner is turned they are faced with, what is to them, totally unknown territory. All business will move to where they can make a profit, examples are everywhere, Aunt Bessies Yorkshire puds made in France, HP sauce made in the Netherlands came as quite a shock to me after believing for so many years these were totally British.

Having voted, for more decades than I care to remember, for a local MP who I felt at the time would be competent to manage the country I feel now that the British government is simply incompetent, that is whichever party or faction you care to think about. A general election is simply a popularity contest with each MP playing cards which they think, at the time, will get people to vote for them.

Now the dilema is who do I vote for at the next general election? Maybe I should start a campaign for "None Of The Above". Just think about the savings by not electing an MP that £93,000,000 expences bill could be split up to help the struggling institutions.

If any MPs read this and wish to get my vote just go with the slogan "Open And Honest" and publish MPs expences and all government accounts so everyone can see what you are spending their money on. You could even use my favourite song as music for your campaign "To Dream The Impossible Dream" then when you fail to deliver (notice "When" not "if") you can say "You should not have believed the manifesto it was all in the song".

Ahh it is good to have a rant every now and then.
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