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The Brexit process

Interesting, despite being from Banks' odious Westmonster channel.

Skinner wouldnt give em a penny. Is this a realistic possibility for a future Labour government? What might the consequences actually be?

The Beast! Great fella. Love that he keeps getting chucked out the Chamber for essentially telling the truth in public. 'Half the Tories are crooks!!!'....'WITHDRAW THAT STATEMENT!!!'...'OK, HALF THE TORIES AREN'T CROOKS!!!!'. Now that's a real legend.
And this gem...

Still think the Tories' deliberate choice of hard Brexit is setting us up for their next attack on the welfare state. Disaster capitalism. 'Well we'll have to tighten our belts...'.
If the Tories want a hard brexit then best they start recruiting & training 10000 new customs & excise staff. Handing out £multibillion contracts to build IT systems & buying wharehouses all over the country for new customs sheds right now.
If the Tories want a hard brexit then best they start recruiting & training 10000 new customs & excise staff. Handing out £multibillion contracts to build IT systems & buying wharehouses all over the country for new customs sheds right now.
New contracts and projects for the boys. And the more they deliberately fuck it up the more they can extract from the public purse. Don't assume this isn't deliberate. It's all about transferring money from public to private hands. That's all it is from the Tories point of view.
Will anybody vote for that at next election though ? Labour did far better than expected last GE mostly I think because people just don't like the Tories anymore. If they get it right it might be '97 all over again at next GE.

Point I was making though that if Tories want a hard brexit then they need to state that right now. Don't do any more talking to EU & start preparing right now or it will be chaos on brexit day.
Will anybody vote for that at next election though ? Labour did far better than expected last GE mostly I think because people just don't like the Tories anymore. If they get it right it might be '97 all over again at next GE.

Point I was making though that if Tories want a hard brexit then they need to state that right now. Don't do any more talking to EU & start preparing right now or it will be chaos on brexit day.
I think there are a lot of people in the Toty Party and their core supporters who want a hard Brexit, the problem is that the people whose interests the Tory Party serves such as the financial sector and big business (and who pay the bills) want the very softest of Brexits and preferably none at all.
They're caught in a struggle between those who realise this shit is going to cost them billions and those who are rolling in it while singing "Rule Britannia"
I have no sympathy for any of them, they've brought it on themselves. But the shit will end up on everyone not just those responsible for this mess.
No one with any sense in the City or Industry wants hard brexit - it is financial self harm that no one wants. Yes, BBC breakfast telly will always be able to find some poltroon from Shittingworth in Upper Arseholeshire that owns a sheet metal business who is a tub thumping hard brexiteer, but he isn't where the power lies. Capital will adapt, that what it does wellm, it does not however want to deal with shocks and uncertainty. There will not be a hard brexit*

* will deny this in 2 years time when proved wrong obvs
If the Tories want a hard brexit then best they start recruiting & training 10000 new customs & excise staff. Handing out £multibillion contracts to build IT systems & buying wharehouses all over the country for new customs sheds right now.
Unless they go for the Singapore model - no customs duties. 0.4% of total taxes raised.
Will anybody vote for that at next election though ? Labour did far better than expected last GE mostly I think because people just don't like the Tories anymore. If they get it right it might be '97 all over again at next GE.

Point I was making though that if Tories want a hard brexit then they need to state that right now. Don't do any more talking to EU & start preparing right now or it will be chaos on brexit day.
I don’t think they know what they want or indeed what they’re doing. I keep thinking “surely this must be some sort of cunning plan, maybe they are planning to leave Labour with a mess because they think they will lose the next election” but they were just as bad before the previous one when everybody said Labour had no chance. At this rate I could actually see a new referendum on whether to go ahead on the basis of the final non-deal being acceptable (and I don’t think that’s the grand plan either).
Brexit negotiations are at last showing signs of progressing as one could only hope for. Interesting or rather challenging how some of hurdles and objections crop up, and sorted, such as Northern Ireland border, and now the other non-EU member countries who have trade agreements with EU are lobbying against special agreements with Britain better than what they have agreed. Now we can hope that the process will roll on with disagreements, challenges and settlements.
Brexit negotiations are at last showing signs of progressing as one could only hope for. Interesting or rather challenging how some of hurdles and objections crop up, and sorted, such as Northern Ireland border, and now the other non-EU member countries who have trade agreements with EU are lobbying against special agreements with Britain better than what they have agreed. Now we can hope that the process will roll on with disagreements, challenges and settlements.

I'd like to share your optimism, but having had a chance to peruse things I'm having my doubts.
'Non-EU member countries who have trade agreements with EU are lobbying against special agreements with Britain' - I'd guess at that Switzerland, Norway... alongside the parallel complaints of US, Australia et al on how their existing pies will be redivided - don't mind that, it opens up the next layer of the onion Norway say, holding the EU to account to a set of rules its had a chance of help shape, great more learning curve. Trouble is, it on the face of it better than the Swiss managed so Government can poison the well dissing EFTA as their fudge is better..
BUT their fudge is going to fall apart ...'full alignment' clearly means different things to different people, and while the ambiguity keeps things going at the moment. Even if as I understand it, its limited only to : transport, agriculture, education, health, environment and tourism; they are big enough sectors that the ambiguity will be tested...AND THIS IS WHY IT WILL FALL apart..who will resolve the ambiguity?....the ECJ. ...That wouldn't be the case going down the EFTA route.

If we actually have to do the danc e
UK legally bound to pay £39bn Brexit 'divorce bill' before EU trade deal agreed, admits minister

Asked if MPs would be “agreeing the financial settlement before there is a legal treaty on the future relationship”, the minister – eventually – replied: “Yes”
It was also revealed that HMRC had acknowledged in writing that the technology needed for new customs checks would not be ready for three years
Can anyone see where this is going? /toilet flushing gif
No. HMRC is preparing for a no deal brexit, the 'technology' is a fantasy.
The technology isn't a fantasy... It just isn't all you need from a border... And they were doing it anyway as part of the EU Custom alignment... If anything it's late as per usual with tech changes
The technology isn't a fantasy... It just isn't all you need from a border... And they were doing it anyway as part of the EU Custom alignment... If anything it's late as per usual with tech changes
Europe (including Ireland) has not agreed to, nor shown any signs of agreeing to, this non-existent technology. The GFA guarantees no border. This cannot be resolved, and certainly not in the timescale available if it could be.
Europe (including Ireland) has not agreed to, nor shown any signs of agreeing to, this non-existent technology. The GFA guarantees no border. This cannot be resolved, and certainly not in the timescale available if it could be.
It's CHEIF STE and it's 3 years late already... And they've been working on it since 2010. What constitutes a border is going to end up being decided by the UN but May has made a few dull moves OR does she really think, after the horsemeat scandal, if the paperwork is OK its OK? Actually after Windrush I think she probably does
It's CHEIF STE and it's 3 years late already... And they've been working on it since 2010. What constitutes a border is going to end up being decided by the UN but May has made a few dull moves OR does she really think, after the horsemeat scandal, if the paperwork is OK its OK? Actually after Windrush I think she probably does
It's software, right? Based on the debt management systems used by the revenue?

How does software, or as you call it technology, solve the border problem?

Sasaferrato can vouch for the efficacy of revenue software.
It's software, right? Based on the debt management systems used by the revenue?

How does software, or as you call it technology, solve the border problem?

Sasaferrato can vouch for the efficacy of revenue software.

Synonym - A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as happy, joyful, elated.

HMRC software - Teats on a bull.

HMRC software could be grim. Automated processes, mandatory to use, that didn't work. The Tax Credits renewal software was/is a bastard of a thing. Those of us that had been Tax Credits trained did the renewal manually, in a third of the time of the software.

Again in Tax Credits, seemingly random requirements in the renewal system. For example, partner's income could not be blank, even if there were no earnings, 1p had to be entered.
Synonym - A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as happy, joyful, elated.

HMRC software - Teats on a bull.

HMRC software could be grim. Automated processes, mandatory to use, that didn't work. The Tax Credits renewal software was/is a bastard of a thing. Those of us that had been Tax Credits trained did the renewal manually, in a third of the time of the software.

Again in Tax Credits, seemingly random requirements in the renewal system. For example, partner's income could not be blank, even if there were no earnings, 1p had to be entered.
Tax credits software is, of course, idms, which is the basis of the proposed customs software which will replace a border between Northern Ireland and Ireland.

Software that will replace a border. Tax credit and debt management software.

It's one of those 'you really had to be there' things.
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