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The Arsenal 22/23

Well they say a pessimist is never disappointed but I am not going that far!

A draw would still be a good weekend's results but a 0-3 away win is more my cup of tea. :thumbs:
I remember you being sympathetic to Arteta from the (early) point he started getting shit. Kudos to you.

They were sliding down the walls in tears at the beginning of last season. Arteta probably forgotten more about footy than all of em put together.
Guardian comment:

It started happening to Mohamed Salah around the end of his first season at Liverpool. Yes: right now, Saka is in that league. There was one nutmeg of Scott McTominay in the first half that was pure disdain, a move that said: “What are you even doing here m8, I wanted Casemiro.”

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