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The 2019 General Election

not even been a week of campaigning and already there's puling and groaning as tho we were in the final furlong

the scars of 1992 and 2015 run deep. also - im not convinced that just because corbyn upset the applecart last time means he will pull the same trick this time around. If the elections about brexit than it looks like leave voters will vote solidly for the tories - whearas the remain vote gets split.
Manufactured social media furore by Tory hard men about Corbs willingness to start chucking nukes around - as if this is a marker of how suitable you are for a role. We really have struck a rich seam of jingoistic macho fuckery. These cunts should be dropped into the nearest war zone to live out their fantasies 4 real

Farage press conference - Brexit Party will not be standing in current Tory held seats, they will only be going after Labour seats.
you say that...

i suspect there may be further diminutions of the brexit party's electoral exposure in the next few days.
I admire your optimism, but on the face of it and if the BP strategy is to stand against 'remain' incumbents...then it's pretty much sunk Corbyn's hope of getting anywhere near the number of seats gained in 2017.
Looking more like a 3 figure tory majority if this plays out as stated.
I expect the BP will also drop out from some Labour seats, which the Tories stand a good chance to win, I guess we will know exactly how many seats they are going after in the next few days.
Will they still be standing in Labour seats where the tories have a chance of taking the seat anyway?
I expect the BP will also drop out from some Labour seats, which the Tories stand a good chance to win, I guess we will know exactly how many seats they are going after in the next few days.
There are a few LD/Tory marginals (like my own constituency) in which they may also let the Tory challenger have a free run against the LD incumbent (Brake in C&W).
So Farage only needs to find about 300 or so non-loon candidates now. I reckon it will still be a tough ask.

They only need to be non-loony enough to not be in prison or sectioned by election day, and they're guaranteed a lot of votes.
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I admire your optimism, but on the face of it and if the BP strategy is to stand against 'remain' incumbents...then it's pretty much sunk Corbyn's hope of getting anywhere near the number of seats gained in 2017.
Looking more like a 3 figure tory majority if this plays out as stated.
if the brexit party are competing with the tories against labour then i would expect a proportion of the tory vote to go to farage. i suspect that by doing this farage will - perversely - bolster labour as if the choice is vote brexit and let the tories win the bp's unlikely to garner a vast amount of support from labour voters. i think the naked opportunism will see a rise in the proportion of labour voters turning out.
if the brexit party are competing with the tories against labour then i would expect a proportion of the tory vote to go to farage. i suspect that by doing this farage will - perversely - bolster labour as if the choice is vote brexit and let the tories win the bp's unlikely to garner a vast amount of support from labour voters. i think the naked opportunism will see a rise in the proportion of labour voters turning out.
I'd be more inclined to entertain such a theory if I hadn't seen those regional cross-breaks off the latest (large) YG. I know, I know...polling, but they were dire for LP.
I expect that to be the case, like down the road from me, in Hastings.
Hastings is a Con/Lab marginal currently held by Con, although there will be a new mp this time. Presumably BP won't contest Hastings. It's the kind of place Labour could really do with winning.

BP have just voluntarily made themselves irrelevant, I'd have thought. I can't see anything other than a nosedive in their share of the vote.
I think the key points are what he said, “if we field 600 candidates there will be a hung parliament".

And, what he didn't say, he didn't say they would stand in every Labour seat.

I'll be surprised if they stand in more than around 40-50 seats.
Hastings is a Con/Lab marginal currently held by Con, although there will be a new mp this time. Presumably BP won't contest Hastings. It's the kind of place Labour could really do with winning.

BP have just voluntarily made themselves irrelevant, I'd have thought. I can't see anything other than a nosedive in their share of the vote.
Doesn't matter. They're not a genuine political party, they're a vehicle for Nigel Farage and nothing else. He's obviously got what he wants.
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