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The 2017 General Election campaign

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Apparently Farron refusing to say whether he thinks homosexuality is a sin on a call in just now.

TBF to the twat his point that it's the actions that matter I've some sympathy with but looks bad.

Yeah, he seems to be making the theological point about it not being up to him to declare what is a sin but he should know thats not how politics works and he should be able to explain it better.
Yeah, he seems to be making the theological point about it not being up to him to declare what is a sin but he should know thats not how politics works and he should be able to explain it better.
Yeah, considering he's been attacked on it previously you'd think the LDs would have come up with a better answer for him to use.
Apparently Farron refusing to say whether he thinks homosexuality is a sin on a call in just now.

TBF to the twat his point that it's the actions that matter I've some sympathy with but looks bad.
Establishes a hypocrisy - shouts how he's a christian, argues that his beliefs don't matter that much. What's going to hell vs a democratically arrived at party policy? What else is he prepared to ditch as not mattering - and if they don't matter then he's just an empty suit and anyone can do his job - there's no reason to vote for him or hist party.
Yeah, he seems to be making the theological point about it not being up to him to declare what is a sin but he should know thats not how politics works and he should be able to explain it better.
By his words he has put himself in the position of either saying that it is a sin or isn't - either way he's judging what is and isn't a sin. That's the ground he's chosen. And to to try and foist it onto a neutral idea of a content and judgement free politics/legal process to get out of the hole is typically cowardly
like what? If you think gay sex is a sin then you are a homophobe, theres no getting round that is there?

I dunno. Actions speak louder than thoughts. Just cause you think someone's going to hell doesn't mean you have to treat them any different in the earthly realm does it?
By his words he has put himself in the position of either saying that it is a sin or isn't - either way he's judging what is and isn't a sin. That's the ground he's chosen. And to to try and foist it onto a neutral idea of a content and judgement free politics/legal process to get out of the hole is typically cowardly

For sure, he's boxed himself into the corner.
A Message from Debbie Abrahams MP- Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions:

Dear all,

You are kindly invited to attend the launch of Labour's Manifesto for Disabled People- 'Nothing About You Without You' with the Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Debbie Abrahams MP.

The next Labour government will ensure that the UK upholds its obligations under the UN convention on persons with disabilities. Our commitment to people-powered politics means that our manifesto was co-produced with Deaf and Disabled people, carers and service providers.

We believe that our policies will transform our social security system, and are based on the principles of dignity, independence and support. They will ensure that Deaf and Disabled people are properly supported to live full and independent lives.

Doors open 10.45 for 11.15 start.
Date: Saturday 3rd June 2017
Venue: Manchester Conference Centre, Pendulum Hotel, Sackville Street, Manchester, M1 3BB, United Kingdom

Please use the link to register: Disability Manifesto Launch

If you have any additional access needs please email Huma on huma_haq@labour.org.uk as soon as possible.

Please pass this invitation on to Deaf and Disabled people and carers in your area who may be interested in attending.

Kind regards

Huma Haq

Pls circulate
it's interesting that they're putting trump and brexit in the same type of category as corbyn winning (ie something negative)
it's interesting that they're putting trump and brexit in the same type of category as corbyn winning (ie something negative)
you can see this a lot in analysis from some quarters- its the whole notion that 'populism' is a dirty word. Its an attempt as old as time by liberals to say the left are as bad as these right demagogues and ooh everyones lost their heads. Melenchon, sanders and corbyn lumped in the same breath as le pen and trump.
it's interesting that they're putting trump and brexit in the same type of category as corbyn winning (ie something negative)
As an anarchist I take a perverse pleasure in taking seriously the tricks, scare stories and levers of influence that act as the internal logic of conventional politics. Whilst I still think the tories will win, its interesting (and actually quite hopeful) if some of this is breaking down - for example the idea that a lab-snp de facto alliance can't be used to freak people. That was certainly part of brexit and trump, the distrust of conventional politics - the positive part.
As an anarchist I take a perverse pleasure in taking seriously the tricks, scare stories and levers of influence that act as the internal logic of conventional politics. Whilst I still think the tories will win, its interesting (and actually quite hopeful) if some of this is breaking down - for example the idea that a lab-snp de facto alliance can't be used to freak people. That was certainly part of brexit and trump, the distrust of conventional politics - the positive part.
yeh. no one should trust someone who wants to bring in a dementia tax when they say 'a vote for the other party is a vote for nastiness' or whatnot.
...and if they thought Corbyn had a chance of winning then why on Earth did they call the election?

  • They're lying on their leaflets about it
  • They're stupid
  • Or something has changed since they called it. Wonder if they'd like to explain what that is :D?
There was much discussion of this strategy early on in the campaign - there was concern that it was such a foregone conclusion some of the Tory vote might not bother mobilising - so the Tories were talking up Labour's chances in order to get those voters out.
...and if they thought Corbyn had a chance of winning then why on Earth did they call the election?

  • They're lying on their leaflets about it
  • They're stupid
  • Or something has changed since they called it. Wonder if they'd like to explain what that is :D?
or all of the above
Banned from the city for being even too crooked for them to bear I believe. That takes some doing. Something about apples falling close to trees.

Boiler rooms, ramping and the usual "line your own pockets at the expense of others" shit that such scum indulge in. Rudd worked for her dad's companies too, something she keeps off of her CV.
My mother was just on the phone and reports that posters she's seeing - this was in Hereford - don't say "Vote Conservative" they say "Vote Theresa May".

For years, the Tory press have been telling themselves that May is some sort of Big Beast superhero and even some sort of sex symbol (kitten heels, anyone?!?!), but I don't think she comes across terribly well. She's never been challenged before.

She was Home Sec in a government where most decision-making was even more centralised than Labour under Blair and Brown. She was rarely challenged not least because the opposition - and the small section of the media that actually questioned the coalition govt - knew that the decisions coming out of her department, weren't HER decisions. She got the leadership on the strength of a perception of toughness that she never remotely married up to. Unfortunately for her, the perception has unravelled prior to, rather than after a G.E.
you can see this a lot in analysis from some quarters- its the whole notion that 'populism' is a dirty word.

My (ex DM reading but coming round) MiL came out with

"That Corbyn's a bit like Trump don't you think?"
"He just promises a lot of what people want"
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