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The 2017 General Election campaign

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On the illness thing, it's not as if she's been doing nothing; she's been (obviously) to Plymouth, Bath yesterday. She's quite competently going around doing what she does best; rattling out prepared lines while looking down at people (she's fucking good at that, i mean she's only 5' 6"). She does have diabetes and that may, may be affecting her, but fuck - she has very good docs, and she's been dealing with it for her period as HS and PM.

they must have stuck a podium in for that Bath video.
On the illness thing, it's not as if she's been doing nothing; she's been (obviously) to Plymouth, Bath yesterday. She's quite competently going around doing what she does best; rattling out prepared lines while looking down at people (she's fucking good at that, i mean she's only 5' 6" but she can appear as though she's heads over a factoryload of blokes). She does have diabetes and that may, may be affecting her, but fuck - she has very good docs, and she's been dealing with it for her period as HS and PM.
I know several people with type 1 diabetes (which is her type), and while it's obviously a serious condition, they know how to manage it. One even runs marathons. And, as you say, she's the fucking PM! She'll have access to the best medical advice going!
The leadership succession hots up.

A BBC source says that Woman’s Hour bid for Theresa May and was told by the Conservatives that she wasn’t available. The broadcaster had been planning for the last few weeks to air an interview with Amber Rudd, the home secretary, on Friday. But a last-minute substitution of Justine Greening, the education secretary, has now been made.
I'm beginning to wonder what stories will be revealed when she's replaced after June 8th. I'm loath to say so, but maybe she is struggling with stress-related MH issues?

She seemed to go really flaky just after the Manchester attack.

Maybe she really did sign off on an MI5 risk assessment for sending a bunch of Mancunians, including various members of the Abedi family, off to Libya to train as Islamist-terrorists by way of overthrowing Qaddafi?
I see Corbyn announced his Brexit team today - Starmer, Thornberry and Gardiner.

Surely those three come across as much more capable than Johnson, Davis and Fox? Keir Starmer was just in C4 news - think that's the first time I've seen him on tv during the campaign.
I see Corbyn announced his Brexit team today - Starmer, Thornberry and Gardiner.

Surely those three come across as much more capable than Johnson, Davis and Fox? Keir Starmer was just in C4 news - think that's the first time I've seen him on tv during the campaign.
Not saying much, is it. Pick three people at random off the streets and they'd do a better job than jdf
This is obviously it. Her minders give her stock phrases to say, which she repeats with diminishing relevance when the questions change, she only gets to meet handpicked people, and she won't even do a radio show that Corbyn's already done.
Her media training seems to have consisted of one thing and one thing only: to laugh disparagingly whilst shaking her head. It must have taken serious Rocky-style investment to get it properly nailed down, and yet at best only half of this little set piece works on radio, so I'm not surprised she's bowed out of that one. The telly has the opposite problem - you can't have the security-cleared cat whisperer run in to feed her more orphan livers every time she pulls it off successfully.
True but if the last week is going to be all about Brexit the question of who you want negotiating for Britain might not go how the tories expected
Johnson shouldn't be on the team, he's pathological. He's there so he gets shafted and isn't going to try to topple tm.
True but if the last week is going to be all about Brexit the question of who you want negotiating for Britain might not go how the tories expected

Especially if she's unlikely to turn up. In fact this whole election may just have been an exercise in avoiding two months of negotiations, if she wins we'll probably have another foot and mouth outbreak preventing all ministerial cross-channel travel, which will probably be followed by the country being placed under an interdict or the raids of the North-men making the sea unsafe.
Especially if she's unlikely to turn up. In fact this whole election may just have been an exercise in avoiding two months of negotiations, if she wins we'll probably have another foot and mouth outbreak preventing all ministerial cross-channel travel, which will probably be followed by the country being placed under an interdict or the raids of the North-men making the sea unsafe.
No deal is better than a bad deal, remember? See also: WarGames' "the only winning move is not to play". So like that but with bendy bananas instead of modem sounds, and probably lots more irradiation by the end of it. Or just staying in the house with the curtains closed throughout the entirety of Article 50's expiration hoping that Broderick will sort it.
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