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TfL denied Uber operator license, ride hailing service wins on appeal (Sept 2020)

They have a fleet dept who will help you rent a car and get your paperwork together to work for them. They don't advertise the fact that you can work for other people and I've been told they hassle you to work for them regularly. That's not self-employed unless you know the rules and sort your own car and shit out.

There you go, you learn something new everyday, I thought they were all owner-drivers, and that's why I was surprised they had been classed as being employed.
There you go, you learn something new everyday, I thought they were all owner-drivers, and that's why I was surprised they had been classed as being employed.

Even if you are owner driver in courier industry some companies want you to be regular. Expect you to work shifts. Actually some companies are now much more flexible as they are worried about implications of these cases. They used to give people hard time if they just took time off or went home "early". Now they are worried that the people they (don't ) employ may be employees.

Some of these courier companies prefer having owner drivers. Having a big fleet is a headache. Just because one owns ones vehicle doesn't mean in practice they are not expected to work the hours.

There is a lot of subtle and not so subtle pressure on people to perform. As drivers are classified as "self employed" apart from no sick pay, etc one can be "let go" for any reason or no reason. It's not like being properly employed employed. No grievance procedure or warnings.

It's affecting other industries like journalism as well. Industries that found having people as freelance made sense- no sick pay, no holiday pay, no redundancy, ability to let people go when work was slack. Self employment / freelancing isn't a real choice for a lot of people. It's just how some industries work.
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she's been defending the free market in terms of it literally being humanities greatest achievement which would amuse me if I didn't know that most of them believe that. That such a thing exists and that its really the pinnacle of all things ever that humans do
Did you see the interview clip - even she says nothing, says its badly. How the fuck did this poltroon ever get a job ?

The really amazing thing is that up until not long before the election they'd managed to manufacture an image of her being the exact opposite - in control, competent, basically taking charge of things. Not on here perhaps but it was widely believed. Quite some doing given how completely hopeless she looks now.
The really amazing thing is that up until not long before the election they'd managed to manufacture an image of her being the exact opposite - in control, competent, basically taking charge of things. Not on here perhaps but it was widely believed. Quite some doing given how completely hopeless she looks now.
shows how ephemeral these projections of power-as-image can be. I was calling her Darth May for weeks. Then the disastrous snap election and greenfell, space of 2 months and now look....
every time I see her interviewed, I want to see the interviewer push her a bit on the non committal answer she invariably trots out - maybe they are in awe of her or just cannot be fucked to risk their career by upsetting the party PR team. It is utterly criminal the way she is massaged and never take to task on the spunking cock ejaculate she dispenses
every time I see her interviewed, I want to see the interviewer push her a bit on the non committal answer she invariably trots out - maybe they are in awe of her or just cannot be fucked to risk their career by upsetting the party PR team. It is utterly criminal the way she is massaged and never take to task on the spunking cock ejaculate she dispenses
Which is fine until she is lulled into a false sense of security as a result and calls a snap election. At which point, she suddenly comes under proper scrutiny and folds like a 5 and a 2.
I was calling her Darth May for weeks.
I still do, but it's for her autocratic nature and hatred of anything as wishy-washy as human rights that I refer to her so. Darth Maul was on-screen for all of 15 minutes before he died, and Darth Vader made a super battlestation with an obvious self-destruct button. Competency wasn't their strength.
I still do, but it's for her autocratic nature and hatred of anything as wishy-washy as human rights that I refer to her so. Darth Maul was on-screen for all of 15 minutes before he died, and Darth Vader made a super battlestation with an obvious self-destruct button. Competency wasn't their strength.

Actually the Death Star exploding was Tarkin's fault. He dismissed the small Rebel strike force as inconsequential and refused to scramble the TIE fighters to intercept them. This left Darth Vader to deal with the Rebel attack using his personal fighter and the only TIE squadron under his direct command.

And presumably, fuck the 40,000 drivers who now can't feed their families?

Dunno. I'm yet to speak with an uber driver who is unduly worried. They may be putting a brave face on it but the ones I spoke to said whilst its a pain there are loads of ways for them to get work. Obviously it will be different for different people but I've spoken to 5 since this all blew up.
Aye, but that can take time. With the benefits system being as agile as a sloth on barbiturates, there will be real hardship.

You should have read the thread, the appeal is likely to take months, so plenty of time for the drivers to sort themselves out. Although I suspect uber will meet whatever conditions are required, to the benefit of both of drivers & passengers alike, to get their licence renewed.
Thing is under aren't doing anything- it's an algorithm- I imagine it would be fairly hard to write an algorithm that responds quickly to terrorism, real or suspected

I'm sure its not difficult for someone in uber towers to override the setting for an area for a pre-determined amount of time. Let's hope the Daily Express's annual revelation of 60ft of snow doesn't happen this coming winter.
I'm sure its not difficult for someone in uber towers to override the setting for an area for a pre-determined amount of time. Let's hope the Daily Express's annual revelation of 60ft of snow doesn't happen this coming winter.
Yeah would probably help but that wouldn't be until news reports got out and would miss the beginning of the problem
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