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TfL denied Uber operator license, ride hailing service wins on appeal (Sept 2020)

I've used uber about three times ever so no loss to me if it disappears but there'd be a huge amount of people out of a job.
Almost certainly its just going to have to promise to mend its ways and business as usual will resume.
As funny as it is though it must be a real worry for the drivers. If you just operate as an Uber driver where will you get your fares from if the tap is turned off?
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Uber is infinitely cheaper than fucking black cabs who I have nothing but contempt from the days when they'd ignore their own rules and refuse to drive me to Brixton.
still too dear for many transport users. When I lived in London, I was on an average salary, and I couldn't really afford to use them.
The part of me that has come close to being put out of a job by Uber is very happy. The part of me that likes being able to get a cab home for eight pounds in under two minutes from Newbury Park is a bit upset.

Realistically, they could still win their appeal and if they don't it will create a big vacuum which Gett and erm the other one whose name I forget, will be quite happy to fill and won't be treating their drivers any better in their rush to fill it.
As funny as it is though it must be a real worry for the drivers. If you just operate as an Uber driver where will you get your fares from if the tap is turned off?

Someone I know who has been using uber a lot in Guildford says the drivers tell her they want uber to lose its licence.
One thing I never see mentioned about uber is the app doesn't stop drivers from working any amount of hours. A driver can work 24 hours straight if they want. The app doesn't stop them. I've had a chat with a few drivers about this and they've confirmed it. One of them said he used to drive incredibly long hours but after a crash he's stopped it.
That doesn't seem right to me.
still too dear for many transport users. When I lived in London, I was on an average salary, and I couldn't really afford to use them.
That's you though. There are plenty of people that could never have afforded the ridiculous black cab fares for whom Uber opened up other possibilities and made their lives a bit easier.

I don't think Uber are going out of London. They'll appeal and probably be granted an interim licence whilst they do so.

I don't care much one way or the other, although losing Uber Eats will be a bit of a ball ache because they're the only outfit who deliver McDonalds round our way.
One of the worst examples of "gig economy" companies. Even Addison Lee, shady and ill-reputed as they are, treat their drivers better. If you have to take a taxi, don't take an uber.

Hmmm. I don't think there's much between their attitudes to drivers. They have a driver liaison department at AL to try and persuade the drivers they're gtting a good deal while you'd be lucky to get an email out of Uber but both are very much 'like it or lump it'. If AL have got any better since I was last in their office then it's because of Uber.
They will appeal and can keep operating while the appeal is in the courts. They will make efforts to comply and get the licence. But it will mean they will be more expensive and they will squeeze the drivers more to stay competitive and very profitable.
They will appeal and can keep operating while the appeal is in the courts. They will make efforts to comply and get the licence. But it will mean they will be more expensive and they will squeeze the drivers more to stay competitive and very profitable.

How long, I wonder, could they drag the appeal out?
One of the worst examples of "gig economy" companies. Even Addison Lee, shady and ill-reputed as they are, treat their drivers better. If you have to take a taxi, don't take an uber.
Yet every time I've chatted to an Uber driver - expecting them to be full of complaints - every one of them has declared themselves happy with the service, saying that the trade off in not-so-great wages was worth it for the freedom to start and stop whenever they felt like it.

And double-triple fuck Tory supporting scumbags Addison Lee. I'd rather walk.

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No, kabbee are jokers. They're just a platform offering work to anyone who'll do it at shit rates. There's another big money backed firm ready to step in. I was trying to eavesdrop a management conversation about it the other day but I was too busy to do so accurately.
You mean one that's not operating at the moment?
One thing I never see mentioned about uber is the app doesn't stop drivers from working any amount of hours. A driver can work 24 hours straight if they want. The app doesn't stop them. I've had a chat with a few drivers about this and they've confirmed it. One of them said he used to drive incredibly long hours but after a crash he's stopped it.
That doesn't seem right to me.

Hooray for freedom
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