Recently departed.
A few points in no sequential or political order:
- The facebook therapy resignation thing is the tip of the iceberg. Charlie made a very bad call when he ended conference with a TINA argument (there is no alternative). Hardly a positive argument for the time and money people give the party.
- There is word of a statement to follow, not sure whether I'll sign it as it may convey an intention to do something else. I want a bit of a rest.
- The prof is King. He negotiates between the two mainstream factions. This role is very difficult, and requires 'creativity'. He lies through his teeth, and cant keep his temper (amusing, but sad).
- It came out that the dispute committee has been split all year. The honorable side called the other side outright liars. It came out that the CC had to intervene to get the second complaint heard after the honorable side complained. The chair of national committee (certainly not a faction member) said there had been a clear gap between the parties politics on oppression and the way it had acted.
- These revelations were ignored, disbelieved or thought to be too damaging to act on in the short term. Some real crazy shit was applauded. A person speaking 'from the standpoint of the proletariat' (you know who) said openly that the complainant couldn't be trusted for political reasons. The 'women and children lie' line was said, but in rambling incoherent way - applause was polite based on clapping a nervous idiot, but her ideas were not challenged.
- There are many honorable people not in the faction, in particular on the DC, that fought like hell to get a proper hearing for the second complainants main accusation. In the main, the 'critical friend' faction were quiet, voting with the cc, distraught at what was being said, unorganized and deflated.
They disappoint me the most. They have not organised, merely acted to put pressure on Alex and Charlie in private. They even said things that have been *directly the opposite* to what they have said in private. Various middle grounders have said iDoom need to be off CC, the direction of the party is terrible etc etc. Good luck to them, but I have no confidence in their ability to see any of this through.
- The report of this complaint made it very clear that Martin had significant evidence he would have to account for, of a stronger kind that he has previously faced, if he sought to rejoin. He is understood to be finished by all but a very, very small minority.
- The secondary hearing, about internet hacking, was a farce. Those hearing it did not know what a google group was, how email worked etc. The nature of the complaint was deliberately conflated - the accusation was not that charlie or the cc had hacked her email, but that someone had. In the summing up, it was said that 'there may have been hacking, but we are confident that the cc or charlie did not hack'. FFS.
-The CC's apology is ambiguous, and was interpreted in very contradictory ways by members outside the faction. I was told that if you don't fight, you'll never win. Good luck to these people.
- The student session shows that those tasked with rebuilding the SWP are doing so on a narrow, economistic, sect-like basis. The students they have recruited sound like millies- the paper, the party, the meeting. The students from the faction gave a detailed analysis of the cops of campus, the living wage campaign, and prospects for the student movement in the next year.
Its sad all round, mostly because at any point in the last 12months this could have been dealt with, but each time the Prof upped the stakes rather than backing down.
Someone from Bristol attacked 'those on both sides who have threatened to leave if they don't get there way'. This is the first time I have heard of people threatening to leave on the other side - perhaps this explains some of the disastrous fudges that have taken place.