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SWP expulsions and squabbles

Good to see you KB, you should stick around for the albums of the year at least though, I want to see your choices.
cheers mate - probably be around for christmas at least. i've not been paying that much attention this year tbh, I'm hoping the albums of the year thread might give me some tips. :D
Yes the SWP has long taken young people seriously as essential protest fodder as they pass through the revolving door of student radicalism, SWP recruitment, and inevitable dejection and burn-out. And this whole thing about "being argued with relentlessly" is just bollocks. It's a classic SWP trope: "we need to win the argument". A cliche of deadheaded Cliffism at this point. Total nonsense. Like the idea of "winning the argument" in some campaign group of other, which more often than not consists of secret caucusing and packing meetings, it's total bullshit. It's made to sound (not only by bolshie) like some vigorous, rigorous form of macho, hardheaded oldskool-socialist bare-knuckled intellectual brawl in which ideas are thrashed out, new positions taken, old idols dethroned. But in reality it's being brain-pummeled by a series of middle aged 1980s generation regurgitations of established truths, hackneyed aphorisms, puerile exemplars, and sterile insights. It boils down to the thin gruel formula of the grey sludge SWP party line.

[Oh and it was clear from muscovyduck's post that she is relatively young and was making an intervention drawing on her experience, so don't try to wriggle out of how disgustingly disrespectful you were being bolshie. You really have degenerated yourself during the course of this thread, along with your new comrades.]
Good for you for working out the posters background, I hadn't. I'd just now started to write another defence for my flippant remark among many others that frenzied speed reading night but there's no point really. There's blood in the water, the sharks are circling the SWP and they think the end is nigh. We'll hear a lot of stuff about the degenerated, desiccated sect that is the SWP from Jones, Seymour (although he has the sense to call off the stall chucking attack dogs in his piece) and their smaller epigones on here. Cool, that's fair enough, the temperature on this thread has tended to follow developments in the faction fight quite closely and right now is the height of the "I've had enough, be done with you foul hacks" wave. But lets be honest, it is largely an Internet wave at this point and I suspect you all already know the SWP won't be broken by it, not even in the wished for sense of "gradually dwindling into insignificance" or whatever the formula is. That's bollox and at least half the fury directed at the party and anyone associated with it online is because the furious ones know that's bollox or at the very least aren't as sure of it as they want to sound. Cue more spittle inflected rants from the less articulate section of the thread than yourself benedict...
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But lets be honest, it is largely an Internet wave at this point and I suspect you all already know the SWP won't be broken by it, not even in the wished for sense of "gradually dwindling into insignificance" or whatever the formula is.

It's largely an Internet wave ... those words struck me as it was something an old SWP friend of mine said 12 months ago when I asked him what the hell was going on in the party re the Delta scandal. Haven't spoken to him since, but I bet he's changed his mind since then!

But I agree that the SWP won't be broken by the Internet "wave", it will be destroyed by its own leadership and those who support them.
The astonishing thing is still that if the SWP tops and their supporters had behaved decently, properly, like socialists, from day one they could and would have avoided all this - every last bit of it. Sure they'd have the same problems as before - lack of internal democracy and democratic culture, great-men politics, middle/upper and academic class domination, appalling opportunism etc - but they were internal problems, their problems. Instead, by reacting like paranoid stalinist control freaks, by jim jonesing it (i was going to say corporal jonesing it but the collective nature of this idiocy takes it far beyond that) they have manged to turn it and the stuff listed above into a problem for everyone else to deal with, they made those problems social and in that act provoked reactions and answers to those problems that have seriously damaged what they thought they were protecting. What does this say about the political acumen of this vanguard - that it does this on what, when placed alongside their grand aims, could be said to be a relatively minor matter? It throws into doubt every single piece of analysis they now offer, whether historic or contemporary, it makes people ask, hang on, just who on earth are these chancers and how have they got where they are? Why should i/we listen to them? And all because their puffed up local authority meant they could no longer respond decently, no longer respond without seeing difference of opinion or disagreement as a challenge to their authority.
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re The Quote, has the person who said it been named?
The only info I have is that it was said by a delegate. One presumes that it wasn't said by a CC/DC member as this would have led to an even bigger scandal. David Renton, who confirmed that the infamous quote had been in fact said, will be posting on his blog this evening. It will be interesting to see if he mentions the incident.
Recently departed.

A few points in no sequential or political order:

- The facebook therapy resignation thing is the tip of the iceberg. Charlie made a very bad call when he ended conference with a TINA argument (there is no alternative). Hardly a positive argument for the time and money people give the party.

- There is word of a statement to follow, not sure whether I'll sign it as it may convey an intention to do something else. I want a bit of a rest.

- The prof is King. He negotiates between the two mainstream factions. This role is very difficult, and requires 'creativity'. He lies through his teeth, and cant keep his temper (amusing, but sad).

- It came out that the dispute committee has been split all year. The honorable side called the other side outright liars. It came out that the CC had to intervene to get the second complaint heard after the honorable side complained. The chair of national committee (certainly not a faction member) said there had been a clear gap between the parties politics on oppression and the way it had acted.

- These revelations were ignored, disbelieved or thought to be too damaging to act on in the short term. Some real crazy shit was applauded. A person speaking 'from the standpoint of the proletariat' (you know who) said openly that the complainant couldn't be trusted for political reasons. The 'women and children lie' line was said, but in rambling incoherent way - applause was polite based on clapping a nervous idiot, but her ideas were not challenged.

- There are many honorable people not in the faction, in particular on the DC, that fought like hell to get a proper hearing for the second complainants main accusation. In the main, the 'critical friend' faction were quiet, voting with the cc, distraught at what was being said, unorganized and deflated.

They disappoint me the most. They have not organised, merely acted to put pressure on Alex and Charlie in private. They even said things that have been *directly the opposite* to what they have said in private. Various middle grounders have said iDoom need to be off CC, the direction of the party is terrible etc etc. Good luck to them, but I have no confidence in their ability to see any of this through.

- The report of this complaint made it very clear that Martin had significant evidence he would have to account for, of a stronger kind that he has previously faced, if he sought to rejoin. He is understood to be finished by all but a very, very small minority.

- The secondary hearing, about internet hacking, was a farce. Those hearing it did not know what a google group was, how email worked etc. The nature of the complaint was deliberately conflated - the accusation was not that charlie or the cc had hacked her email, but that someone had. In the summing up, it was said that 'there may have been hacking, but we are confident that the cc or charlie did not hack'. FFS.

-The CC's apology is ambiguous, and was interpreted in very contradictory ways by members outside the faction. I was told that if you don't fight, you'll never win. Good luck to these people.

- The student session shows that those tasked with rebuilding the SWP are doing so on a narrow, economistic, sect-like basis. The students they have recruited sound like millies- the paper, the party, the meeting. The students from the faction gave a detailed analysis of the cops of campus, the living wage campaign, and prospects for the student movement in the next year.

Its sad all round, mostly because at any point in the last 12months this could have been dealt with, but each time the Prof upped the stakes rather than backing down.

Someone from Bristol attacked 'those on both sides who have threatened to leave if they don't get there way'. This is the first time I have heard of people threatening to leave on the other side - perhaps this explains some of the disastrous fudges that have taken place.
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Acknowledged and understood. The previous was the same username one I use on a occasionally on a football message board; it seemed inappropriate and childish for here.
i just defriended a loyalist. pleased to announce he was staying in. i had to comment, jesus, they went nuts. if they had gotten any more shrill it would have sounded like a box of whistles landing on a bunch of budgerigars.

shame really, as he used to be good. left our branch before it turned to shit though. joined during the miners strike. probably thrir youngest member now.
The student session shows that those tasked with rebuilding the SWP are doing so on a narrow, economistic, sect-like basis. The students they have recruited sound like millies- the paper, the party, the meeting.

What exactly do 'the millies' sound like? Only I happen to have been in both organisations and encountered far more of the kind of hackery you describe here in the SWP than in 'the millies' (though admittedly both do it far more than is really healthy).

You'd have thought recent events would have led young former swaps to think twice before engaging in that kind of sectarian one upmanship.
david renton writes: http://livesrunning.wordpress.com/2013/12/17/to-my-comrades-of-any-party-or-none/


on a side note, he says "Over the past 20 years the self-taught workers have almost all left, while the party-liners have multiplied."
i was speaking to someone the other day who said that the SWP "in the seventies" (he may have got his dates wrong, maybe early 80s) was a lot more "libertarian" and "horizontal" , but those people left pretty much as a bloc. can anyone confirm that? has the party changed a lot over time?
What exactly do 'the millies' sound like? Only I happen to have been in both organisations and encountered far more of the kind of hackery you describe here in the SWP than in 'the millies' (though admittedly both do it far more than is really healthy).

You'd have thought recent events would have led young former swaps to think twice before engaging in that kind of sectarian one upmanship.
To be fair it is not clear if they mean the SP of now, or Militant of days gone by.

Anyway what they seem to be saying is that 'millies' focus on building their party rather than in engaging with the wider movements. I guess the SP would probably say they engage in different movements.

I have to say that personally while I like you spinney, in fact I think you are possibly one of my favorite posters on here, my experiences with SP members in 'the real world' have been far from positive. I have encountered sectarian hackery at a level the SWP could never much.
david renton writes: http://livesrunning.wordpress.com/2013/12/17/to-my-comrades-of-any-party-or-none/


on a side note, he says "Over the past 20 years the self-taught workers have almost all left, while the party-liners have multiplied."
i was speaking to someone the other day who said that the SWP "in the seventies" (he may have got his dates wrong, maybe early 80s) was a lot more "libertarian" and "horizontal" , but those people left pretty much as a bloc. can anyone confirm that? has the party changed a lot over time?
Thanks, read all:

But they continued to vote for the leadership.
I will never again use the word “socialist” to describe the middle aged trade unionist from my former branch who went round the edges of conference, confronting the youngest delegate at conference, a woman in her gap year before university who had never met him before, with the hostile greeting, “Martin is innocent”.
I'm assuming "The students they have recruited sound like millies- the paper, the party, the meeting" does indeed mean the Militant Tendency approach, vintage 80s style - which was to recruit among students to bring them into the party-of-the-workers without really involving them in student protests & struggles (presumably a new SWP scheme to make sure their new students do not go off and develop ideas of their own in the process). As it happens the Socialist Party seem to be now (have been for a while ? ) getting quite into student protest at the universities, so there is a kind of direct swap of roles here.
Dave Rentons piece is very good. I've always liked him and found him personally 'good' - how people like that ended up 20 years in the swp (and it wasn't any different when he joined - this isn't a story of degeneration) is something pretty important.
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