That might be true if I'd known anything about you when I said it, it was an offhand response to someone whose age and gender I didn't have the foggiest of. But in the climate being created that isn't allowed. Or rather flippancy is allowed on this thread, if the person doing it is anti SWP. I keep forgetting that house rule. None of which is your fault of course so apologies if you got hit in the crossfire.
As I'm normally less dismissive I'll try to explain properly what I meant. I thought it was comical, regardless of who said it, because despite the stupidity of whoever in the party used the phrase women and children (and it was stupid and as I said a few pages back, offensive) it was an attempt by someone to be provocative rather than reflecting some deep seated party animosity to young people. The SWP might have had a torrid time with it's younger members recently but the one thing it hasn't traditionally done is forget to take young people seriously. And by seriously I mean both value them AND argue with them cause theres nothing more patronising than saying, as the opposition do, that young people should be treated with kid gloves intellectually (taken to a silly extreme when the ISN argue with each other about whether they should be allowed to argue with each other). Bollox to that, I was argued with relentlessly since the moment I joined swss and that process of debate and learning is what I valued most about the party when I joined first time round.