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Former SWP members plan to sabotage Steve Hedley's TUSC campaign

I went on some WEA rep training a few years back partly taught by him. I can't say anything about the other allegations, but he was a bullying misogynist prick on that course, and objecting to it led to exactly the kind of crap about being middle class sell outs that's on that Facebook thread. That and some behaviour I witnessed from him at a Cleaners' Demo has, how shall we say, led to a consistent impression being formed.
Interesting that when it was Smith everyone was quick to believe his accusers, but no so much in this case. Why is that?
Yes he's made some sexist remarks in that facebook exchange, but that does not lead to any evidence that he physically assaulted anyone or subjected anyone to domestic abuse.
Do you think someone who conducts themselves in that manner should be an electoral candidate for a left wing organisation, let alone taken seriously as a leader in Britain's most effective trade union? Even given the inability of proving the other allegations - just given that Facebook thread?
Do you think someone who conducts themselves in that manner should be an electoral candidate for a left wing organisation, let alone taken seriously as a leader in Britain's most effective trade union? Even given the inability of proving the other allegations - just given that Facebook thread?
All it takes is for someone to nominate him, then someone to second the nomination? I suppose once you get into an electoral campaign/campaigns, all the counter arguments against election come to a head.

Edit: I wouldn't vote for him but I guess there's plenty who will
Have to say that regardless of whether people believe he did what he's alleged to have done (I don't pretend to know either way but he does come across as a nob) this is a cock up from TUSC purely on pragmatic grounds - it's not like he stands any chance of winning the seat and this outcome was tediously predictable.
Have to say that regardless of whether people believe he did what he's alleged to have done (I don't pretend to know either way but he does come across as a nob) this is a cock up from TUSC purely on pragmatic grounds - it's not like he stands any chance of winning the seat and this outcome was tediously predictable.
On what basis could TUSC block his candidacy then?

Steering committee can block it. I'm not having a dig at TUSC - I've been campaigning for them since it was set up so I'm not likely to - just think it's a mistake.
Yep, I can see that they can block it. But I'm not clear on what basis they could (with face legitimacy). Unless it's down to votes and they don't have to give reasons, I s'pose. I don't have any strong views about TUSC one way or the other. I'm anti Hedley but can't really see on what basis they can block him without getting drawn into re-opening a disciplinary procedure which is the remit of the RMT no matter what anyone thinks of the outcome.
The main thing to remember is qwerty is like the right wing media(no doubt will) trying to use Hedley's candidacy to smear the RMT as macho sexists, which fits with a narrative portraying unions as bullying thugs

I'm not smearing the RMT, I am merely pointing out that sheer demographics mean that in any organisation where there is a large number of men, there will be a substantial subset which are misogynists. The question for unions is how to you deal with that fact, and promoting someone like Headley is not the way to tackle it.
I'm not smearing the RMT, I am merely pointing out that sheer demographics mean that in any organisation where there is a large number of men, there will be a substantial subset which are misogynists. The question for unions is how to you deal with that fact, and promoting someone like Headley is not the way to tackle it.
If you're referring to SH standing as Gen Sec it's an election process rather than a promotion, isn't it?
I didnt mean promotion in the managerial sense, but in the public face sense. He is being promoted by some of the members and will be by the union as a whole if he gets the gen sec position
I didnt mean promotion in the managerial sense, but in the public face sense. He is being promoted by some of the members and will be by the union as a whole if he gets the gen sec position
It's an elected position that he would have to stand for. And there will be other candidates too. Then it's up to the members who gets voted in.
Yep, I can see that they can block it. But I'm not clear on what basis they could (with face legitimacy). Unless it's down to votes and they don't have to give reasons, I s'pose. I don't have any strong views about TUSC one way or the other. I'm anti Hedley but can't really see on what basis they can block him without getting drawn into re-opening a disciplinary procedure which is the remit of the RMT no matter what anyone thinks of the outcome.

That's a good point - I think you're right. I guess it backs up what muscovyduck was saying about lack of democracy, not sure how you'd democratise the selection process though without everyone getting to vote on every candidate which would be a bit pointless and impractical. I dunno, it's not gonna look good on us though.
That's a good point - I think you're right. I guess it backs up what muscovyduck was saying about lack of democracy, not sure how you'd democratise the selection process though without everyone getting to vote on every candidate which would be a bit pointless and impractical. I dunno, it's not gonna look good on us though.
He'll just brazen out the furore, without giving a toss about how it reflects on both TUSC and RMT, I reckon.
He's assistant General Secretary. It would be more odd if he didn't stand. Not sure if all the mud slung will affect his chances given it doesn't appear to be widely known.
I've been pressganged into standing this time (first time I've ever done it). Bet despite all their efforts he still gets more votes than me :D

And no, I'm not telling you lot where I'm standing, if I don't make double figures I don't want you cunts knowing about it!
The main thing to remember is qwerty is like the right wing media(no doubt will) trying to use Hedley's candidacy to smear the RMT as macho sexists, which fits with a narrative portraying unions as bullying thugs
Yeah, of course, the media would love this story (I don't know about qwerty's motivation). But regardless of the dv case there's some evidence of him being a creep. The facebook stuff suggest he reaches for the sexist shit when challenged - and then there's plumdaff's personal experiences. As always, two or three snippets (again, ignoring the DV issue), might not be who he is really, but there's at the very least reasons to ask questions.
Interesting that when it was Smith everyone was quick to believe his accusers, but no so much in this case. Why is that?
Probably because headley was investigated by his union, and also interviewed by the police, who both felt there was not a case for him to answer. Smith was'investigated' by his mates, who then lied about it to the rest of the swp and sought to defame the women who accused him.
I would prefer Alex Gordon to headley as gs of my old union. But not because of this particular case.
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