Are they? What makes you say that?
1 in 20 is the most conservative estimate....
Estimates of the percentage of men who acknowledge committing rape and attempted
rape have come from studies that ask questions about sexually violent behavior without
labeling such behavior as “rape” or “assault.”
sexual assault & rape 12.0 Rapaport & Burkhart, 1984
rape, attempted rape, & sexual 9.2 Koss, Leonard, Beezley & Oros, 1985
assault, rape 6.0 Mosher & Anderson, 1986
rape, attempted rape, & sexual 9.0 Koss, Gidycz, & Wisniewski, 1987
assault rape & sexual assault9.9 Greendlinger & Byrne, 1987
Rape 6.1 Kosson, Kelly & White, 1997
rape, attempted rape, & sexual 14.9 Lisak & Roth, 1988
assault, rape10.0 Rubenzahl & Corcoran, 1998
rape & attempted rape 8.8 Ouimette & Riggs, 1998
rape & attempted rape 14.8 Merrill et al., 1998
rape 6.0 Collings, 1999
rape 4.8 Weiss & Zverina, 1999
rape 5.0 Spitzberg, 1999
rape & attempted rape 6.5 Lisak & Miller, (2002)