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Former SWP members plan to sabotage Steve Hedley's TUSC campaign

barney_pig The complaint was out of time for what they could prosecute for; it wasn't insufficient evidence.
This is all very odd. It's only certain offences where this out of time thing applies - summary offences mostly i think. Serious offences such as what's alleged here it doesn't apply - see the case of Lord Somerset and his conviction recently for four assaults on his wife between 1990 and 2011. There seems to be a gap here between what the police/CPS were investigating with a potential view to charge (i.e something on which the out of time stuff applied) and what is being alleged happened (for which it shouldn't).

edit: ah, i see the police/CPS decided the injuries were consistent with common assault rather than a more serious charge.

edit2: However, once this 6 month has passed the charge can be bumped up to ABH and continue as long as it can be shown this is not abuse of process.
This is all very odd. It's only certain offences where this out of time thing applies - summary offences mostly i think. Serious offences such as what's alleged here it doesn't apply - see the case of Lord Somerset and his conviction recently for four assaults on his wife between 1990 and 2011. There seems to be a gap here between what the police/CPS were investigating with a potential view to charge (i.e something on which the out of time stuff applied) and what is being alleged happened (for which it shouldn't).

edit: ah, i see the police/CPS decided the injuries were consistent with common assault rather than a more serious charge.

edit2: However, once this 6 month has passed the charge can be bumped up to ABH and continue as long as it can be shown this is not abuse of process.
I suppose the injuries were insufficiently serious to justify bumping it up to an ABH charge.
They would have to be "more than 'transient and trifling'". Or they need a good reason for not having brought proceedings within the previous 6 months - and the date at which the case was referred to them is one of the relevant reasons.
Aye, stitches rather than steri-strips is one of the examples given in that link.
articul8 said:
Not going to comment publicly given I work for them (amongst others) but not sure either SH or AG would be the best choices for gen sec

Well who is then? It's a bit pin the tail on the donkey really.
He says as he comments publicly and lets everyone know that he works for RMT and is a big man in the game.
urban is not exactly plugged in to whole RMT membership, and on the contrary I don't even have a vote let alone a big say. like the union officials I willing work for whoever the members choose. I wasn't talking about the politics of the candidates, more their personal characteristics and style which has a bearing on things too.
urban is not exactly plugged in to whole RMT membership, and on the contrary I don't even have a vote let alone a big say. like the union officials I willing work for whoever the members choose. I wasn't talking about the politics of the candidates, more their personal characteristics and style which has a bearing on things too.
I wasn't aware you were a railwayman
urban is not exactly plugged in to whole RMT membership, and on the contrary I don't even have a vote let alone a big say. like the union officials I willing work for whoever the members choose. I wasn't talking about the politics of the candidates, more their personal characteristics and style which has a bearing on things too.
I don't really care. And yes, you were - as you often do - letting people know how important you think that you are with your in-the-loop job. Let's leave it off this thread though.
The main thing to remember is qwerty is like the right wing media(no doubt will) trying to use Hedley's candidacy to smear the RMT as macho sexists, which fits with a narrative portraying unions as bullying thugs

And a pisspoor narrative it is, too, with purveyors having to hark back 30-40 years for examples of real militancy!
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