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Former SWP members plan to sabotage Steve Hedley's TUSC campaign

Good luck to Mick Cash, he will have to make sure that management doesn't think that the passing of Bob Crow means that the RMT will go soft. They are the leading union when it comes to the fightback against 'austerity'.
Very labour. Abstained on the NEC vote into whether there should be an inquiry into Blairs role in the build up to the last gulf war.
Please tell me NCP stands for National Car Parks.

Unfortunately it stands for the bonkers Stalin and Kim Jong Il worshippers of the New Communist Party, sure he wouldn't have been one

Ah, Daphne and Terry, keen amateur photographers and always with fond words for Larry O'Hara :D

(See ‘Still spying on the comrades’, Notes From The Borderland #1, 1997, for more.)
I think the RMT contain a great number of misogynists, and its deeply worrying that someone of Headley's ilk could become so prominent within it. However my experience of trade unions suggests a macho culture which pervades, where some men see it as an alternative way of achieving power rather than through traditional management structures. This is a general problem with trade unions, and do with their relationship to managerism. It needs challenged both from the gender perspective and also from the underlying culture of "reps" who have little to do with the folk on the ground.

However TUSC is not just a TU coalition, but explicitly includes socialists. You would hope (but I am the eternal optimist) that socialists would have an understanding of the situation of women under capitalism, and challenge the patriarchal structures which give rise to it.

I cant intervene in the RMT, as I'm not a member, but would raise the issue with anyone whom I knew who was.

Hedley sounds like a total wrong un, and unless anyone wants to come up with any kind of coherent case as to why this woman would want to completely fabricate this story, photos and all, I don't see why we should sit around and wait for Union bureaucrats to pass judgement, we're entitled to make up our minds.

But to sit around and claim "the RMT contains a great number of misogynists" and that there's a " a macho culture " pervading the union movement sounds like unfounded, reactionary bullshit, based on nothing but what sounds like the kind of middle class feminist prejudice that dragged down the movement down as it lost any sense of class perspective from the late 70 s onwards.

Do you want to try and provide any evidence at all to support these claims ?
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You called, you twat? Nothing much to add to what others have said. Cash won decisively and know he will have to demonstrate he is no pushover - if he does I'm sure the members will unite behind him.
so yer man's won decisively but has yet to unite the members behind him :facepalm:

facile. puerile. typical.
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