The astonishing thing is still that if the SWP tops and their supporters had behaved decently, properly, like socialists, from day one they could and would have avoided all this - every last bit of it. Sure they'd have they'd have the same problems as before - lack of internal democracy and democratic culture, great-men politics, middle/upper and academic class domination, appalling opportunism etc - but they were internal problems, their problems. Instead, by reacting like paranoid stalinist control freaks, by jim jonesing it (i was going to say corporal jonesing it but the collective nature of this idiocy takes it far beyond that) they have manged to turn it and the stuff listed above into a problem for everyone else to deal with, they made those problems social and in that act provoked reactions and answers to those problems that have seriously damaged what they thought they were protecting. What does this say about the political acumen of this vanguard - that it does this on what, when placed alongside their grand aims, could be said to be a relatively minor matter? It throws into doubt every single piece of analysis they now offer, whether historic or contemporary, it makes people ask, hang on, just who on earth are these chancers and how have they got where they are? Why should i/we listen to them? And all because their puffed up local authority meant they could no longer respond decently, no longer respond without seeing difference of opinion or disagreement as a challenge to their authority.