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'SWP urge members to get involved with 'Momentum'

You're not prepared to countenance the possibility that the SWP are liars?

Sorry, stick-benders.

Of course I am, the likes of Crick and The SW being liars...well not the stuff of mutual exclusivity is it? But he'd need more evidence on which to base his soundbite claim, and I bet he aint got it.
I think the strength of the SWP is very much over-estimated.

Yes, there is one interesting question now that they have announced, in transparently coded form, their intention to try to take over.

How small can such a body be and still inflict significant damage?

I fear that getting Candy Udwin onto a significant committee would be sufficient :(
Just noticed on the Sheffield Momentum F/B page, the remnants of the SWP here are to attend, including significant players in the Delta affair, not sure i would want to be involved in any organisation that they were involved in, knowing their history and M.O. I think M/S has a code of conduct, be interesting to see how is it applied.
Read this bit in Don LaFontaine voice.
One man is uniquely placed to save Momentum from the sectarians who would throttle the enthusiasm and excitement of the young people who have been inspired in the last 18 months. That’s Jeremy Corbyn.
Principally, but not exclusively; Jones refers to "British Trotskyist" groups (plural).

The only person mentioned by name is Nick Wrack, supposedly "one of the sectarian leaders", who I've never heard of, but who a quick google reveals to have stood as the
joint socialist candidate in Camberwell and Peckham for both Left Unity (LU) and the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) in May 2015
and to have
been expelled from the Labour Party, without right of appeal, by a decision of the Executive Committee of Camberwell and Peckham Constituency Labour Party on 27 February 2016

Is this really the best Jones and the Guardian can do in their on-going scare campaign?

"A sectarian takeover threatens Labour’s grassroots movement", indeed :thumbs:
I like the way that he starts the article with 'predictably' - to suggest that simply responding to or even commenting on the pieces he's - never mind disagreeing - wrote in a section of a paper titled 'comment is free; is a tired old opportunistic outage and should be discouraged.
The only person mentioned by name is Nick Wrack, supposedly "one of the sectarian leaders", who I've never heard of, but who a quick google reveals to have stood as the
and to have

Is this really the best Jones and the Guardian can do in their on-going scare campaign?

"A sectarian takeover threatens Labour’s grassroots movement", indeed :thumbs:

If you read the aticle by Murray there is a Stalinist tinged thread throughout and typical tankie bile which gets particualry sharp and revealing when aimed at the AWL, a faction allied to Jackie Walker and 'Trots'. Her attempt to present herself- given her background and job - as a young and shocked idealist is frankly laughable.

For Jones to then present the Murray faction as merely idealistic young scamps desperate to change the world via social media and horizontal structures beggars belief also. His attempt to hide the motives and political organsiations in this camp must surely represent the end of any credibility anyone assigns to what he has to say.

There does seem to be a 3rd grouping who've already had enough of Momentum and are walking away on the basis that it's a total mess.
If you read the aticle by Murray there is a Stalinist tinged thread throughout and typical tankie bile which gets particualry sharp and revealing when aimed at the AWL, a faction allied to Jackie Walker and 'Trots'. Her attempt to present herself- given her background and job - as a young and shocked idealist is frankly laughable.

For Jones to then present the Murray faction as merely idealistic young scamps desperate to change the world via social media and horizontal structures beggars belief also. His attempt to hide the motives and political organsiations in this camp must surely represent the end of any credibility anyone assigns to what he has to say.

There does seem to be a 3rd grouping who've already had enough of Momentum and are walking away on the basis that it's a total mess.

I confess, I haven't read the article by Murray or any of the other fall-out from this, but I'll happily take your word for it.

Life is too short for me to want to spend any of it watching one bunch of Labour party insiders, infiltrators, orbiters or whatever the fuck else they are attack another bunch for sectarianism etc, while they happily practice the same sort of shit themselves.

Let them all drown in the swamp of their own making.
Life is too short for me to want to spend any of it watching one bunch of Labour party insiders, infiltrators, orbiters or whatever the fuck else they are attack another bunch for sectarianism etc, while they happily practice the same sort of shit themselves.

Can't argue with that.

What is remarkable is that the Guardian continue to give Jones a platform to basically tell lies and that his 'decent guy who just wants to fight the tories' schtick continues to go largely unchallenged. He is the mouthpiece of vile stalinist shite.
If you read the aticle by Murray there is a Stalinist tinged thread throughout and typical tankie bile which gets particualry sharp and revealing when aimed at the AWL, a faction allied to Jackie Walker and 'Trots'. Her attempt to present herself- given her background and job - as a young and shocked idealist is frankly laughable.

For Jones to then present the Murray faction as merely idealistic young scamps desperate to change the world via social media and horizontal structures beggars belief also. His attempt to hide the motives and political organsiations in this camp must surely represent the end of any credibility anyone assigns to what he has to say.

There does seem to be a 3rd grouping who've already had enough of Momentum and are walking away on the basis that it's a total mess.

Local groups are often hard working and do good work
Can't argue with that.

What is remarkable is that the Guardian continue to give Jones a platform to basically tell lies and that his 'decent guy who just wants to fight the tories' schtick continues to go largely unchallenged. He is the mouthpiece of vile stalinist shite.

He's a safe pair of hands. Lefty enough to fit the wiberal-left pose adopted by the Grauniad without being likely to say or do anything likely to inspire any real change.

Leftie-lite, decaf-demagogue, the Diet Coke of socialism.
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