Too long in exile
Bolshiebhoy, I'm replying to this post and your previous one to me.And now again he's really gone to town in this lamentable piece which goes out of its way to insult most of the people he claims to want to remain in the same party with. I'd love to see the DR I recognised at the beginning of this mess resurface but it's probably too late now :-(
First, I would accept that David Renton has been somewhat over the top at times and left himself open to misinterpretation. Apart from the UAF case you mention, an example might be his comments on public service workers' pensions. BUT, given that he has probably been the most outspoken of the oppositionists in terms of his own blog and social media and has often been responding to events in the heat of the moment, this aberration strikes me as inevitable. You should also remember that many oppo members have been "bruised" (to quote Birchall) in the campaign of the leadership/IdooM against them (eg the stitched-up March conference, isolating them in the branches and aggregates...) and it is only natural if a slight note of bitterness should intrude in their writing.
But all that is peripheral to the central question. A trusted friend recently told me that a leading member had confessed to him that the SWP leadership had indeed lied over the Delta business (surprise, surprise...). I would imagine that many loyalists (perhaps even yourself) would accept this in private. However, they undoubtedly believe that what is most important in the current situation is not the lies/cover up, but to defend a party under attack from all sides.
On the other hand, those who have become oppositionists (and those of us who support them on the outside) were not only revolted by the CC's lies and cover up, but for them it revealed that something was rotten at the heart of the party, namely a massive deficit of democracy. Once this Pandora's Box was opened, a whole range of issues have been up for debate, sometimes not in the most measured way.
I understand that people who have devoted most of their lives to the party want to save it come what may. Unfortunately, what they fail to realise is that the situation has degenerated to such a degree, that only a refoundation of the party could rescue it now. But, as we know, that is very unlikely to happen....