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SWP expulsions and squabbles

And I thought that SWP members were deluded inside their diminishing little sect!

The demise of Stalinism in the form of the CP is only to welcomed. The end of the SWP is finally in sight and even SPEW is having troubles. These organisations represent a different ideological age, the age of dictators. They are fit only for fighting and competing with each other.

Marxism in all its variants has failed. Get over it.
And I thought that SWP members were deluded inside their diminishing little sect!

The demise of Stalinism in the form of the CP is only to welcomed. The end of the SWP is finally in sight and even SPEW is having troubles. These organisations represent a different ideological age, the age of dictators. They are fit only for fighting and competing with each other.

Marxism in all its variants has failed. Get over it.

Wouldn't you be better off at the comments section of Harry's Place with the Pam Geller fans talking about how Marxism is basically the same thing as Nazism ad nauseum, Howie?
i share your criticism ayatollah, and the anti marxist hypocrisy of swp members courting dubious reactionary imams for short term advantage ought to have produced internal revolt. And its certainly true that there are quite a few incidences of swp double standards which are now brought to mind by this continuing wreck - and i can recall several arguments with Morning Star supporters for instance (70s & 80s), which were 'won' by us trots on the basis that working class communists who failed to resign from the CP were betraying socialism because they knew of all the horrors of Stalins gulag and the suppression of the Hungarian Uprising .. And, placing politics aside, i have personal criticisms of members i know who are quite unsuited to holding any position of power under any imaginable circumstance, but they remain influential, despite exhibiting character flaws which are so acute that they would probably be excluded from professions where sociopathy is commonly regarded as a significant asset ! (elite banking?).

Yet, despite the glaring political blunders and an internal atmosphere of trenchant bullying and unacceptable stifling of real debate, people have stayed. Some, presumably because they accept the notion of infallibility of the vanguard party (which naturally is always right), others, perhaps because they are so wrapped up in the psychosis of the small group that they cannot conceive of life beyond 'the party'.

At the same time, my experience suggests that there are those within the swp who i always thought were absolutely decent human beings, people who usually regarded it as their role to offer some corrective balance to the cyborg tendencies excesses. Their instincts always seemed fine to me, and if they could construct an organisation which reflected such values it may have some longer term prospect of being influential within the working class for the right reasons.

i'm pessimistic that it will happen of course, but i still wish them well. And i remain convinced that the left would be badly damaged by the disappearance of its most active and vibrant section.
I think we see the SWP in very much the same way.

The majority of people I know in the SWP, are not members because they belive the SWP is a particularly wonderful party, but because they belive it is the best available option. It is not really difficult to see why, let's be honest if you are committed to the need for a Leninist party then your only real options are the SWP and the SP. The SWP has survived as a party not because of its merits, but because there wasn't really anywhere else for its members to go. It is managing to limp through the current crises largely on this basis and will, I think, continue on for some time for the same reason.
Really confusing being accused of Stalinism, first time for everything, but anyway.. out of curiousity Howard, does the deadness of Marxism in all its variants include that of the AWL? I only ask because your blog gives me the impression that you are quite keen on them, they don't seem to get it in the neck from you at all and they at least call themselves Marxists.

I don't like the SWP at all, in fact I'm pretty certain that their very existence has actively put off a lot of intelligent and capable people from socialist politics for life, but you're no better. You argue in favour of aggressive Anglo-American foreign policy and act astonished and upset when the consequences of that foreign policy (attacks on organised labour, democracy and sovereignty) continue as they have for over a hundred years. What do you have to offer exactly? Pointing out the hypocrisy of the SWP and Socialist Action over Islamists while looking up loyally at the bosses' table when Ed gets elected hoping that a few crumbs fall and that workfare and the persecution of the disabled doesn't get even worse under Labour than the Tories? Your entire blog is based on a fiction, that social democracy in any form really exists as a possibility in the Labour Party.
There's me thinking you might have a sense of humour...never mind.

I think the AWL members I know would balk at the suggestion that I have anytime for their shouty/bullying behaviour that I have seen them indulge in over the years. I don't recall ever arguing for agrressive Anglo-American foreign policy and besides you will have noted that my blog works with LabourStart over international trade union rights.

I am not a member of the Labour Party (or any other party for that matter), neither would I see myself as a Social Democrat. I simply see the Labour Party as the only realistic option on the table if anything at all is ever going to be done. Never said they were perfect and have written this: http://howiescorner.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/labour-and-trade-unions-in-21st-century.html.

I am not beholden to any ideology/theology and would describe myself as a free-thinker and athiest (the latter should be obvious if you have followed the blog.

Marxism/Fascism/Religious fundamentalism all have one thing in common. A complete disdain for the rights of the individual. Anarchism simply will never work so we are left with the real world and the question of reform.

Reformism is preferable to other political methods other than in extreme circumstances so abuse me if you wish. There is a limit to what I as an individual can do so concentrate on being a TU rep, mainly working on Personal cases (couple of domestic violence ones currently). Its better to do something rather than nothing, don't you think?

Fiction is living in a blinkered world where nothing is ever done but dream.
Really confusing being accused of Stalinism, first time for everything, but anyway.. out of curiousity Howard, does the deadness of Marxism in all its variants include that of the AWL? I only ask because your blog gives me the impression that you are quite keen on them, they don't seem to get it in the neck from you at all and they at least call themselves Marxists.

I don't like the SWP at all, in fact I'm pretty certain that their very existence has actively put off a lot of intelligent and capable people from socialist politics for life, but you're no better. You argue in favour of aggressive Anglo-American foreign policy and act astonished and upset when the consequences of that foreign policy (attacks on organised labour, democracy and sovereignty) continue as they have for over a hundred years. What do you have to offer exactly? Pointing out the hypocrisy of the SWP and Socialist Action over Islamists while looking up loyally at the bosses' table when Ed gets elected hoping that a few crumbs fall and that workfare and the persecution of the disabled doesn't get even worse under Labour than the Tories? Your entire blog is based on a fiction, that social democracy in any form really exists as a possibility in the Labour Party.

He's a full on crank. Pretentious twat too. "I am above ideology and I am an athiest" :rolleyes:

To be ignored.
Delboy represents the kind of closed mind that we should reject.

Why do you insist on calling him delboy? Do you think it makes you sound dead witty and clever or something? It doesn't. It makes you look like a humourless self satisfied cunt with his head stuck up his own arse. Which to be honest is probably a fair reflection so on second thoughts you should probably just keep it up.
Why do you insist on calling him delboy? Do you think it makes you sound dead witty and clever or something? It doesn't. It makes you look like a humourless self satisfied cunt with his head stuck up his own arse. Which to be honest is probably a fair reflection so on second thoughts you should probably just keep it up.
And I thought that SWP members were deluded inside their diminishing little sect!

The demise of Stalinism in the form of the CP is only to welcomed. The end of the SWP is finally in sight and even SPEW is having troubles. These organisations represent a different ideological age, the age of dictators. They are fit only for fighting and competing with each other.

Marxism in all its variants has failed. Get over it.
is that directed at me ,with my mentioning at the CP ?
Do you actually know anything about the history of the CP in the UK? In the UK at various points, the CP not only played a positive role in working-class politics, but a major role. The role would twist and turn, according to Russian foreign policy, i.e. contrast their work on the early 1930s grassroots building, to their popular frontism of the late 1930s, but in any guise it has probably had more progressive impact on British politics than any other left-wing organisation, including the Labour Party [if you take into consideration Communist Party's influence upon Labour Party actions.]
That said, your attempt to troll people on here about the collapse of the Communist party, is tilting at windmills, as nobody on here I know of didn't celebrate the collapse of Stalinism. The SWP, along with everyone else on here, celebrated the collapse for the same reasons as you, the collapse of dictatorship.

Marxism has failed how precisely? Failed to create real democracy? You're right. But is that really something to be gleeful about?
Yes, this is the argument that clinches it for me. Our side have been so badly fractured by the past 30 years of overwhelming defeats that we are not in a condition to see any left organisation go down the plughole without serious consequences. The ability of working people to organise and take back the offensive has to be re-remembered, and i see socialist organisation as being essential to such a process.
That said Resistance MP3, for much of that long 30 year dark night, the swp has either been offering various false dawns , ie, 'the upturn is just around the corner' - 'being held back by a supine semi corrupt TU leadership' (at least the party were half right on that!), and/or denying self evident truths - ie, 'the very low level of class struggle is not as catastrophic as it appears', despite all the evidence of a veritable collapse in days 'lost' to industrial action and strikes. It is good to learn that those days of denial are now gone ( "Sadly there is little discussion of that, probably because there is little of that happening").
Maybe, if the swp survives this fuck up, there will be some adjustment towards a new realism which properly recognises the nature and the scale and consequences of the neoliberal assault ?
i do agree with you
on the weather BTW, but it is awful cold today.
I just want to be honest in clear, ideologically I am SWP through and through. All their stuff, their writings, lectures etc make sense of the worlds social history,,,,,, for me. But I have no idea whether "the days of denial are now gone" for the SWP, because I haven't been a member for over a decade.
That mistakes were made in assessments, is undeniable. But I don't think the positivism of the SWP was strategically that erroneous. You talk about the need for realism, but to what end? Tony Cliff has been massively criticised on here for his downturn theory of the 1980s, are you saying the SWP should have continued with that?
My attraction to the SWP, after its initial making sense of the world, was its pragmatism. That you have to start from the point that the revolutionary left are never going to agree. You're never going to win a united front of the revolutionary left. You have to start from, it's not only okay to disagree with the revolutionary left, it's good for the revolutionary left to disagree, have different strategies. [This recognition forces you not to ignore the rest of the revolutionary left, but to not dwell upon the division, and concentrate on the force for change. This is not arrogance of sectarianism IMO, its pragmatism.]
The role of any revolutionary left organising, should be to try to change the world. The only people that can do this, is the working class. And so the role of any revolutionary organisation, is to pull as many working-class people into self organisation as possible. The ideology of the working class may be mainly "capitalist workers" or "manufactured consent", but ideas change in struggle. And so the SWP's promotion MASS struggle as the be all and end all, seems legitimate to me.
If you ever in a campaign in a downturn, and see mass involvement is absolutely essential, you cannot really start from, "oh well, let's have a campaign, it realistically has no chance of achieving anything, but let's try anyway" because people just will not get involved on that basis. But if you are in a downturn, and don't realistically have a chance of winning, what's the point of 'lying' to people?
One, you can never say you never have a chance of winning. Social history is far too chaotic. Social revolutions came without forewarning. Victories can come from the unlikeliest of circumstances.
But even if you have no chance of winning, you do have a chance of winning individuals to the class struggle. To building revolutionary organisations. To making the left bigger and stronger in the downturns, so that in the upturns you can have more influence.
This is why I liked the SWP publications. The paper starts from the positivism, the review starts to give you the bigger picture, the ISJ books and lectures etc start to put that positivism into historical perspective. If it didn't do this, how could most of the people I know have been in the party for 20, 30, 40, 50 years?
I forget the phrase SWP members always use about positivism, but I don't think positivism is necessarily a bad thing.

Wheather, tell me about it. :rolleyes: I'm paralysed from the neck down, so having the right clothes on to be able to go outside AND cool enoug to be inside where people have the heating on 23° is impossible. And getting the clothes on and off a right struggle. I put on my Facebook recently "sat on the coastal road, drinking in the last few drops of summer, like a man facing the Gobi desert of a British winter". A bit melodramatic, and mixed metaphor I know, but it captures the spirit. From the Freedom of this summer, to the lockdown I now face for several months, is not nice. Oh well, it's warm in front of the computer. :)
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For the purposes of argument I have assumed my critics are all Marxists. Considering the debate on this thread revolved around firstly the allegations around Delta, the way the organisation (badly) handled the case, the twists turns, threats (forgotten the "lynch mobs already?) and distortions of arguments used in debate it continues to amaze me that some of you still think these kind of organisations can be turned around.

It is not so much a question of being "gleeful" as Resistance Mp3 put it, more as recognising that the ideology itself is flawed and has become more so over the years. Stalinism is not some kind of historic aberration, it arose out of the practices of Lenin and Trotsky in the early years of the revolution. Trotsky opened the Gulags, developed the methodology that was used to suppress and eliminate internal opposition (eg the Workers Opposition & the Trade Union Opposition) which was simply utilised by Stalin against the Left Opposition. Rememebr this took place after all external opponets had been eliminated.

The rest as they say is history. But many such as the SWP, WRP and I fear some on here have not learnt those lessons. The role of the CP is known to me Resistance MP3, but since their aim was to create a similar Stalinist state, I cannot see them in a good light.

The language and violence used by by the various Marxist regimes across history is appalling and though you and others seem to recognise that, balk at moving on from the past.

Criticism is not "trolling" in any shape or form.;)
Of course All Marxism is Stalinism and All Marxism is Leninism. Anyone who agrees with any aspect of Marxism is explicitly endorsing mass murder.

See you after the second half Howard.
For the purposes of argument I have assumed my critics are all Marxists. Considering the debate on this thread revolved around firstly the allegations around Delta, the way the organisation (badly) handled the case, the twists turns, threats (forgotten the "lynch mobs already?) and distortions of arguments used in debate it continues to amaze me that some of you still think these kind of organisations can be turned around.

It is not so much a question of being "gleeful" as Resistance Mp3 put it, more as recognising that the ideology itself is flawed and has become more so over the years. Stalinism is not some kind of historic aberration, it arose out of the practices of Lenin and Trotsky in the early years of the revolution. Trotsky opened the Gulags, developed the methodology that was used to suppress and eliminate internal opposition (eg the Workers Opposition & the Trade Union Opposition) which was simply utilised by Stalin against the Left Opposition. Rememebr this took place after all external opponets had been eliminated.

The rest as they say is history. But many such as the SWP, WRP and I fear some on here have not learnt those lessons. The role of the CP is known to me Resistance MP3, but since their aim was to create a similar Stalinist state, I cannot see them in a good light.

The language and violence used by by the various Marxist regimes across history is appalling and though you and others seem to recognise that, balk at moving on from the past.

Criticism is not "trolling" in any shape or form.;)

What is it about the language 'used by the various Marxist regimes across history' that you find so appalling? Did they say a lot of rude words or something? As for the violence, they probably had boring bastards like you to deal with so who can blame them?
The language of Marx that i have always found immensely appealing doesn't use rude words and is not remotely violent: 'From each according to ability, to each according to need'.

Even the dullest dimwit could find something of interest in there?
Paul Murphy – campaigning to retain MEP seat for Left but SWP’s sectarian decision could damage chances

Whatever my disagreements with the SP the presence of SP members of the European Parliament and Dail is undoubtedly a positive thing, and I kow loads of people in Ireland who would always vote for Higgins and Murphy (and Daly for that matter) because they're the good guys. It is beyond belief that any organisation that calls itself socialist would try and get them out.
For the purposes of argument I have assumed my critics are all Marxists. Considering the debate on this thread revolved around firstly the allegations around Delta, the way the organisation (badly) handled the case, the twists turns, threats (forgotten the "lynch mobs already?) and distortions of arguments used in debate it continues to amaze me that some of you still think these kind of organisations can be turned around.

It is not so much a question of being "gleeful" as Resistance Mp3 put it, more as recognising that the ideology itself is flawed and has become more so over the years. Stalinism is not some kind of historic aberration, it arose out of the practices of Lenin and Trotsky in the early years of the revolution. Trotsky opened the Gulags, developed the methodology that was used to suppress and eliminate internal opposition (eg the Workers Opposition & the Trade Union Opposition) which was simply utilised by Stalin against the Left Opposition. Rememebr this took place after all external opponets had been eliminated.

The rest as they say is history. But many such as the SWP, WRP and I fear some on here have not learnt those lessons. The role of the CP is known to me Resistance MP3, but since their aim was to create a similar Stalinist state, I cannot see them in a good light.

The language and violence used by by the various Marxist regimes across history is appalling and though you and others seem to recognise that, balk at moving on from the past.

Criticism is not "trolling" in any shape or form.;)

Good reply. The problem for you is, the vast majority of people on here would probably agree with you about your criticism of Lenin/Trotsky, but still consider themselves influenced by Marx.
The language of Marx that i have always found immensely appealing doesn't use rude words and is not remotely violent: 'From each according to ability, to each according to need'.

Even the dullest dimwit could find something of interest in there?
the aim of anyone influenced by Marx is real democracy. What differentiates, is how we achieve that.
So if intervening in history to create real democracy by "any means necessary" is fundamentally flawed, which strategy isn't?
Meanwhile having read the report from the ISN, I just cannot beleive that these people consider themselves qualified to deal with such crimes. As a TU rep when any form of violence has been involved the matter is for referral to Refuges/Womens aid and ultimatley the police, the latter because the perpetrator is likley to remain a danger to other women.

"Expulsion"/"suspension" from the "party" is not a way to deal with the culprit.

The SWP acts more like a cult rather than a political party
Meanwhile having read the report from the ISN, I just cannot beleive that these people consider themselves qualified to deal with such crimes. As a TU rep when any form of violence has been involved the matter is for referral to Refuges/Womens aid and ultimatley the police, the latter because the perpetrator is likley to remain a danger to other women.

"Expulsion"/"suspension" from the "party" is not a way to deal with the culprit.

The SWP acts more like a cult rather than a political party
through the whole thread this has made no sense to me either.
Why not just take these members out and shoot them through the head ;) why jeopardise the whole organisation for the sake of these individuals? :confused:
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