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SWP expulsions and squabbles

The Bristol branch of the Anarchist Fed have a statement out saying, amongst other things that they are going to try to get the SWP barred from all future campaign groups. Which sounds messy and somewhat unwise.
The Bristol branch of the Anarchist Fed have a statement out saying, amongst other things that they are going to try to get the SWP barred from all future campaign groups. Which sounds messy and somewhat unwise.

fair play for bristol af for doing this - making a stand rather than having an opinion on the matter. I have not doubts they will propose barring the SWP from all future events they are jointly involved in organising.

Further to this the SWP are barred from events, demos, public meetings and all other activities we solely organise. We believe that the presence of people who support the SWP’s central committee, their banners, placards and propaganda, contravenes our safer spaces policy. For these reasons they are not welcome and would be asked to leave. Individual SWP members (not including paid employees of the SWP) who do not support the actions of their Central Committee are still welcome to attend (without SWP propaganda), however we would question why such an individual would still be in the party. Finally we will propose barring the SWP from all future events we are jointly involved in organising.
And what will happen on two demos against the edl or whoever, both of which take place at the same time and place?
Ban the lot then. The SWP is beyond redemption as the latest revelations (post delta) have shown us.

Given that you are hostile to the SWP, the SWP oppositionalists, the Anarchist Federation, the socialist left in general and just about any campaign any of the above might be involved in, what gives you the impression that anyone gives a flying fuck what you think?
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Doesn't matter how politely it's raised. Proposals to throw people out will consistently end in shouting matches.

possibly. But it does ensure all the other groups involved are forced to make a decision one way or the other the matter, which i thought is the point. Will it lose them friends and allies? Possibly. Will it be difficult to implement and adhere to? Almost certainly. But they obviously think what's at stake is worth the cost. As i say fair play to them.
It beggars believe that a political party could assume a criminal act is a matter of internal resolution. Well SF can do it, but they have their own police force, oh and are fucking scum.
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Oi! Where's all this "shit" you were talking about?
Sorry this Newman story distracted me, West Country Labour circles are all excited about it. Bastard Mail found a way to force me to defend him, despite his role in this mess.

The opposition have been musing this weekend about what they would do to the party if they won. Scary stuff.
He's talking about facebook chatter that's got no actual formal standing in the opposition. But the ISN revelations has def made people think about what they are actually going to do in January.
There seems to be very little the opposition won't accuse anyone on any party body of doing. Some of them seem very close to the position that asking any questions in a rape case is misogyny.
There seems to be very little the opposition won't accuse anyone on any party body of doing. Some of them seem very close to the position that asking any questions in a rape case is misogyny.
Oh stop making things up. You refuse to actually come up with anything to support your earlier fictions and are now just trying to move on and hope no one will notice. Just like Callinicos!
They believe that Rhetta would talk a woman out of making an official complaint to protect the party?
That'd be Rhetta who thought it was fine for someone to ask 'is It true you like a drink'. She'd clearly say/do anything to defend her party.
Some of them seem very close to the position that asking any questions in a rape case is misogyny.
you know what the questions were.
you know what the questions mean.
i used to have some time for you, but if that's your answer to this latest disgusting, misogynistic shit, then you're lost. you're as bad as the scum you defend.
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