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Sir Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked to the UK as a child

Poor guy, thank goodness his PE teacher helped him sort things out!
What a decent guy that teacher was. And brave of Mo to talk about it.

Sir Mo's PE teacher, Alan Watkinson, noticed a transformation in the young boy when he hit the athletics track.
"The only language he seemed to understand was the language of PE and sport," he says.
Sir Mo says sport was a lifeline for him as "the only thing I could do to get away from this [living situation] was to get out and run".
He eventually confided in Mr Watkinson about his true identity, his background, and the family he was being forced to work for.

The PE teacher contacted social services and helped Sir Mo to be fostered by another Somali family.
"I still missed my real family, but from that moment everything got better," Sir Mo says.
"I felt like a lot of stuff was lifted off my shoulders, and I felt like me. That's when Mo came out - the real Mo."
Sir Mo began making a name for himself as an athlete and aged 14 he was invited to compete for English schools at a race in Latvia - but he didn't have any travel documents.

Mr Watkinson helped him apply for British citizenship under the name Mohamed Farah, which was granted in July 2000.
In the documentary, barrister Alan Briddock tells Sir Mo his nationality was technically "obtained by fraud or misrepresentations".
Legally, the government can remove a person's British nationality if their citizenship was obtained through fraud.
The only blessing in it all is that, being in the UK, has given him the opportunity to shine in his sport and become a world known figure, something that was unlikely to happen had he still lived in Somaliland.
Have to disagree with the barrister that is quoted in that article. A necessary element for fraud is dishonesty which considering the circumstances would be pretty difficult to prove.
Have to disagree with the barrister that is quoted in that article. A necessary element for fraud is dishonesty which considering the circumstances would be pretty difficult to prove.

The only thing protecting him from deportation is that he’s a well-known and beloved athlete. As windrush demonstrated, the government is prepared to expel people who’ve lived here their entire lives on the basis of any technicality they can find
Government has already stated that no action will be taken against Farah.

Which is a pretty clear violation of their own policy of fucking off black people for any possible reason they can find, regardless of how long they've been in the UK or what they've achieved.

That being said I would hope that this story doesn't get turned into a political football. Must be hard enough for Farah to process all this already. He should be treated, as any victim of trafficking should, with unconditional love and support.
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According to these delightful defence briefs dishonesty is an essential element of immigration fraud .. Want to know the sentence for a immigration fraud offence in 2022?
As a criminal offence, rather than a concept in immigration law (ie honesty might keep you out of prison, but not necessarily in the country).

(On the facts, I'm not sure Farah would be considered to have been honest anyway. He lied about his origin/history when applying for citizenship. Is being 17 a solid defence? Doubt it.)
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Shows how important a functioning school system is dunnit with people who are prepared to put in the work with children to build relationships where that kind of traumatic secret can be shared.

What a burden to carry all those years. Shows how little anyone really knows about other people's lives, even those in the public eye.
Terrible for him but amazing what he achieved against those odds.
I’m also liking this revelation happening at the same time that Sunak is trying to play his Winchester education as being somehow similar.
Shows how important a functioning school system is dunnit with people who are prepared to put in the work with children to build relationships where that kind of traumatic secret can be shared.

What a burden to carry all those years. Shows how little anyone really knows about other people's lives, even those in the public eye.
Absolutely, teachers can be very important when it comes to spotting something out of the ordinary.
I have read of quite a few people say how much they appreciated the actions and understanding of a particular teacher when they were a child.
The only thing protecting him from deportation is that he’s a well-known and beloved athlete. As windrush demonstrated, the government is prepared to expel people who’ve lived here their entire lives on the basis of any technicality they can find

It really is. But it's still very brave of him to come out and tell the truth now - there is still a risk, and some arseholes will be pissed off at him for lying on TV about meeting his Dad over here etc, even though it's not like he had a choice.

9 years old, trafficked, made to work, what a fucking start to life. He deserves most of the credit for his achievements, obviously, but those people who did genuinely help him at personal risk (ie not the trafficker) are heroes too.

There's a small chance it will actually help those on the fence about other deportations. I really hope so.

Almost makes me cry thinking about how brave he was to do this, and how brave he must have been to get through everything up till now - am looking forward to the documentary but had better get some tissues in.
The only thing protecting him from deportation is that he’s a well-known and beloved athlete. As windrush demonstrated, the government is prepared to expel people who’ve lived here their entire lives on the basis of any technicality they can find
According to Priiti vacant it’s because he was below the age of criminal responsibility when it happened as he was 9. 10 is the age of CR so what if it had happened when he was 10!!!
According to Priiti vacant it’s because he was below the age of criminal responsibility when it happened as he was 9. 10 is the age of CR so what if it had happened when he was 10!!!

Does that even make sense? He was trafficked at 9 but applied for British citizenship allegedly fraudulently that was granted in 2000 when he was 17, wouldn't that be the "crime", not getting trafficked!!
Does that even make sense? He was trafficked at 9 but applied for British citizenship allegedly fraudulently that was granted in 2000 when he was 17, wouldn't that be the "crime", not getting trafficked!!

Yup, doesn't make sense at all. It might help others, though, by setting a precedent.
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