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Should the UK have immigration controls?

Should the UK have immigration controls?

  • Yes and they should stop taking skilled workers from poorer countries.

    Votes: 37 44.0%
  • No people should be free to live whereever they like.

    Votes: 33 39.3%
  • We should have some very limited form of control.

    Votes: 14 16.7%

  • Total voters


the experts are morons
The debates go on and on. Think it would be interesting to see if anyone is changing their mind or have the fixed positions stayed fixed?
No, let em all in fuck it why not? Can't be worse than the shit people here do...plus if we have the free movement of capital why not people? Like I care, it's a false arguement, it's all economics really. Bollox to the Daily Mail reading scum!

The above are just some of the thoughts that come to mind when I see that word as a thread title on ere...

:rolleyes: @ self
Kid_Eternity said:
No, let em all in fuck it why not? Can't be worse than the shit people here do...plus if we have the free movement of capital why not people? Like I care, it's a false arguement, it's all economics really. Bollox to the Daily Mail reading scum!

The above are just some of the thoughts that come to mind when I see that word as a thread title on ere...

:rolleyes: @ self

Bit lazy how people cant seem to get past the crap papers like the Mail and Independent come out with and choose sides between 2 equally shit channels.
Economic migration makes the world a more unequal place,something that both the Mail and Independent conveniently overlook.
some of the skilled workers may well be needed in their own countries ie doctors nurse etc.a freeforall would cause pandemonium people have to be housed and need food medical services it needs planning
shagnasty said:
some of the skilled workers may well be needed in their own countries ie doctors nurse etc.a freeforall would cause pandemonium people have to be housed and need food medical services it needs planning

Basically i think those people arguing for open borders etc are arguing for a humanitarian disaster.With the mass migration of recent years there are more and more disasters and dire consequences for those left behind in poorer countries.
the only people i will accept closed borders arguments from are those who advocate social/foreign policies that are aimed to negate the need for economic migration.
bluestreak said:
the only people i will accept closed borders arguments from are those who advocate social/foreign policies that are aimed to negate the need for economic migration.

I think the 2 things have to go hand in hand. I agree that it would be shit to just say closed borders and leave people to starve in poor countries.
There needs to be reparations and international labour rules and the left should campaign for both and an end to taking skilled workers from the countries that need them most.
tbaldwin said:
I think the 2 things have to go hand in hand. I agree that it would be shit to just say closed borders and leave people to starve in poor countries.
There needs to be reparations and international labour rules and the left should campaign for both and an end to taking skilled workers from the countries that need them most.

It would be virulently inhumane to have strict immigration controls and advocate policies that cause economic migration. If we are going to have immigration controls then we must accept our partial responsiblity to other nations worse off than our selves (not selling them arms and encouraging the Chinese not to as well might be a start )

I agree that immigration controls must go hand in hand with reparations and enforcable transnational labour rules.

If you could see what I see in business trends at the moment you would weep. There are loads of UK engineering companies doing sub contract work for household names who are being forced by their prime contractors to sub sub the work otu the China rather than have the work done in the UK. They are being told get rid of your UK workers get it done in china or you won't get the contract. :mad:
DownwardDog said:
Can we have an option for controlled immigration but only for skilled people?

Not clever enough to change the poll im afraid..But your right that would be a good option...But one that id be really against.
Only if there are 'controls' on investing money abroad.

The bnp print their 'newsletter' or whatever the fuck it is, in slovenia.

Says it all regarding so called 'right wing' policy, you can do our work for two and six, but you can fuck off if you think you're coming here.
Udo Erasmus said:
Immigration controls are at bottom racist, and they should be scrapped.

Bollocks utter bollocks. Immigration controls should affect those from all backgrounds so how can they be inherently racist.
Genghis Cohen said:
Only if there are 'controls' on investing money abroad.

I personally would like to see the return of some form of Exchange Controls. In the 60-70s it ws too tight and you had a top limit of £100 or so you could take out of th country.
Yes it should, no unskilled or low skilled workers should be allowed to immigrate to the UK and to be honest I’m not sure they can.

They can get here and work now but I’m sure they are not legal, many asylum seekers and illegals are unskilled but I’m not sure that many unskilled or low skilled workers do get leave to remain and can be classed as “immigrants”

Immigrants in Government terms is a very limited group and I’m not sure the term has the same meaning in Government as it does with the general population.

I think you need to explain what you mean by the term Immigrant as from I see many people think ever foreign person in the UK is an immigrant and hat isn’t the case ;)
No there shouldn't. What there should be are rules preventing UK companies of affiliates (whether UK based or not) from actively sourcing keyworkers from developing countries. However, to actively prevent people from working where they want to is a load of bollocks irrespective of what they do or where they are from - it would, for example, preclude those who wish to work and learn new skills or techniques not available to them at home.

Stop the agencies and suchlike but stopping people move where they want because you say it's 'best if they stay where they are'...controlling, we know best socialism at it's worst.
Seeing as I can (and do) take my labour wherever I want, I figure others should have the same oppurtunities as me.
chilango said:
Seeing as I can (and do) take my labour wherever I want, I figure others should have the same oppurtunities as me.
Would you consider yourself as a skilled worker?

I ask as I think there is a massive difference between skilled labour and unskilled labour, my view is that mass immigration is only detrimental to the working class if it is unchecked and therefore should not be allowed as it causes major problems for the least well off and least able to cope.

Mass Immigration is great for the middle-classes and the bosses but makes life much harder for the working-class

I also take my labour to other parts of the world but I'm not taking jobs from the local people and I think that is the difference :)
kyser_soze said:
No there shouldn't. What there should be are rules preventing UK companies of affiliates (whether UK based or not) from actively sourcing keyworkers from developing countries. However, to actively prevent people from working where they want to is a load of bollocks irrespective of what they do or where they are from - it would, for example, preclude those who wish to work and learn new skills or techniques not available to them at home.

Stop the agencies and suchlike but stopping people move where they want because you say it's 'best if they stay where they are'...controlling, we know best socialism at it's worst.

It seems a bit contradictory that kyser your against companies taking people from abroad but your not against individuals going where they can....Cosy.
Crazy_diamond said:
Would you consider yourself as a skilled worker?

I ask as I think there is a massive difference between skilled labour and unskilled labour, my view is that mass immigration is only detrimental to the working class if it is unchecked and therefore should not be allowed as it causes major problems for the least well off and least able to cope.

Mass Immigration is great for the middle-classes and the bosses but makes life much harder for the working-class

I also take my labour to other parts of the world but I'm not taking jobs from the local people and I think that is the difference :)

Done both skilled and unskilled work abroad.

Have I taken jobs from locals? Yes.

But the economy and society we have deems my labour more desirable than that of a local on many occasions.

I have these oppurtunities because of my place within this society (young, white, british, educated, male). I think others should have the chances I do.

On the other hand, jobs that i would`ve ended up doing a generation ago have dissappeared abroad. There are no borders for the bosses, just for workers. Is that right?
chilango said:
I have these oppurtunities because of my place within this society (young, white, british, educated, male). I think others should have the chances I do.

That sentence kind of sums up the Marie Antoinettes on here.
chilango said:
really? or recognition (that others on here don`t make) of how priveleged we actually are?

Fair enough you realise how privelleged you are. But not everyone is going to be able to live where they want.The world cant work like that unless you want a humanitarian disaster?
tbaldwin said:
Fair enough you realise how privelleged you are. But not everyone is going to be able to live where they want.The world cant work like that unless you want a humanitarian disaster?

The world already works like that for the rich.

The world already is a humanitarian disaster.

How are immigration controls for the poor making this better?
I think communities should decide themselves if they want immigration controls. Open borders is unfeasible right now, there would be chaos. It's also deeply unpopular in this country, for various reasons (some valid, some not).
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