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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

You speak for yourself and only yourself. You aren't the voice of the people. You're only here to sneer. Frankly you should just piss off.
Yes - I speak for myself. Never claimed otherwise

No, I am not the voice of the people. Never claimed to be.

I have not sneered at anyone. Taking a lot of shit though, from you :)

Fortunately, I brought an umbrella.
No, sorry. He sold it to the Murdoch's hench-men. This is a different thing. As I've said before this paper was pro-poll tax, anti-miner, pro-warrant sale, pro-war, anti-pretty-much-everything-the-left-stands-for. Pro-thatcher. (try saying that last one out loud 5 or 6 times and you'll start to see where I am)

What you're saying is that what some rag says is something important. I don't care what the Sun says, I don't care what the News of the World says. I don't know anybody who does. I know people who take the Mail seriously. I know people who take the Record seriously. But nobody reads the Sun for it's political commentary. They read the sports section, they read the agony aunt page, they occasionally read the celebrity gossip. It's dirt cheap and you can wile away a half hour or so on the bus with it.

News International is not a big problem. It's great for getting yourself worked up into a moralistic lather about, but it doesn't matter much.

What Tommy Sheridan has done and is doing is more damaging than anything the Murdoch press has done. We have a leading socialist defaming other lefists and even the left in general. Anybody who wants to accuse the left of backstabbing, insane factionalism, hypocracy, petty envy and of being "trained liars" has only to reference Tommy Sheridan's lies. That's genuinely damaging. Try working yourself up into a lather about that.
its pretty fucking obvious hes a randy old goat so suing for libel was always going to end with him doing an archer.
Pretty sad really...NotW editor testifies that he was throwing out money left right and centre to all of these honourable people...no comments made by anyone here.

Not one, all day or night.

Talk about vested interests.
Do you think they all knew they were taking Murdoch's coin...or were they all doing it behind each other's back?
I've explained to you why going to the press isn't a big deal. But supposing it were, you would consider it "professional" to support your comrades no matter how crazy their actions. At least you would if you weren't a stinking hypocrit.
Worked as a columnist. Not the same as secretly taping your mate then trying to sell it to the enemy. :)
He's not, as far as I know, testified against his own people either.

You do understand that in the original defamation trial nobody in the SSP testified against Tommy Sheridan? You do understand that TS wasn't on trial, don't you?
I suppose another thing in Galloway's favour - he likes to use the anti-democratic libel laws to silence the press.
So the trial's been in the news every night but no-one's commenting?

The newspaper editor saying that he was getting loads of phone calls after the original trial from people wanting to sell stories. Not going to the law mind, the police or the courts - going to the news of the world. Not worthy of comment?

Allegations of phone tapping and the main phone tapping private eye, with an exclusive contract to work with notw mind, having Sheridan's details. No comment?

Khan's testimony? Not a word?
Khan's testimony? Not a word?

Say what you like about the bould Tommy... nobody can deny he was a classy master of the lefty 'loverman' tradition, as this quote shows...

ladies, form an orderly queue (outside Barlinnie?)

“What struck me was pictures of left-wing intellectuals on the walls. We went into his bedroom, there was a large picture of Che Guevara above the bed, and we had a shag”

Ex-News of the World columnist Anvar Khan to the Tommy Sheridan perjury trial

http://www.tribune.ie/article/2010/oct/31/quotes-of-the-week/?q=tommy sheridan

Nobody's that arsed really from what I can see... just you
So the trial's been in the news every night but no-one's commenting?

Well, there's this.

The Tommy Sheridan perjury trial has been told the former MSP was warned by a "psychic" agony aunt that he was under "round the clock" surveillance. The jury was shown an e-mail to Mr Sheridan from Yasmin Urquhart, who wrote for the News of the World under the name "Ruth the Truth". In it she claimed the politician was being monitored by the newspaper.

Under cross-examination from Mr Sheridan, who is defending himself, Mr Bird said he could not explain the e-mail from Ms Urquhart. The 54-year-old said, however, that as a psychic agony aunt "Ruth the Truth" quite often got predictions wrong.

This proves that the editor of the Scottish News of the World knowingly employed an unreliable psychic. Which I think is quite damning. If the paper he edited can't be trusted to tell the fortunes of its readers, what else can it not be trusted with?

I think I can see where Mr Sheridan is going with this line.

On the other hand, the pressure is beginning to tell. This photo tells its own story.


Tommy Sheridan broke down in court yesterday during an exchange about his alleged affairs. Judge Lord Bracadale ordered a break in Sheridan's perjury trial as the former MSP's voice cracked while he quizzed Scottish News of the World editor Bob Bird.

Sheridan asked: "What you do know, Mr Bird, you know that I was married (at the time) to a stunning woman I had known since the age of 13, don't you?" With Sheridan's voice breaking, Lord Bracadale ordered a brief adjournment.

Earlier, Sheridan told Mr Bird the paper knew his wife was pregnant at the time of the story but decided to "print this utter tripe" regardless. The ex-MSP went on: "You had no sense of responsibility to the health and wellbeing of my wife."

Mr Bird replied: "You were the one causing pain, putting her through all sorts of things behind her back." He said it was not the paper's "fault" Sheridan had allegedly been "unfaithful".
Nobody's that arsed really from what I can see... just you
Why don't you fuck off and find another thread then son, if you can't be arsed with this one.

Otherwise you look a bit of a troll. Unless it's personal against me.
Why don't you fuck off and find another thread then son, if you can't be arsed with this one.

Otherwise you look a bit of a troll. Unless it's personal against me.

Do try and keep a civil tongue in your head, you uncouth Sweaty. I have absolutely no idea who you are and care even less.

The person trolling this thread, spoiling for a bunfight, would appear to be you Billy-no-mates.

Most people seem to be studiously avoiding engaging with you. It is not difficult to see why. You come across as a bit of a cranky, dim-witted bully. I accept you may well be cranky in real life, but would seriously question whether you would be quite so aggressive in a pub.
Ok...so it's personal against me.

Anything on topic to say?

Yes Plumped - both he and his wife are looking drained and worn now. To be fair the reporting is generally neutral in most of the links I've looked at. Whichever way it goes there'll be a big splash at the end.

Sheridan talking about his unborn child and wife..breaking down....stress, theatre, fear I don't know. Wish I could watch it actually.

Wish I could see all the testimonies.

Fuck knows about the 'psychic' though, that totally threw me.
Couldn't believe Tommy's brassneck about the whole 'potentially harming my unborn child' exchange. I mean FFS, it's bad when you find yourself agreeing with the editor of the NOTW.
"Did you have no sense of responsibility to the health of my pregnant wife and the emotional pain you were putting her through? You were prepared not only to risk the life of my unborn child to get your story, but also the life of Fiona McGuire, who was driven to try and commit suicide.

"You couldn't care less about the lack of proof because you were blinded by your desire to bring me down and get your front-page exclusive."

Mr Bird replied: "I think you were the one causing the emotional pain, putting her through all sorts of things behind her back.'

Do try and keep a civil tongue in your head, you uncouth Sweaty. I have absolutely no idea who you are and care even less.

The person trolling this thread, spoiling for a bunfight, would appear to be you Billy-no-mates.

Most people seem to be studiously avoiding engaging with you. It is not difficult to see why. You come across as a bit of a cranky, dim-witted bully. I accept you may well be cranky in real life, but would seriously question whether you would be quite so aggressive in a pub.

^^^^^^ This
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