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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

Was in court yesterday, a remarkable tactic by Sheridan. Accusing people who'd been in the Militant of being trained liars due to the 'party withing a party' attack of the LP leadership. Bizarre afternoon.
He's going to expose the RCP a la Michael Crick? Amazing, i recall him and others calling people scabs on the workers movement for such a thing.
He's going to expose the RCP a la Michael Crick? Amazing, i recall him and others calling people scabs on the workers movement for such a thing.

He was referring to Cricks book in his bizarre ramble yesterday. I was knotting myself, along with numerous other ex Militants, when they heard what he was saying. He was making it clear being in the Militant, and therefore denying that Militant was an organisation, made you (Venton) a "trained liar", his words and quoted. As such the witness at the time, Richie Venton ex Militant FTer and long time member, was obviously a trained liar. This was also used in reference to all other ex MT who were not witnesses for the defence. What that says about Sheridan, Jock Penman and Stevie Arnott (the latter two witnesses for the defence) who were also in Militant, and by Sheridans own test were/are trained liars, was, surprisingly enough, completely ignored by Sheridan.
Isnt there a slight flaw in his plan to expose all the prosecution witnesses as ex-Militant members (even tho they arent) and therefore liars, as Sheridan was probably the best known Militant member in Scotland.

I read Doleman's blog on yesterday and it sounded like the stress of it all is starting to get to him...and this is now going to on until June?
Anver Khan up today, some interesting new info on how this whole sorry mess ever came out revealed:

Ms Khan then described a meeting with a journalist from the Scotland on Sunday newspaper, organised by her publisher to promote the book. held in 2004 in the Copthorn hotel in Glasgow. She said she had made an "off the cuff" remark that contained a "clouded reference" to a "married MSP" She claimed that this was an "off the record comment but that the journalist had "run with it." She said she received a call from the same journalist a month or two later asking her to name the MSP which she refused to do. She said she had raised the matter with Bob Bird, the Scottish editor of the News of the World (NotW)bbut with no-one else.

Ms Khan was then shown a copy of the NotW from 31 October 2004 and the headline "Married MSP is Spanking Swinger" and a sub-headline on page 13 "Girl Anvar and Married MSP and Sex Club Orgy." and was asked if she had co-operated with the paper on this story. She said she had "in a way" and that Bob Bird and her had discussed using the "Married MSP" headline to promote her book. Ms Khan said she had also been assured that this story was just a preamble to an expose being run on Mr Sheridan the week after regarding Fiona McGuire. The witness also stated she had received no payment for the story.

new to me anyway.

still confused by the Fiona McGuire stuff.
3 months? They'll be lucky - last estimate I heard was June.

At the cost of gawd knows how many millions...

If only the silly vain man had simply told the News of the Screws to publish and be damned! The world would have forgotten about his comic sexploits.

None of this was necessary.
I think they're all pretty much out of politics now, politics that any non-associated person would vote for anyway.

Once the Scottish self-declared left are supporting a murdoch sex journalist against a Scottish leftist...right or wrong. It's nonsense. It's not about politics. Like I said I moved on to the SNP after this, Labour had gone to war and these arseholes...well...it's fucking annoying. Self-destructive.

The arguments being used by the current witnesses are so...well...religiously fundamental that they have no place in politics here. Murdoch is line by line destroying the left up here and these cunts, these stupid, stupid cunts, had a chance to set that in abeyance, to give a nasty bite, to show some fucking focus and resilience...what do they do?

What do they fucking do...well they say it's all about them, and fuck the voters.

Well...the voters, that's me, say fair enough, fuck you. Because me voting you...it was never about you. So fuck..off.

Once the Scottish self-declared left are supporting a murdoch sex journalist against a Scottish leftist...right or wrong. It's nonsense.

Oh dear, you *still* dont get it.

Either Sheridan committed perjury in his 2004 court case, or all 14? 15? witnesses so far are lying - witnesses as diverse as lovers, comrades, childhood friends and passing aquaintances. Of course we've yet to hear the defence case and far be it from me to second guess the jury, but are you seriously trying to suggest that the motivation of all the left witnesses telling the court that Sheridan admitted to visiting a sex club on 9th Nov 2004 are doing so to support a murdoch sex journalist?

The arguments being used by the current witnesses are so...well...religiously fundamental that they have no place in politics here.

FFS - the *witnesses* are there to give evidence - to answer questions put to them by the prosecution and the defence under oath - thats what *witnesses* do. They are not there to lay out their case, they have no case. The people contesting the case are the Lord Advocate (prosecution) and Tommy Sheridan (defence). They get to ask the questions of the witnesses and then will make an argument in favour or against the accusation based on the witnesses answers.
The arguments being used by the current witnesses are so...well...religiously fundamental that they have no place in politics here.

The only person who used morality either associated with or reived from religion was/is Sheridan with his references to promiscuous Danes, the marriage bed, loving his wife etc etc.
I think they're all pretty much out of politics now, politics that any non-associated person would vote for anyway.

Once the Scottish self-declared left are supporting a murdoch sex journalist against a Scottish leftist...right or wrong. It's nonsense. It's not about politics. Like I said I moved on to the SNP after this, Labour had gone to war and these arseholes...well...it's fucking annoying. Self-destructive.

The arguments being used by the current witnesses are so...well...religiously fundamental that they have no place in politics here. Murdoch is line by line destroying the left up here and these cunts, these stupid, stupid cunts, had a chance to set that in abeyance, to give a nasty bite, to show some fucking focus and resilience...what do they do?

What do they fucking do...well they say it's all about them, and fuck the voters.

Well...the voters, that's me, say fair enough, fuck you. Because me voting you...it was never about you. So fuck..off.


Far too much 'fucking' going on here... isn't that how this whole thing started in the first place?
Was in court yesterday, a remarkable tactic by Sheridan. Accusing people who'd been in the Militant of being trained liars due to the 'party withing a party' attack of the LP leadership. Bizarre afternoon.
He should also attack them by pointing out that they're scottish
Reading the reports of the trial, this McNeilage chappie seems a bit nasty.

Pals at school...Best Man at the wedding...secretly taping his best mate and then selling it to the enemy.....because
Mr McNeilage told the High Court in Glasgow that he initially decided to video tape Mr Sheridan because of the way he had spoken about some "good, good people".

He kept it secret until he saw a newspaper article in which Mr Sheridan denounced members of the SSP as "scabs" following his libel win.

Mr McNeilage said he felt "physically sick" when he saw the comments, and decided to contact the News of the World about the tape.

The tape was made when Mr Sheridan called Mr McNeilage to ask him to meet for a discussion.

They really put their trust in 'the papers' this lot, eh. Quality Best Man too.

He subsequently offered the tape - which apparently showed Mr Sheridan "confessing" to visiting a sex club - to the editor of the Scottish News of the World, Bob Bird.

But he made Mr Bird strip to his boxer shorts before allowing him to see the tape to check he was not wearing a wire, because he did not trust him.

bbc link but from google search, lots there, going off bbc tbh

Again...my main disappointment is still the amateurishness of it. All that effort to set it up and he doesn't get Sheridan on it...and he's edited it (!!!) apparently to protect the reputation of certain people. I'm assuming that the editing involved is somewhere along the lines of taping some Jeremy Kyle off the telly. :)

McNeilage, one of the party's founding members, said he offered the paper the tape after Sheridan won a defamation action against the title and denounced SSP figures as "scabs". Giving evidence for a second day at the High Court in Glasgow, Mr McNeilage said he did not want journalists outside his home once details of the video were known.
Yeah..those journalists are..err...the paymasters, it appears.
Say what you like about the bould Tommy... nobody can deny he was a classy master of the lefty 'loverman' tradition, as this quote shows...

ladies, form an orderly queue (outside Barlinnie?)

“What struck me was pictures of left-wing intellectuals on the walls. We went into his bedroom, there was a large picture of Che Guevara above the bed, and we had a shag”

Ex-News of the World columnist Anvar Khan to the Tommy Sheridan perjury trial

http://www.tribune.ie/article/2010/oct/31/quotes-of-the-week/?q=tommy sheridan
Your link doesn't have that quote.

Not much being said by the anti-Sheridan brigade just now. It would be nice to have some reasonable comments on my last post from them. er...never mind reasonable...just some comments would be fine. :p
Your link doesn't have that quote.

Not much being said by the anti-Sheridan brigade just now. It would be nice to have some reasonable comments on my last post from them. er...never mind reasonable...just some comments would be fine. :p

There was me thinking that Alan G's pwnage of you earlier in the thread was comment enough. ;)
Your link doesn't have that quote.

Not much being said by the anti-Sheridan brigade just now. It would be nice to have some reasonable comments on my last post from them. er...never mind reasonable...just some comments would be fine. :p

What's to say? Your own cluelessness as to the people in the witness box is comment enough frankly.
Was in court yesterday, a remarkable tactic by Sheridan. Accusing people who'd been in the Militant of being trained liars due to the 'party withing a party' attack of the LP leadership. Bizarre afternoon.
so hasn't he just called himself a liar by the same token? I mean, Sheridan was millie wasn't he?:confused::confused:
What's to say? Your own cluelessness as to the people in the witness box is comment enough frankly.
Really, Fed?

I think I've made fair comment on McNeilage, the trial, the meta-game. Managed it in a civil way, too. I've criticized everyone that deserves it.

In fact...it's only you cunts that keep getting personal, wears a bit thin after a while.

You're all banging on about the moral high ground aye...this dick was his best man (I'm assuming you understand the concept but perhaps not), long term close friend then tried to set him up and sell the tape to the murdoch empire. And he's such a fucking donkey he couldn't even do that right.

Let's see you excuse/rationalise that then. Have a go, you've got big enough mouths the rest of the time sitting on your high horses.

For £200,000 was it? To one of the most right wing media organisations on the planet mind, not to some Scots or left wing set up. Morally superior socialists...save us all.

Giving evidence for a second day at the High Court in Glasgow, Mr McNeilage said he did not want journalists outside his home once details of the video were known.

But he'll sell his comrade for money to the same journos :)
Really, Fed?

I think I've made fair comment on McNeilage, the trial, the meta-game. Managed it in a civil way, too. I've criticized everyone that deserves it.

In fact...it's only you cunts that keep getting personal, wears a bit thin after a while.

You're all banging on about the moral high ground aye...this dick was his best man (I'm assuming you understand the concept but perhaps not), long term close friend then tried to set him up and sell the tape to the murdoch empire. And he's such a fucking donkey he couldn't even do that right.

Let's see you excuse/rationalise that then. Have a go, you've got big enough mouths the rest of the time sitting on your high horses.

For £200,000 was it? To one of the most right wing media organisations on the planet mind, not to some Scots or left wing set up. Morally superior socialists...save us all.

But he'll sell his comrade for money to the same journos :)

"It's only you cunts that get personal" :rolleyes:

The same George who took the fall ie prison for Sheridan a few years back? The same George who pulled Sheridan out of the shit numerous times? You make sweeping statements about people you know sweet FA about, but carry on.

As for personal, Sheridans comments about George being a thief and housebreaker making him a nasty man is all a tad strange... Well given it was 30 years ago when he was a mess. Sheridan mentioned in his book how George went from being that person to the bloke he was today. Sheridan made clear his admiration for him and yet such a horrible man was his best man?! The person making the personal remarks is Sheridan, making accusations about womens mental illness, making moral judgements about womens sexuality. Making allegations in court george was a mugger, without s shred of evidence?
I take it you've been in court and listened to the trial? I take it you actually know any of the people who have been in the witness box?
Your link doesn't have that quote.

Yes it does, you blind cunt...

“If I had known this before 2008, Ireland wouldn’t have suffered. I can blame only myself”
Bertie Ahern advises Poland to keep its financial institutions under control

“Since the ’90s we took many steps forward, we are now only taking one step back”
Brian Lenihan looks on the bright side of life

“Things are very bad. When I was doorknocking a couple of months ago, people were angry but the anger is nearly gone out of them. Now they think there is no hope of recovery”
Fine Gael finance spokesman Michael Noonan on the national mood

“Other governments have made mistakes but this must be the only one where the opposition is expected to come up with the solutions while they stay in power”
Eamon Gilmore on why the government should be the first to feel the pain of recovery

“We just want to be normal kids”
One of the six children at the centre of the Roscommon child abuse scandal, to whom the HSE, the Western Health Board and the Minister for Children apologised for failing to remove them from their abusive parents

“I have a date for the evening – Aoibheann”
Ryan Tubridy declines to elaborate about his relationship with ex-Rose of Tralee Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin

“What struck me was pictures of left-wing intellectuals on the walls. We went into his bedroom, there was a large picture of Che Guevara above the bed, and we had a shag”
Ex-News of the World columnist Anvar Khan to the Tommy Sheridan perjury trial

“Octopuses all look the same. It is impossible to tell the difference”
Film maker Jiang Xiao says she is 60-70% sure that Paul the Octopus (RIP) died in July and had been replaced

If you wanna pick a row on here you have plenty to pick from besides getting pissy with me.
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