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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

“What struck me was pictures of left-wing intellectuals on the walls. We went into his bedroom, there was a large picture of Che Guevara above the bed, and we had a shag”

Romance is not dead right enough.
Meh, never saw it liam, looked down not up. Pissy, really? More likely to be pissy that you quoted the whole page rather than the relevant bits. :)

Fed I have to assume that you are implying your moral high ground because you managed to get into the court for a day...not that it changed your stance one iota, mind.

Would you like to discuss the testimony he gave? I'll start.

Mr McNeilage approached the News of the World, he said, and negotiated a £200,000 payment for the tape. He also received an initial £1,500 cash payment so he and his children could escape the glare of publicity when the tape was revealed by the paper. He had a week in a caravan at "damp and dreary" Flamingoland theme park.
Does any of that concern you?
Does any of that concern you?

I don't know what anyone else thinks but George should have been ashamed to have taken his kids to a grotty caravan camp.

When we were wee we used to have really nice holidays at a B&B at Aberystwyth. Lots to do and see for kids, including funny wee trains that I remember. Very Welsh.
Meh, never saw it liam, looked down not up. Pissy, really? More likely to be pissy that you quoted the whole page rather than the relevant bits. :)

Fed I have to assume that you are implying your moral high ground because you managed to get into the court for a day...not that it changed your stance one iota, mind.

Would you like to discuss the testimony he gave? I'll start.

Does any of that concern you?

Moral high ground, no-one else can get there becuasse Tommy seems to think he owns it.

Mr McNeilage approached the News of the World, he said, and negotiated a £200,000 payment for the tape. He also received an initial £1,500 cash payment so he and his children could escape the glare of publicity when the tape was revealed by the paper. He had a week in a caravan at "damp and dreary" Flamingoland theme park.

Yeah it does concern me, Flamingoland? FFS, coulda gone somewhere better than that.

Yeah the tit for tat shaftings do concern me, but for you it's just a chance to get all indignant and claim some kind of purity all the while avoiding the behaviour of others. I don't agree with what George did, unlike you tap tapping away I actually told him so to his face.... But I know why it happened and the shite George took for Sheridan hence his rather brutal reply. I know they say ignorance is bliss but surely you don't like it that much?

No, i'm suggesting you actually find out what happened and is happening rather than snippets however unsavoury they may be.
bloke did a fucking archer and won anything that hurts the NOW is postive in my book.
Unfortunatly for him for him murdoch had him bang to rights and everybody around him knew it :(
expecting people to stay silent when there was blood in the water and sharks were circiling with large wallets and trusts was thin on the ground not going to happen.

I have been acting as advocate for a friend in his dealings with social services this last 3 years. He has been treated abysmally whilst SS have closed ranks and consistently and unquestioningly covered for each other. So a Mexican standoff ensued with the question being who would 'blink' first? My friend literally had no place else to go, so he had no choice but to stand firm against an 'all-powerful' cabal.

We were of the view that if we kept pushing, one would break ranks and it would all come tumbling down.

Recently one of them's humanity got the better of her and she cracked. Once all the others saw this they were queueing up to distance themselves/protect themselves and blaming each other like fuck. The whole sad sack of shit that their department is are now queueing up to grass on each other. They keep throwing my mate consolatory titbits - never realising that this is a fight to the finish, because they made it so.

'sThat's the problem once the united front collapses... because someone chooses to open a tin of worms... as Tommy Sheridan may well yet discover.
Moral high ground, no-one else can get there becuasse Tommy seems to think he owns it.

Yeah it does concern me, Flamingoland? FFS, coulda gone somewhere better than that.

Yeah the tit for tat shaftings do concern me, but for you it's just a chance to get all indignant and claim some kind of purity all the while avoiding the behaviour of others. I don't agree with what George did, unlike you tap tapping away I actually told him so to his face.... But I know why it happened and the shite George took for Sheridan hence his rather brutal reply. I know they say ignorance is bliss but surely you don't like it that much?

No, i'm suggesting you actually find out what happened and is happening rather than snippets however unsavoury they may be.
I don't think you've read my posts or understood my position on this, Fed. Your posts merely accentuate the fact that for the people involved a proper political reaction was not something they were capable of. They are political children, amateurs.

Voters, in general, do not give a fuck about sex lives. They want effective representation and they want their candidates to be able to withstand attacks from whoever the enemy is. NotW is definitely the enemy, there's no doubt, no arguing about that.

Your man George there....he sold out to them for £201,500.

And FlamingoLand is a great place for a family holiday btw.
I don't think you've read my posts or understood my position on this, Fed. Your posts merely accentuate the fact that for the people involved a proper political reaction was not something they were capable of. They are political children, amateurs.

Voters, in general, do not give a fuck about sex lives. They want effective representation and they want their candidates to be able to withstand attacks from whoever the enemy is. NotW is definitely the enemy, there's no doubt, no arguing about that.

Your man George there....he sold out to them for £201,500.

And FlamingoLand is a great place for a family holiday btw.

No, the politically childish decision was Sheridans decision to go to court. There was a political reaction, the party voted overwhelmingly to accept that at a National Council in Nov 2004. There was a well debated political process within the party supported by Sheridan until weeks before the defamation... Yet again you don't know what you're talking about but you still carry on blindly, real amateurishness at it's worst.

As for "Voters, in general, do not give a fuck about sex lives", i'd agree, the logical response then is that Sheridan was/is/remains stupid for going to court to defend a lie over something that you agree wasn't an issue voters give a fuck about. yet you persistently ignore this fact in your own replies.
You go further to think that Sheridan can trash people, acccuse them of mental illness, being scabs, being liars and they should simply forgive and forget. Funnily enough this is only ever aimed at those who don't agree with Sheridans tactics.

I'd agree with you re the News of the World, but given Sheridan wanted to write for The Sun I find his rather theatrical rants rather less convincing frankly.

I've amde clear my position on George and made it clear to him. As for 'selling, Sheridan sold them out for £230,000...... But again that's something you studiously ignore.
Your position is that you have assigned a morally superior position to some in comparison to others.

Mine is that they are all as bad as each other but that his party should have supported him in the defamation action as a unit.

I really wish you'd stop painting me as pro Sheridan, it's a big fucking lie Fed. It only seems to suit your position as it seems, I believe, you have chosen to stand on one side of a very thin dividing line.

You say I'm the worst kind of amateur, throw insults here and there and contend that you know best.

It's quite obvious you are very like those involved. Up yourself and convinced of your 100% righteousness :) (hehe)
It's quite obvious you are very like those involved. Up yourself and convinced of your 100% righteousness :) (hehe)

This is not at all 'obvious' to me? What about other readers without a vested interest in this case?

As for the Party shpould have supported him blindly... Surely the relevant question is 'did TS seek the support/opinion of the Party before engaging in the libel process?'
Your position is that you have assigned a morally superior position to some in comparison to others.

Mine is that they are all as bad as each other but that his party should have supported him in the defamation action as a unit.

I really wish you'd stop painting me as pro Sheridan, it's a big fucking lie Fed. It only seems to suit your position as it seems, I believe, you have chosen to stand on one side of a very thin dividing line.

You say I'm the worst kind of amateur, throw insults here and there and contend that you know best.

It's quite obvious you are very like those involved. Up yourself and convinced of your 100% righteousness :) (hehe)

Morally superiors? Where and when have I said or implied this? The only person using the morality stick is Sheridan....

A big lie? If it is then it's miniscule compared to the one Sheridan is spinning. It's not difficult to guess your view though, your criticism, whilst claiming a 'plague on all your houses' is clearly aimed at those not defending TS. Hardly a crime or lie to guess from that you're sympathies might lie with TS.... Whether they are or not is, imho, unclear.

Well I suppose when you actually know the fella concerned you might know a bit more about him than others...
My sympathies were with the politics, not the politicians.

Sheridan had the balls (and maybe the discoloured ego) to take on that right wing rag and win - but sometimes it takes character flaws (large or small) to take on what could be seen as an unwinnable fight.

My outrage is that they wasted the win, pissed it away in an internecine squabble. My sympathies definitely did lie with Sheridan - or anyone who attacks that rag and others of the same ilk.

Of the personal, social and objective spheres - I'm definitely looking at the objective.
My sympathies were with the politics, not the politicians.

Sheridan had the balls (and maybe the discoloured ego) to take on that right wing rag and win - but sometimes it takes character flaws (large or small) to take on what could be seen as an unwinnable fight.

My outrage is that they wasted the win, pissed it away in an internecine squabble. My sympathies definitely did lie with Sheridan - or anyone who attacks that rag and others of the same ilk.

Of the personal, social and objective spheres - I'm definitely looking at the objective.

Fair enough.

I don't think, you, I or anyone can be 'objective' here though as there's a decision you make....
Of the personal, social and objective spheres - I'm definitely looking at the objective.

No you're not, you've taken an utterly one-sided view based on a single political issue. And thus come out with utterly ignorant tosh. I dont have much sympathy with either 'side' in the SSP/Sheridan split, but to pretend Tommy is some kind of hero for 'taking on' the NotW is laughable, and McNeilage acting like a scab cunt doesnt make change that. Cos, unfortunately, the NotW were actually basically right about all their allegations. I'm glad Sheridan won the libel case, but the obvious fact was that it would all unravel, and it wouldn't be the end of the matter. Sheridan showed no political nouse, the fact that he is popular doesnt give him carte blanche to do whatever the fuck he likes.

You're not objective at all, quite the opposite.
As for the Party shpould have supported him blindly... Surely the relevant question is 'did TS seek the support/opinion of the Party before engaging in the libel process?'
equally, shurely, "did TS handle his relationship with his own party well enough to earn that support?"
No you're not, you've taken an utterly one-sided view based on a single political issue. And thus come out with utterly ignorant tosh. ...

You're not objective at all, quite the opposite.
Thanks for that. It's always good when someone is kind enough to tell me what I think and why I'm thinking it.

Why bother with a reasoned discussion when you can just get your jack boots on, tell me what I think and then come to the obvious conclusion that it's 'utterly ignorant tosh'.

I'm impressed. Well done. Honestly.

Who are you again?
But he'll sell his comrade for money to the same journos

That's the basic problem with any political system based on socialistical-ness or whatever. It completely ignores the incontrevertible fact that everyone has their price and will shaft their neighbour for material gain (even if the only thing that's on offer is a better flat or the option to skip 20 places in the Lada queue).
Thanks for that. It's always good when someone is kind enough to tell me what I think and why I'm thinking it.

Why bother with a reasoned discussion when you can just get your jack boots on, tell me what I think and then come to the obvious conclusion that it's 'utterly ignorant tosh'.

I'm impressed. Well done. Honestly.

Who are you again?

See these things in black on this webpage? They're called 'words'. Words contain something we commonly refer to as 'meaning.' By reading the words, we gather the meaning. You have written lots of words, and your meaning is clear. You just don't like it when it laid out plain for you.

Who the fuck are you?
That's the basic problem with any political system based on socialistical-ness or whatever. It completely ignores the incontrevertible fact that everyone has their price and will shaft their neighbour for material gain (even if the only thing that's on offer is a better flat or the option to skip 20 places in the Lada queue).

"Cobblers loves legitimation of his own view of the word shocker" - hold the front page

That's the basic problem with any political system based on socialistical-ness or whatever. It completely ignores the incontrevertible fact that everyone has their price and will shaft their neighbour for material gain (even if the only thing that's on offer is a better flat or the option to skip 20 places in the Lada queue).
please don't project your lack of integrity onto the entire human race. Most people are more principled than you
Thanks for that. It's always good when someone is kind enough to tell me what I think and why I'm thinking it.

Why bother with a reasoned discussion when you can just get your jack boots on, tell me what I think and then come to the obvious conclusion that it's 'utterly ignorant tosh'.

I'm impressed. Well done. Honestly.

Who are you again?

Why should anybody bother to work out what your incoherent position is considering that you randomly attribute ludicrous things like the following to anyone who disagrees with you.

DexterTCN said:
Your position is that you have assigned a morally superior position to some in comparison to others.

You do understand that this sort of wild characterisation just demonstrates your vindictive, I-don't-give-a-shit-about-what-you-think attitude.

You nasty little shit.
...You do understand that this sort of wild characterisation just demonstrates your vindictive, I-don't-give-a-shit-about-what-you-think attitude.

You nasty little shit.
Quality argument. Would you like a hanky for the spittle?

At a bit of a loss as to your use of the word vindictive to be honest......mind you I'm at a loss for most of the abuse you through at me.

Would you care to comment on George selling out Sheridan for £201,500 to a right wing paper?

This trial is about character, isn't it?
The series of vicious, sexist and one-eyed posts you've made on this and the antecedent thread means you should not be take seriously by any poster.
Quality argument. Would you like a hanky for the spittle?

At a bit of a loss as to your use of the word vindictive to be honest......mind you I'm at a loss for most of the abuse you through at me.

Would you care to comment on George selling out Sheridan for £201,500 to a right wing paper?

This trial is about character, isn't it?

I thought you weren't interested in the characters just the politics and defeating Murdoch. You can't keep your excuses straight.

I don't have a problem with George MacNeilage. I probably wouldn't have done the same under the circumstances, but I should have. It's important to set the record straight for the party members, the working class and the broader public. After the trial people were willing to believe Tommy Sheridan's story that the 11 EC members were part of an anti-Sheridan faction who collaborated with the News of the World and were even willing to commit perjury in order to attack him. Socialists shouldn't lie to the working class. It's not merely a moral issue, it's about not causing broader confusion for the sake of some superficial immediate gain. Admittedly selling the video to the press played into Sheridan's hands to some extent, but more importantly nobody now takes Sheridan's word for what happened.
After the trial people were willing to believe Tommy Sheridan's story that the 11 EC members were part of an anti-Sheridan faction who collaborated with the News of the World
It's very apparent that they have. They kept the receipts. I doubt very much that George kept all that cash to himself - it would stick out like a sore thumb.
I thought you weren't interested in the characters just the politics
Even a foul-mouthed person like yourself can surely understand that they are intertwined. :)
Admittedly selling the video to the press played into Sheridan's hands to some extent, but more importantly nobody now takes Sheridan's word for what happened.
No, sorry. He sold it to the Murdoch's hench-men. This is a different thing. As I've said before this paper was pro-poll tax, anti-miner, pro-warrant sale, pro-war, anti-pretty-much-everything-the-left-stands-for. Pro-thatcher. (try saying that last one out loud 5 or 6 times and you'll start to see where I am)

And it may well be that people don't believe Sheridan...do you honestly think that the same people will believe the others involved? It's unrealistic.

I'm of the opinion that the people, the working classes you go on about who vote, deserved effective representation. You take your chances when you get them. If you piss away those chances, you're in the wrong job. None of them are worthy of my vote - I've already said that I now concentrate on the SNP because they are the only effective left of centre option just now.

You take that personally? Tough luck. You, like them, are quick to burn your bridges (another political idiocy). There's no depth of political manoeuvring here, there's just nonsense and grudges - on all sides.

Now...you call me scum, vile, shit. I can only assume that you must be one of these childish donkeys who were pretending to play at politics as well. These people who brief against each other, sell each other out, whisper against each other.

Not required in the real world, sorry.

Innocence, guilt? These people need to get a grip. It's not about a wee area in the West, North, East or anyplace else. It's a bigger thing. They didn't have what's required.

In my opinion, of course. And sorry about the long (but civil) post.

/puts umbrella up
It's very apparent that they have. They kept the receipts. I doubt very much that George kept all that cash to himself - it would stick out like a sore thumb.

Disingenuous. That's after the trial.

DexterTCN said:
Even a foul-mouthed person like yourself can surely understand that they are intertwined. :)

Except that you claim to be only interested in one and not the other.

DexterTCN said:
No, sorry. He sold it to the Murdoch's hench-men. This is a different thing. As I've said before this paper was pro-poll tax, anti-miner, pro-warrant sale, pro-war, anti-pretty-much-everything-the-left-stands-for. Pro-thatcher. (try saying that last one out loud 5 or 6 times and you'll start to see where I am)

That doesn't contradict what I said.

DexterTCN said:
And it may well be that people don't believe Sheridan...do you honestly think that the same people will believe the others involved? It's unrealistic.

That's right. If you can't believe Tommy Sheridan then you can't believe anybody anymore. It's plain, you're just a screaming fan of the Scotland's celebrity socialist and you don't like it now he's fallen from grace. Stop trying to smear socialist activists just because Tommy ain't entertaining you anymore.

DexterTCN said:
I'm of the opinion that the people, the working classes you go on about who vote, deserved effective representation. You take your chances when you get them. If you piss away those chances, you're in the wrong job. None of them are worthy of my vote - I've already said that I now concentrate on the SNP because they are the only effective left of centre option just now.

You take that personally? Tough luck. You, like them, are quick to burn your bridges (another political idiocy). There's no depth of political manoeuvring here, there's just nonsense and grudges - on all sides.

Now...you call me scum, vile, shit. I can only assume that you must be one of these childish donkeys who were pretending to play at politics as well. These people who brief against each other, sell each other out, whisper against each other.

Not required in the real world, sorry.

Innocence, guilt? These people need to get a grip. It's not about a wee area in the West, North, East or anyplace else. It's a bigger thing. They didn't have what's required.

In my opinion, of course. And sorry about the long (but civil) post.

/puts umbrella up

You speak for yourself and only yourself. You aren't the voice of the people. You're only here to sneer. Frankly you should just piss off.
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