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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

There was also a bug found in a car he used. I think the police investigated and didn't find anything. I think it's pretty apparent what happened there.

And I'm sure that they were also hacking the phones of those who stabbed him in the back to exert additional pressure.
Indeed - I think what has happened to the breived relatives of those murdered is far, far worse than what has happened to Sheridan - in the sense of the immoral depravity of those who carried out thee acts - but I am wondering if this new evidence has been withheld - at least partly - because of the Sheirdan trial. The verdict was a majority of only 8 to 6 wasn't it? With the new evidence now coming to light that must surely be in question now?

I don't see how an investigation into Coulson-who was a defence witness-can not take place. Bird and White? too. Calling Coulson was either a masterstroke or a shot in the dark either way could have significant effects. Does the hacking of various phones mean not guilty, no, but I would agree it casts doiubt. Then the decision is whether that doubt is big enough?! But the further complication is if you have personal knowledge of thingsd he did, does that doubt mean he should still be released?!

There was something pointed out by a lawyer this morning that a judge had already refused Sheridan leave to appeal. Now is this true? Even if it is do the new allegations change that?
a lot of the evidence against Sheridan was presumably gathered by NOTW through illegal hacking of phones - does he have a case - is that evidence tainted?

This is where the issue lies surely? However alot of the evidence was from entirely different means and nothing to do with hacking.
Of course, the recent revelations that murdoch scum were criminally hacking phones of dead children, relatives of the victims of murders, wars and terrorism....it casts those who testified against TS and took murdoch money in a very bad light indeed. Considering what his media has been doing to the left in the UK for decades.

Does it? If they knew about this hacking and knew about this then yes it would make them worse. It will of course be made out they were in cahoots with people who did this but that doesn't make it so.
By the way, Rose Gentle, mother of Gordon Gentle is a good mate of a number of those who you attack here. I'd place rather more weight on what she thinks of those people than I would your opinion, after all if she and her friends if the Military Families Against the War were hacked and they remain friends with them then that makes for interesting reading.

It's also not some kind of 'binary oppositiont' that you imply. It is entirely possible to condemn the behaviour of the New of the World and have little repsect for Sheridans lies. That doe not mean he is on a par in any way shape or form. It is also however entirely possible that Sheridan and Coulson are both liars, it's not either or.
This is where the issue lies surely? However alot of the evidence was from entirely different means and nothing to do with hacking.

yep, I wasn't sure how much of the evidence was gained by illegal means - part of it obviously is the jury belieiving that Sheridan lied under oath at the original libel trial - but if he was only found out by illegal means - does that make the conviction unsafe?
I've consistently posted that attacking that empire was more important and most reading this will be aware of the personal shit I've had thrown at me for it...woman hater, sex criminal, cunt and so on. The usual tabloid stuff. :)

This reads pretty much like it's irrelevant if Tommy lied the simple case was to oppose the prosecution and the NotW. At what point would simply attacking the NotW, and defending TS/A N Other not be acceptable? What allegation would make it serious enough to refuse to defend de facto defend TS/AN Other?
I can't see how the exposure of the News of the Screws' nasty little electronic spying habit could make anyone think Big Tommy Liar is innocent.
It would have been over in a week or two if the central character had not made the stupid decision to sue. He moved it from being a dollop of tittle-tattle into a soap opera.

I can imagine him emerging victorious from this
Sheridan's actions have played a part in this. There's no doubt.

Certainly his use of Coulson as a defence witness alongside News Int. claiming they have e-mails to contradict him certainly added to the mountain of other hacking activities.
So say Sheridans phone was hacked and then evidence gathered was used for the story (as speculated above)

How can TS claim :
a> the story is all lies
b> they used stuff they got off my voicemail
c> I didn't lie when I said the stuff in b wasn't true

all at the same time. Sheridan having his phone hacked would give him less ammo to claim he didn't commit perjury surely?
Surely we must now have police investigations into the, as we now know, perjured evidence given by murdoch's men at the TS trial. I think that's what the Crown is looking into.

Sheridan doesn't need a retrial or a mistrial, he's always said it was a newscorp vendetta. It was.

Now we can have another trial or three. Probably just one though.

Unless it's being suggested that there was no collusion in the evidence they gave. That would be harder to believe.
Surely we must now have police investigations into the, as we now know, perjured evidence given by murdoch's men at the TS trial. I think that's what the Crown is looking into.

I think there's prima facie evidence, as regards the e-mails and Coulson, so yes certainly for him. Others too at a guess.
Interestingly Paul McBride QC who was Gail Sheridan's defence counsel has now been instructed to act on Andy Coulson's behalf. McBride is also quoted as saying...... "Tommy Sheridan was convicted of perjury by telling a civil jury that he hadn't been to a swingers club and that he hadn't told members of his own party about it.

"The evidence at the trial was from members of his own party that he had been to a swingers club and the jury accepted that evidence and he was convicted of perjury.

"The News of the World had no input whatsoever in relation to that perjury conviction, so the evidence of any journalist of the News of the World, even if it was perjured evidence, would not affect the conviction of Tommy Sheridan at all."
The trial, if it happens, will be about committing perjury during the swingers perjury trial, not about Sheridan's conviction. Sheridan's conviction is not relevant.

The fact that Sheridan had to answer to the courts (for perjury) merely strengthens the argument that the murdoch men should stand trial for the same. It does not dilute it.

The amount of police resources (and so on) used must now be considered under a harsher, more informed light. The police, murdoch's money, friends bought for money from newsint, perjury all coming together in a trial against a wee Scots socialist. Dear oh dear.

Sheridan may well have the last laugh even if his conviction stands. I'll have a laugh with him.
The trial, if it happens, will be about committing perjury during the swingers perjury trial, not about Sheridan's conviction. Sheridan's conviction is not relevant.

The fact that Sheridan had to answer to the courts (for perjury) merely strengthens the argument that the murdoch men should stand trial for the same. It does not dilute it.

The amount of police resources (and so on) used must now be considered under a harsher, more informed light. The police, murdoch's money, friends bought for money from newsint, perjury all coming together in a trial against a wee Scots socialist. Dear oh dear.

Sheridan may well have the last laugh even if his conviction stands. I'll have a laugh with him.

I think you miss the point re McBride, what does McBride already know about the reality of some things from the courtcase?! Seems a tad 'conflict of interest' to me for him to be instructed on Coulsons behalf?! There's very few people who were at that trial who will be unhappy if Coulson et al go down... I agree mind that Coulson, if the News Int e-mails are true, should stand trial over perjury.
He can have Kavanagh, Petrocelli, Perry Mason and Jack McCoy working as a team. He can have Jesus.

It's not going to make any difference. Everyone in Scotland knows what he said during the trial and where we are now with what we know about him.

He committed perjury, I feel, during a perjury trial. That'll go down well. Sadly it will also further tar those up here associated with the murdoch empire and those who took its shilling during the TS perjury trial. Well...I say sadly, I obviously think they deserve it.

From the start I've said the same, the bigger picture.

Imagine the glory those wee socialists would be basking in just now and the resurgence in votes they would have received in the next few elections if they'd pluckily stood up against newscorp.

I hope the coins in their pockets are heavy and drag them down to the bottom of the sea. :)

Fuck murdoch, fuck those who stand beside him, they deserve nothing.
From the start I've said the same, the bigger picture.

And that wee point makes clear you know Sheridan was a liar and that it's ok for him to lie to the working-class to save his sorry little arse.. And from the start you've singularly failed to answer the question that at what point is the 'bigger picture' not argument enough to back a man who lies to the working-class. Where is that tipping point?
Don't give me that working class crap when all his so-called mates were selling out to murdoch after sheridan had supported the party from his own pocket. Getting coaching from the police and prosecution...working class were they? Secret meetings with murdoch editors? He gave money, they took money. There's a tipping point.

I've never said I thought TS was guilty or innocent, I merely said I did not care and that the best outcome was a sheridan victory, both times. I do not care about his guilt or innocence.

You do care, you were always about the small picture - which of course destroyed the party because they (million quotes by me) acted like amateurs and did not apply any political strategy which would have strengthened them to those working class voters you bang on about. They come out of this looking terrible and there's pretty much no left left. Small pic or big pic does not imply one is better than the other.

The last election showed what the working class thought.

As to your hypothetical question, what's that got to do with anything? What tipping point? Murder, rape? You're miles away from me in all of this. Those who testified against TS were well paid. You've no high ground here just an inability to admit that I have been right on this one and attacking that corrupt institution was more important.

You disagree? Fair enough, that's your opinion. I don't care if you agree, I don't have any need to convince you and anyway I'm just a wee wanker and my opinion's worth fuck all, if I remember your comment on the other thread.

My eyes are now focused on the investigation up here in Scotland - I'm wondering if Coulson et al will stick their socialist pals in it as well just for old times sake.
Don't give me that working class crap when all his so-called mates were selling out to murdoch after sheridan had supported the party from his own pocket. Getting coaching from the police and prosecution...working class were they? Secret meetings with murdoch editors? He gave money, they took money. There's a tipping point.

I've never said I thought TS was guilty or innocent, I merely said I did not care and that the best outcome was a sheridan victory, both times. I do not care about his guilt or innocence.

You do care, you were always about the small picture - which of course destroyed the party because they (million quotes by me) acted like amateurs and did not apply any political strategy which would have strengthened them to those working class voters you bang on about. They come out of this looking terrible and there's pretty much no left left. Small pic or big pic does not imply one is better than the other.

The last election showed what the working class thought.

As to your hypothetical question, what's that got to do with anything? What tipping point? Murder, rape? You're miles away from me in all of this. Those who testified against TS were well paid. You've no high ground here just an inability to admit that I have been right on this one and attacking that corrupt institution was more important.

You disagree? Fair enough, that's your opinion. I don't care if you agree, I don't have any need to convince you and anyway I'm just a wee wanker and my opinion's worth fuck all, if I remember your comment on the other thread.

My eyes are now focused on the investigation up here in Scotland - I'm wondering if Coulson et al will stick their socialist pals in it as well just for old times sake.

As I thought, lying to the working-class is irrelevant to you.... It's hilarious watching you try to appear as some great political mind who sees some bigger picture as if you're on some exalted plateau....

That the working class made clear their view is one I would agree with, but i'd also add thazt Sheridans pals results were worse than the others... The excuses made by the likes of Phil Stott et all even funnier than your claims of a 'bigger picture', which you can't quite admit means it matters not what Sheridan, or an other did or does, so long as he/they win..... Classy....
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