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Sheridan perjury trial opens on Monday

disgraceful waste of public resources

spending millions of pounds hounding tommy sheridan, just so rupert murdoch can save face

at a time when there are massive redundancies in the public sector

in a time of 'austerity', how on earth can a political showtrial be justified as being in the public interest?!
It was Sheridan's insistance on going to court in the first place that dragged his "left-wing mates" reluctantly to go to court and tell the truth.

For that they were reported to the authorities falsely accused of perjury , and Sheridan went to the press accusing them of being scabs

Simply untrue mo chara. A press report but no truth in it. Wonder if Colin Foxs cosy little relationship with the journalist Susan Dalgety had anything to do with it being planted and subsequently regarded conveniently by the SSP and other willing dupes as truth.
Frances Curran working for MI5 all these years, well well....
disgraceful waste of public resources

spending millions of pounds hounding tommy sheridan, just so rupert murdoch can save face

at a time when there are massive redundancies in the public sector

in a time of 'austerity', how on earth can a political showtrial be justified as being in the public interest?!

There was an article in my local rag today which said Lothian and Borders Police (my local force) have spent £1.3 million investigating Sheridan. And he doesn't even live here, neither did any of the main events happen in the force area :confused: the whole thing's a shocking waste of money, and has become such a distraction that there's nobody credible speaking for us anymore because they're all too busy fucking fighting over this non-story.
Simply untrue mo chara. A press report but no truth in it. Wonder if Colin Foxs cosy little relationship with the journalist Susan Dalgety had anything to do with it being planted and subsequently regarded conveniently by the SSP and other willing dupes as truth.
Frances Curran working for MI5 all these years, well well....

Do you have any evidence for this accusation?
There was an article in my local rag today which said Lothian and Borders Police (my local force) have spent £1.3 million investigating Sheridan. And he doesn't even live here, neither did any of the main events happen in the force area :confused: the whole thing's a shocking waste of money, and has become such a distraction that there's nobody credible speaking for us anymore because they're all too busy fucking fighting over this non-story.

Yes they did, they happened in the court in Edinburgh. That's where he was found guilty of committing the perjury.
Why shes a class traitor proven by her own hand, now we will see who has been onside in this debacle with the Brits.

Well as much as we diagree, perhaps put those goalposts back eh? Now, your claim that Frances was "Frances Curran working for MI5 all these years, well well....", care to substantiate this?
Aaaahh, you don't know our resident 'Soldier of Scotland' do you?

Its warrior pal. Otherwise id be Oglachnahalba.
You want to know the sources, well unfortunately they wont be disclosed for obvious reasons but i dont need the mi5 allegation to know that she and the rest are traitorous touting scumbags.
Its warrior pal. Otherwise id be Oglachnahalba.
You want to know the sources, well unfortunately they wont be disclosed for obvious reasons but i dont need the mi5 allegation to know that she and the rest are traitorous touting scumbags.

Ok warrior.... oooohhhh...

I'm just thinking that making claims like that should requirte a bit of evidence. Strange archaic wee idea but hey....

I specifically said it's obviously going to depend on who else would be implicated. I never claimed socialists should lie to the crown - I said I don't think socialists should hold the crown or the judiciary up as sacred.

I know I'm coming at this a bit late, but I think you're missing the point. Is it ok to lie to the electorate, the people of Scotland, the constituents? Are they 'sacred' or are they just pawns to be duped?

The man was a leading politician who sought to use his prominence and his reach to influence events. Like all such politicians, he does that by promoting himself, persuading others to follow in his footsteps because his judgement is trustworthy and, frankly, because his judgement is better than the average.

When he chose to confront the NoTW over their story he was attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the Scottish people.

The oath (or affirmation) to the crown is but a constitutional nicety, what he wanted was that the people of Scotland thought his sexual conduct was more mainstream than the reality. He wanted to protect his position and his career and he didn't trust them to accept his behaviour, so he lied to them, not only in interviews and statements but also in court for personal financial gain as well as political gain.

Politicians lying is nothing new. Politicians telling whopping great lies to their constituents after having promised that they will tell "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" cannot be condoned, surely.
The allegations in the NotW that he challenged were lies, he had no relationship with Fiona McGuire.
Some socialists are willing to lie to the crown in Scotland while other Scottish Socialist Party members tend to prefer to lie down to the crown. I prefer the former to liberal, middle class, identity politics cowardly touts.
I think all of the murdoch people said no hacking, no police corruption and the emails were unavailable, under oath.

I don't accept there was a culture of phone hacking at the News of the World. All I can tell you is that, as far as my reporters are concerned, the instructions were very clear: they were to work within the law and within the PCC code. It's in their handbooks

I think that's called perjury. :)
I think that's called perjury. :)

Indeed - I think what has happened to the breived relatives of those murdered is far, far worse than what has happened to Sheridan - in the sense of the immoral depravity of those who carried out thee acts - but I am wondering if this new evidence has been withheld - at least partly - because of the Sheirdan trial. The verdict was a majority of only 8 to 6 wasn't it? With the new evidence now coming to light that must surely be in question now?
Of course, the recent revelations that murdoch scum were criminally hacking phones of dead children, relatives of the victims of murders, wars and terrorism....it casts those who testified against TS and took murdoch money in a very bad light indeed. Considering what his media has been doing to the left in the UK for decades.

Will they be giving the money back?

People on urban, even, chose to side with the meta-game against TS because they had decided they had a morally superior case.

Well done them. Quality judgement. Well thought out.

If this turns sour and there's a (retrial, mistrial, charges against others etc.) what little defence of principle they had quickly turns them into laughing stocks. And seriously questions their judgement.

I've consistently posted that attacking that empire was more important and most reading this will be aware of the personal shit I've had thrown at me for it...woman hater, sex criminal, cunt and so on. The usual tabloid stuff. :)

I'm sure there'll be a mature, reasoned reaction from them conceding that the bigger picture was always more important than their feudal nonsense, that it was indeed more important to attack the murdoch regime as a unit.

Actually I don't think they'll do that at all. I have low expectations of them and I doubt I'll be disappointed.

If there's come-back for this trial I'll be rubbing all those posts on my titties.

I am and was correct about the more important aspects of these goings-on. :)
a lot of the evidence against Sheridan was presumably gathered by NOTW through illegal hacking of phones - does he have a case - is that evidence tainted?
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