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Saudi Arabia chosen to head human rights panel whilst sentencing citizen to crucifixion

I only said they were liberal and forward-thinking compared to their likely replacements.:facepalm:.

As seen in Iran and Syria the shah was a bastard but the mullahs are worse only a tiny bunch of weirdos think Assad is a good guy but between him and is Assad all the way.
Osama and his mates came from Suadi and while the house of Saud is quite good at malleting the bastards and anyone they don't like who can be labeled al Queda no yellow card required though probably a mop and bucket.
in the event of a revolution who do you think would win a few million ordinary people or a couple of thousand double hard religious nutters who will kill anyone who stands in their way?
You said they were the "forward thinking liberal part of Saudi society" rather than that they kill and arrest members of the forward thinking liberal part of Saudi society. You've bought into the old shit that the only choices in the Middle East are religious fanatics or a less religious but authoritarian and brutal strongman or royal. Of course none of that is a self fulfilling prophecy and no part of their strength comes from just the line you're pushing, what it excuses and what it encourages.
yeah, that was meant to be sarcasm. Unfortunately Iran, Egypt and Syria kind of prove my point religious nutjobs or authoritarian shit heads.
The fact the nations are mostly young and artificial with tribes still being a thing does not help at all.
yeah, that was meant to be sarcasm. Unfortunately Iran, Egypt and Syria kind of prove my point religious nutjobs or authoritarian shit heads.
The fact the nations are mostly young and artificial with tribes still being a thing does not help at all.

The excuses used to justify Apartheid in South Africa. The type of thing we don't say about Germany.
The alternatives are pretty bleak, civil war, liberal intervention.
Replacing one bunch of tossers with another?
Without the ability to clone Mandela the chances of the house of Saud being replaced with anything remotely respectful of human rights and checks and balances is remote.
Then of course you have Iran the US with its hate boner for Iran and Israel of course.
None of those players want a liberal saudi
yeah, that was meant to be sarcasm. Unfortunately Iran, Egypt and Syria kind of prove my point religious nutjobs or authoritarian shit heads.
The fact the nations are mostly young and artificial with tribes still being a thing does not help at all.
I mention a self fulfilling prophecy and you bring up Syria? Assad deliberately played up to that false choice by releasing Jihadi prisoners, many of whom had been locked up since the last time he needed them, then said to the west "it is us or them."

The death penalty has been eliminated for those convicted of crimes committed while they were minors, Human Rights Commission president Awwad Alawwad said in a statement, citing a royal decree.

"Instead, the individual will receive a prison sentence of no longer than 10 years in a juvenile detention facility," the statement said.

The decree is expected to spare the lives of at least six men from the minority Shia community who are on death row.

Small steps in the right direction probably due to international pressure post Khashoggi and a less reliable patron.
The devil is in the detail. Clearly what they tell the press in English is green wash. a Western charm offensive bit like buying NUFC.
A little update I have just received...no surprises, but don't be fooled by what they are saying! :mad:

Mohammed al-Faraj was 15 when he was arrested while leaving a bowling alley in Medina, Saudi Arabia. He was tortured into confessing to ‘crimes’ linked to non-violent protesting, including attending a funeral at the age of 9.

By any measure he was a child when these so-called ‘crimes’ took place.

He should not have been arrested and he certainly should not be facing a death sentence today.

On April 26, Saudi Arabia announced a royal decree that would end the use of death sentences for children like Mohammed. Yet, a loophole in this decree means that the judge in Mohammed’s case will still be able to sentence him to death. [1]

Reprieve has just taken on Mohammed’s case. We are going to need to build up his campaign for justice quickly.

That’s where you come in, Richard.

I need your help to make sure the international spotlight is on Saudi Arabia. We know they are sensitive to their public image right now, and we can use that to make sure they do not sentence Mohammed to death.
The US should have gone for regime change in Riyadh rather than Baghdad, it would have been a lot easier to sell to people here and in america
sadly, the most likely end outcome of the toppling of the House of Saud would be its' replacement by a regime even more corrupt, brutal and reactionary. Not to mention even more full-on batshit mental.
e2a: This does not and should not be taken as any sort of endorsement of the 100% loathesome House of Saud. All progressives should work to support progressives within KSA as much as possible, insofar as it doesn't put those actual indiividal and brave Saudis in line for a one way trip to chop chop square.:(
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sadly, the most likely end outcome of the toppling of the House of Saud would be its' replacement by a regime even more corrupt, brutal and reactionary. Not to mention even more full-on batshit mental.
e2a: This does not and should not be taken as any sort of endorsement of the 100% loathesome House of Saud. All progressives should work to support progressives within KSA as much as possible, insofar as it doesn't put those actual indiividal and brave Saudis in line for a one way trip to chop chop square.:(

The old bulwark against something worse: Arabs are not capable of governing themselves crap. You can't get more corrupt, brutal and reactionary than the Sauds. The rhetoric of those in the political and business class who mask their desire for control of hydrocarbons with a shroud of pseudo-liberal orientalist clichés
The old bulwark against something worse: Arabs are not capable of governing themselves crap. You can't get more corrupt, brutal and reactionary than the Sauds. The rhetoric of those in the political and business class who mask their desire for control of hydrocarbons with a shroud of pseudo-liberal orientalist clichés
I really don't think I'm in that particular latter class! I am just completely pessimistic about the future of KSA. I fear you probably can get "more corrupt, brutal and reactionary than the Sauds". Whatever can be done to aid progressive forces in the gulf, should be done. As to how to do that - god knows.
I don't actually expect anything to come of this, but if it causes him embarrassment and discomort, that will be something.

This is just so shit its difficult to know where to start....death sentence upheld for confession under torture when only 15 for attending a funeral as a 9 ( NINE) year old. It is impossible to undestand how they can do this

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