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Saudi Arabia chosen to head human rights panel whilst sentencing citizen to crucifixion

Fuck's sake:

The state prosecutor’s office in Saudi Arabia is seeking the maximum possible jail sentence for the women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul, raising the possibility that the campaigner could face 20 years behind bars after a verdict in her case is announced next week....
Wrt to Biden, indeed so:

...But the court suspended two years and 10 months of her sentence, and backdated the start of her jail term to May 2018, meaning she only has three months left to serve.

Although human rights campaigners will say she should never have been detained for so long without charge, the prospect of serving only a further three months in jail will help defuse a potentially damaging early confrontation with the Biden administration that would have occurred if she had been locked up for a further 20 years, as seemed possible at one point....
You can see pretty clearly from these before and after photos, what effect 3 years in prison has had on her:

found via:

In pictures posted by her sisters Wednesday, Hathloul looked gaunt, with a thick streak of silver in her hair. Her family had previously said that she was transferred to a secret prison and subjected to abuse, including torture, beatings, sexual harassment and electric shocks — some supervised by Saud al-Qahtani, a senior adviser to the crown prince. Saudi officials have denied reports of torturing prisoners.
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The Saudi official who is alleged to have twice issued threats against the independent UN investigator Agnès Callamard is the head of the kingdom’s human rights commission, and formerly served as an aide to the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.

Awwad al-Awwad is alleged by a person familiar with the matter to have twice threatened to “take care of” Callamard at a January 2020 meeting with senior human rights officials in Geneva.
From Amnesty...............

I am writing with some terrible news.
Mustafa Hashem a-Darwish was executed today - on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. His family were given no warning. They found out this morning by reading the news. [1]

Mustafa was only 17 years old - a child - at the time of ‘crimes’ for which he was sentenced to death. He was only 26 years old when he was executed by the Saudi Arabian state this morning.

Since I first shared Mustafa’s case with you two weeks ago, thousands of us across the Reprieve community have been fighting to try and spare Mustafa’s life. Over 4,200 of us called on Dominic Raab MP to raise Mustafa’s case specifically with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman when they met last Monday.

When asked in Parliament to say whether he did raise Mustafa’s case, Mr. Raab declined to say. Now, one week later, Mustafa has been executed.

When he was arrested, Mustafa was placed in solitary confinement and beaten so badly that he lost consciousness several times. To make the torture stop, he ‘confessed’. At trial, he told the court that he’d only ‘confessed’ to make that torture stop.

But he was still sentenced to death.

Mustafa isn't the only child defendant at risk of execution in Saudi Arabia.

Abdullah al Howaiti is another Reprieve client and child defendant facing execution in Saudi Arabia. He shouldn’t be. He has several alibis and there is CCTV footage showing that someone else committed the crime. [2] But right now, Abdullah and eight other child defendants are at risk in Saudi Arabia.

This is a human rights crisis. Saudi Arabia promised to abolish the death penalty for child defandants in April 2020. [3] They revelled in positive headlines at the time. But Mustafa’s case shows that these announcements are nothing more than a mere PR stunt. And now, our leaders are shying away from their responsibility to hold Saudi Arabia’s leaders accountable to that promise.

Thank you for every action you took for Mustafa. We are thinking of Mustafa and his family at this difficult time. Together, we will keep shining a on his case - and Saudi Arabia’s false promises. We will continue putting the spotlight on Mustafa so his family can receive justice. And we will continue fighting for other child defendants like Abdullah in the Kingdom.

Thank you for fighting for Mustafa. May he rest in peace.

Jeed Basyouni
Head of Death Penalty (Middle East and North Africa)
Remember the people that were locked up in the Ritz-Carlton, members of the royal family and businessmen? Well after what appears to be some influence/pressure from American politicians some of them are getting visits from their families:

It's not just about films, or even the arts. Sport, business, oil, arms. Lots of calls for boycotts of Saudi from many places but no one has the guts or are too easily bought. 😡

I help out with running a small local (as in we hold it in our little town in non-Covid times) international short film festival.

We have been shooting up the ranks of the best-regarded little film festivals in recent years (not taking personal credit for that, the festival director is one of the most dynamic characters I have ever met).

As it happens, we have received some interest from a certain area in terms of a collaborative effort that would help improve the profile of our little festival quite markedly.

Can you guess which area that might be? :)
The road the Saudi embassy in Washington is located on just got renamed:


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Heard on the radio earlier Biden being reported as saying to MBS's face that he hold him 'personally responsible' for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi so that's something, but it kinda looks lame when he's there to ask that more oil be pumped. One of MBS's aides smoothly denying anything of the sort - so they really don't give a fuck, unsurprisingly.
This is possibly connected to MBS as Asim Ghafoor is a former lawyer for Jamal Khashoggi and his fiancé. DAWN asking that Biden refuse to meet MBZ in Saudi until Asim Ghafoor is released:

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