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Russell Brand on Revolution

I've no idea about Brand's educational background btw. For all I know he may have a drama degree. The point is the gap between the pretention and the reality.
You judge and find Brand deficienct, but if anyone ventures an opinion who isn't authorised so to do on your terms, they are making an illegitimate claim to entitlement.

No-one has judged him, his motivations, aims and utterances have been questioned.
Now, I realise that such critique and analysis are lamentably under-used in your bubble, but that doesn't excuse your conflating critique with judgement.
I've no idea about Brand's educational background btw. For all I know he may have a drama degree. The point is the gap between the pretention and the reality.
Yeah no idea, just chucked in a few gcses to indicate thick - lacking in intelligence or erudition. By accident. Or just because that's who you are now.

The point is that you chose to publicly say that brand is not erudite or intelligent because he only has a few gcses. The rest is waffly retreat.

Who is looking like the thick one here right now? Again.
No-one has judged him, his motivations, aims and utterances have been questioned.
Now, I realise that such critique and analysis are lamentably under-used in your bubble, but that doesn't excuse your conflating critique with judgement.
If you really want to go down this road, there is no such thing as critique without a normative basis, and norms imply the possibility of judgement.
I've no idea about Brand's educational background btw. For all I know he may have a drama degree. The point is the gap between the pretention and the reality.
Here we go again, you consider him thick and un-erudite therefore he must have only a few gcses. You cannot grasp this at all can you?
If you really want to go down this road, there is no such thing as critique without a normative basis, and norms imply the possibility of judgement.
Not far off, since the early/mid-eighties. It's the scraggy beard makes me look haggard and past it, honest.
A 2010 study actually found that men were reverting to more masculine ways of behaviour in response to the recession. The self-grooming metrosexuals were giving way to a more rough and ready aesthetic. Witness the contemporary renaissance of the beard.
That's you that is. And it means you're a nazi. (!)
It's not just about ego or winning the argument, to me it's about getting to the bottom what actually went on.

Except that your posts on this thread do very little to get to the bottom of anything, and your disinclination to actually read the whole thing means that you're attempting to "get to the bottom of" something on minimal information, and expecting others to spoon-feed you links because you can't be arsed to look for them (on this thread) for yourself.

I have not insinuated that you're anti-Irish.

It's inherent to asking me if I'm mocking the Irish language, or asking me if I have a problem with the Irish language.
Here we go again, you consider him thick and un-erudite therefore he must have only a few gcses. You icannot grasp this at all can you?
Who has said he's thick? I've not. I've suggested he's not as clever as he makes out, or the erudite figure the mass media promotes him as. Someone like Morrissey, who left school without quals, had (or has) much more substance, and yet he wasn't feted as for his political ideas in the same way.
Who has said he's thick? I've not. I've suggested he's not as clever as he makes out, or the erudite figure the mass media promotes him as. Someone like Morrissey, who left school without quals, had (or has) has much more substance, and yet he wasn't feted as for his political ideas in the same way.
You did - and then in a following post equated erudition with intelligence. You're a mess. Stop.
Who has said he's thick? I've not. I've suggested he's not as clever as he makes out, or the erudite figure the mass media promotes him as. Someone like Morrissey, who left school without quals, had (or has) much more substance, and yet he wasn't feted as for his political ideas in the same way.
And no, you suggested another poster was wrong on his erudition - not the mass media. And the basis for this was his lack of gcses. That trick (poster/mass media won't work)
Again on the white van. That begs the question of whether (aesthetic) mimesis can constute critique in itself. In that instance the normative basis was ascribed rather than immanent to the image.
Again on the white van. That begs the question of whether (aesthetic) mimesis can constute critique in itself. In that instance the normative basis was ascribed rather than immanent to the image.
He means can copying an image be critique in itslef. And that in in this case everyone else was wrong because they spotted what the posh lady thought and was doing (i.e they have real life experience of what it meant). He didn't.

You make my stomach turn
She took a picture. What the picture "means" cannot necessarily be determined without making assumptions about what she must have meant by it.
Yeah so people made assumptions - correct assumptions. It's called inductive logic. Life operates on it. Some of them deductions are based on social experience.
What? In a 'Hello Russell, did I forget to tell you I was a fash, ah, sorry about that' kind of way?

Maybe Russell Brand has a touch of jazzz's naivety about him. After all, jazz didn't think his academic truther mate Kollerstrom was an anti-Semite, even after he'd trotted out that "swimming pools at Auschwitz" line?
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