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Russell Brand on Revolution

BTW while people are dissecting stuff as boring as Russell Brand, has anyone explored the beef between him and our long lost Brightonian comrade overseas?
Is there a beef? From the topsy.com records, it looks like she gave up looking for his approval or trying to network and turned on him. MeMe mag was invented for this.

I @ u - y u no @ back :mad::mad::(
If anyone has something to say about the topic of this thread I'll be happy to engage with them. Otherwise, I can't give anymore time to this nonsense.

Is anything said in RB's book that has inspired you to go out and engage with your community or co-workers? That would be a first success to chalk-up, would it not?
Whats the differance between jumping in and posting
you get water everywhere when you jump in, which you don't when you post.

If anyone has something to say about the topic of this thread I'll be happy to engage with them. Otherwise, I can't give anymore time to this nonsense.

ok, so what about the criticism that Brand is promoting a mystical and conspiratorial model of the world which is actively harmful? and that his response to being caught out giving an active and known fascist a platform was not to immediately apologise but to sulk and try and brush it under the carpet?
hasnt done you any good

Russell Brand - as a person speaking out - has done me the world of good for the past three years (since I been talking about him on here and explaining to people, oooh, probably two years ago, that this is a serious man who has a serious point to make who should be taken seriously) oh how they laughed (and I laughed at the time, but i never doubted that he was serious, and i am right about that). Sorry, if i forgot you, i want to hear your point of view. Feel free to do so.
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Patronise her some more first. And as if you even know what's going on.

Lots of decent discussion has been had on this thread, coming from all angles but still generally repectable.

But a certain source can't help but pollute it with constant snide personal put downs that are often well off topic.

A person accusing someone else of being patronising, having patronised the purported receiver of the treatment, saying she "wouldn't get it it anyway" of the presumably mind blowing analysis we were never fortunate enough to be party to.

The person trying to do another poster down with very disjointed and inaccurate info about who they are/what they do IRL, as well as all sorts of other fractured stuff, when he doesn't know them IRL.

The person who has consistently acted up the self appointed expert in all manner of stuff, hurls insults around, a consistent bully and smartarse who still doesn't like it a bit when the tables are turned for a moment.

A person who actually has more than enough to offer without resorting to any of the above, but just can't help himself.

day in and week out, at any time a thread can be derailed.

An all round unpleasant bit of work, at least as far as this parish is concerned, and case study of the sort of behaviour that alienates people.
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ok, so what about the criticism that Brand is promoting a mystical and conspiratorial model of the world which is actively harmful? and that his response to being caught out giving an active and known fascist a platform was not to immediately apologise but to sulk and try and brush it under the carpet?

Haven't read the book, but isn't the conspiraloon side of things kept to a minimum ? Always get the impression RB looks at the alex Jones / Icke side of things , ( just like he'd look at every wacko during his early tv shows ) but doesn't get sucked in ?

If he'd stuck by Eastman, it would have been the end of RB politically ( I'd have hoped) , and I'd still like to know how anyone with any political nous cld have not been made aware of the dodgy Cnut, but then find it hard to believe he'd have taken up with an open fash. as well.
Haven't read the book, but isn't the conspiraloon side of things kept to a minimum ? Always get the impression RB looks at the alex Jones / Icke side of things , ( just like he'd look at every wacko during his early tv shows ) but doesn't get sucked in ?

If he'd stuck by Eastman, it would have been the end of RB politically ( I'd have hoped) , and I'd still like to know how anyone with any political nous cld have not been made aware of the dodgy Cnut, but then find it hard to believe he'd have taken up with an open fash. as well.

read his book and watch his Trews. He is a serious man with well informed points of view (he faffs around joking a bit but don't we all??). if you can get past this (wow, im a woman and I find this so effortless:rolleyes:) you see that Russell Brand is passionately engaged and very serious about he does
Haven't read the book, but isn't the conspiraloon side of things kept to a minimum ? Always get the impression RB looks at the alex Jones / Icke side of things , ( just like he'd look at every wacko during his early tv shows ) but doesn't get sucked in ?

If he'd stuck by Eastman, it would have been the end of RB politically ( I'd have hoped) , and I'd still like to know how anyone with any political nous cld have not been made aware of the dodgy Cnut, but then find it hard to believe he'd have taken up with an open fash. as well.

it's always kept to a minimum to anyone with the barest of nous, its always there though, see taffboy for details.
“I think it is interesting at this time when we have so little trust in our political figures, where ordinary people have so little trust in their media, we have to remain open-minded to any kind of possibility,” he said.

“Do you trust the American government? Do you trust the British government? What I do think is very interesting is the relationship that the Bush family have had for a long time with the Bin Laden family.

“What I do think is very interesting is the way that even the BBC report the events in Ottawa to subtly build an anti-Islamic narrative. I think that’s very interesting.”

come on, what do people who say stuff like this in public believe?

I dont believe he took up with open fash. I think he was swindled. But he didnt care. His response to his fuck up was pure PR. Thats not a person we can trust, he fucked up really badly and laughed it off.
Someone made a gag about "Adolf Hipster" but I can't remember the punchline.

Anyway, on the subject of conspiracy theorists - there's not exactly a consensus but plenty of them think RB is an illuminatti fake.

As on many topics, I think they are wrong.
Lots of decent discussion has been had on this thread, coming from all angles but still generally repectable.

But a certain source can't help but pollute it with constant snide personal put downs that are often well off topic.

A person accusing someone else of being patronising, having patronised the purported receiver of the treatment, saying she "wouldn't get it it anyway" of the presumably mind blowing analysis we were never fortunate enough to be party to.

The person trying to do another poster down with very disjointed and inaccurate info about who they are/what they do IRL, as well as all sorts of other fractured stuff, when he doesn't know them IRL.

The person who has consistently acted up the self appointed expert in all manner of stuff, hurls insults around, a consistent bully and smartarse who still doesn't like it a bit when the tables are turned for a moment.

A person who actually has more than enough to offer without resorting to any of the above, but just can't help himself.

day in and week out, at any time a thread can be derailed.

An all round unpleasant bit of work, at least as far as this parish is concerned, and case study of the sort of behaviour that alienates people.

Got to say, that seems like v inflated / exaggerated version of whats been going on here
It's not ad hominem to be critical/skeptical/cautious about the value/nature of celebrity in relation to political activity and to then be critical/skeptical/cautious about brand as a celeb.

It's not good enough for brand to claim he doesn't want it to be about him when he must know the nature of celeb media will definitely do that and he can only stem it by trying to be anonymous in the groups, which he isn't doing.
The conspiraloon stuff is actively harmful imo, something I've changed my view on since occupy.
Me and blagsta had different views on this at the time, but he was right about the inherent racism in that culture, which also had an easy slide to fascism despite being apparently about freedom.
It fucks up political or community organising by misdirection, both in terms of class/capital being ignored and an apparent inability to suggest any kind of action to stop the lizard people except through watching YouTube videos.

The end effect of it is very disempowering, because the forces that control your life are placed outside of your control

It also put loads of people off when some of the first conversations they'd have would be chemtrails and 9/11 shit.

Most of the loons were anarcho capitalists too, except the zeitgeist/project Venus lot who had a computer based technocratic socialism in mind.

There's no arguing with them either, true believers.

Was funny being accused of being a CIA cointel agent using delta mind control tricks though :D
from what i have seen on the trews he is critical of the establishment, promotes the idea of direct action, speaks out against inequality, promotes the idea of communities working together. as much as i wanted to hate russell brand, i have found myself liking him and much of what he says.
from what i have seen on the trews he is critical of the establishment, promotes the idea of direct action, speaks out against inequality, promotes the idea of communities working together. as much as i wanted to hate russell brand, i have found myself liking him and much of what he says.

yeah, but what's the call to action going to be? Don't vaccinate your kids, don't drink tapwater and get paranoid about planes in the sky whilst shaking your fist at the reptilian overlords who constantly disrupt your plans for freedom with their devious schemes to murder everyone (whilst never actually seeming to get round to doing any actual global genocides)... or to build something that will work to improving the deal we currently have with capital in a small or big way.

Hopefully Brand will move away from the conspiraloon shit, cos it's a dead end politically and too heavily associated with racism and fascism. To be in that culture you must at least be tolerant of racism if not actually racist. I wonder if there was a time when you could believe in the moon landings being faked and the JFK grassy knoll stuff and not be racist or into global jewish conspiracy shit, but nowadays it's all wrapped up in that. Whenever it's popped up here in the past few years, some people (ButchersApron & Frogwoman mostly I think) have always shown how it's just one or at most two clicks from whatever dodgy source someone posts up to something openly anti-semitic.
Also, which establishment is it going to be - politicians and rich people as the representatives (? not sure what word I really want here?) of capital or of the jews or some alien shapeshifting reptilians (because we can't say jews anymore). They are the same set of people, but what is behind them is totally different.
yeah, but what's the call to action going to be? Don't vaccinate your kids, don't drink tapwater and get paranoid about planes in the sky whilst shaking your fist at the reptilian overlords who constantly disrupt your plans for freedom with their devious schemes to murder everyone (whilst never actually seeming to get round to doing any actual global genocides)... or to build something that will work to improving the deal we currently have with capital in a small or big way.

Hopefully Brand will move away from the conspiraloon shit, cos it's a dead end politically and too heavily associated with racism and fascism. To be in that culture you must at least be tolerant of racism if not actually racist. I wonder if there was a time when you could believe in the moon landings being faked and the JFK grassy knoll stuff and not be racist or into global jewish conspiracy shit, but nowadays it's all wrapped up in that. Whenever it's popped up here in the past few years, some people (ButchersApron & Frogwoman mostly I think) have always shown how it's just one or at most two clicks from whatever dodgy source someone posts up to something openly anti-semitic.
Does he actually believe and talk about conspiracy theories then? I've not seen him do that (not seen loads of his stuff tbh just the news night interviews, stuff at E15, and that trews thing).
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